The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 117: Before the Exam and Return

A few months after the birth of Hobby and Romeo, the guild was "peaceful and peaceful," and there were no major incidents.

Eleven finally got his wish and quietly brushed his performance for several months. Although the compensation was still a lot, the success rate of the mission was 100%, which was already worthy of pride.

All these efforts are naturally prepared for the big test, the S-level upgrade trial.

Until now, Makarov has not announced the list of participants for the test, so everyone still has the opportunity to make every effort to complete the task desperately. Even Nazgray has been quite honest recently and the task is completed. The degree is also significantly higher.

Even Kana, the usual little salted fish, has been very motivated recently. It seems that she has become an S-level target for her to become stronger, and she has begun to work hard, and sometimes she will even come up with the idea of ​​looking for Eleven to learn from. , I was so scared that Eleven thought he had made some mistake.

Not to mention Mila and Elisa, the two enemies have been arguing about who will be the first to become an S-rank in this trial, as if the old man would let them participate.

Seeing this raging and vibrant scene of prosperity in the guild, Eleven felt a little uncomfortable for a while.Such a positive and positive guild is not like a fairy tail at all.

I always feel that the guild should be... well... more sloppy and more decadent...

Eleven even began to suspect that all this is the father’s conspiracy. In fact, there is no S-level trial at all. Everything is the illusory carrot that the father hangs in front of everyone, just to make their stupid donkeys run. That's it.

"No! I'm going crazy if I don't publish the list of people, my father!"

Eleven clenched fists with both hands and slammed it on the table nervously. A magician who was eating noodles next to him frightened him and sucked the noodles directly into his nose, hurriedly holding his noodles away from the neurosis.

At this time, a mad and cool voice came out coldly from behind Eleven.

"Haha, what? You don't even have the confidence to be selected to participate in the trial? Then I suggest you quit early, otherwise once you meet me, you will see what is true despair!"

You don't have to look back at Eleven to know that the owner of this voice must be Laxus, and only this guy can say such a shameful words in such a serious manner.


"Yo! Laxus, long time no see, no arms or legs?" Eleven didn't answer Laxus' words, but greeted with a smile.This kind of mutual start has basically become a daily routine for them to meet.


Laxus snorted and didn't say anything. He sat down on the noodles that the man had just squirted out of his nose. Eleven looked in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, forcibly holding back his smile, as if Nothing happened and chatted with Laxus.

He forcibly instilled his conspiracy theory about the old man into Laxus.At first, Laxus looked at Eleven like an idiot, but later he was said to be a little believer, and began to doubt life gradually, and fell into Eleven’s rhythm.

But just when Eleven was just one step away from flicking Laxus into a sand sculpture, Laxus in front of him suddenly shook, and then he slammed his head on the table and fell asleep directly.

I rely on?Am I so boring?As for being stuck like this?

However, Eleven didn't slander for too long, because he soon discovered that the other people in the guild had fallen asleep at the same time.

A strange wave of magical power filled the air, bringing everyone into a dream. Looking around, the only people in the entire guild who were still awake were Eleven and Makarov.

Even Makarov had some eyelid fights, forcibly took a sip of wine before he recovered a little sober.

"This is hypnotic magic?" Eleven stood up and walked quickly to Makarov's side and asked in a low voice.

Speaking of hypnotic magic, Eleven suddenly remembered a person, a savior who had decided to remain anonymous.

Speaking of which, that guy hasn't seen him since the last time he left, so he is still alive!

Sure enough, before Makarov could answer anything, there was a figure wrapped in black cloth slowly pacing in at the gate.

The visitor is Mistgang, although the shape has changed slightly, it has become even more weird.But this kind of style that is full of words without saying a word, Eleven is really familiar. No one except Mistgang can have this kind of aura.

"President, I'm back to hand in the task, this time... uh, Eleven? Why didn't you sleep..."

Mistergang walked in without squinting, and went straight to Makarov in the middle of the bar.In addition, the mask on his face blocked his vision a bit, and he didn't notice that there were other people who were not hypnotized.So when Eleven suddenly jumped out and leaned in front of him, he was shocked, silently and mysteriously forced to break the power in one second.

"What's your kid doing? Why did everyone in the guild fall asleep?" Eleven wouldn't have any polite remarks with Mister Gang, so he took his mask off as soon as he went up. Said.

"Um... because I don't want everyone to see me, this is the most efficient method." Mistegan twitched his mouth, and he also knew that hypnosis had no effect on Eleven, but he didn't feel very entangled. , Anyway, he has always had nothing to do with Eleven, and the ineffective hypnosis is normal.

Eleven was also very speechless after hearing what Mister Gang said. He didn't know whether he should feel sad or disgusted. It is reasonable to say that this kid can't see people in his true colors. It's really pitiful, but the way he hides is not by himself. It stuns everyone else.

As long as you hypnotize everyone who sees me, I am a little transparent. What kind of shit logic is this!

It's very disturbing. Didn't you see that the lady at the counter even knocked over the tray?

This guy's polite appearance is really not a good bird.

The two of them looked at each other for a while and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, the big bell at the top of the cathedral in the center of Magnolia suddenly rang, and then the earth began to rattle, and countless magic horns flew into the air.

"Residents, please be aware that Magnolia is about to enter Kildas mode. Residents are invited to take their place at the designated location."

"Oh? Are you back at last?" Makarov heard the movement and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he was already impatient to wait for that day.

The assessment can finally begin!

Also disturbed by the noisy sound was Mistgang, who was most afraid of such an incident that would expose his identity.He hurriedly pulled the mask, pulled a task list at random, gave Makarov a glance and ran out hurriedly.

But Eleven grabbed his cloak and caught up with him from behind: "Hey, won't you stay for the S-level assessment?"

Mister Gang did not look back, but sighed: "Say it if you have a chance."

"Oh, well, by the way, don't forget to learn about hypnotic magic."

"Don't worry, don't forget, five, four, three..."

Mistergang counted down plainly as he walked out. The moment he stepped out of the guild gate, the countdown just ended, and the hypnotized everyone woke up instantly, looking left and right in confusion.

"Damn, he's so cute!"



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