The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 126: Becoming the Most Showy Boy

The little thing chased by a rabbit is the little Eleven who was separated by Kildas.

Although Kildas had been persuading Eleven to give up quickly, how could Eleven be so obedient, how could he be willing without doing something.

Taking advantage of the large force that attracted Kildas's attention, this little clone ran out by itself.Fortunately, he had been paying attention to the approximate positions of the other three contestants before he was divided, otherwise he might not be able to find Laxus with his current combat power like a bug.


A thin thunder and lightning fell from the sky, accurately hit the back of the head of the bunny beast, and directly shot through.

"Eleven? What are you doing?"

Laxus jumped down from the rock and looked carefully at the little Eleven who was lying on the ground and panting. He was fully guarded. God knows what bad idea the Eleven boy is going to make.

"Wow, Laxus, you want to avenge me!" Hearing Laxus talking to himself, little Elevating began to cry in tears, "I was pitted by Macao and Wakaba, then The two guys not only snatched my magic crystals, but also forced me to play against Kildas. I look like Kildas did it!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you don't know how dangerous it is for me to run this way, I almost died on the road, Kildas is really damn!

Maybe it was because I was really scared by all kinds of small animals along the way. Eleven's nose and tears did not cheat at all. While saying that he was going to climb on Laxus's trouser legs, he was very insecure. .

Laxus subconsciously wanted to raise his foot to trample this little thing that was constantly approaching him to death, but in the end he abruptly held back, but took two steps back to prevent Eleven's dirty hands from touching him. .

Seeing Laxus retreating, Eleven gave up the plan to wipe his snot on his trouser legs, sniffed, and continued: "Laxus, I can basically say that I have failed the assessment. . You just saw that as long as Kildas is unwilling to restore me to the original state, I won't have the slightest fighting power."

"However, I definitely don’t want to see Macao and the others win, so Laxus, I’m here to help you! I can provide you with the positions of Macao and Kildas at any time, and let me assist you. Promote to the S rank!"

Little Eleven looked up his head and said impassioned, full of sincerity, and a posture that could shed blood for Laxus at any time.

Laxus looked down at Eleven, who was only the size of a bug under his feet, and couldn't see his expression at all.However, this does not affect Laxus' judgment. For Eleven, he would not even believe half a punctuation mark!

Maybe Eleven became like this is really caused by Kildas, but if you say that this was forced by Macao and the others, Laxus would not believe it. Eleven this kid definitely failed himself. It will be cleaned up by Kildas.

As for letting Eleven assist him or something, he has no interest at all.He has absolute confidence in himself and does not need help from others.

"Oh, do you think I will need your help? Eleven, now that you have lost your combat effectiveness, please give up quickly. I will get the S-rank throne by my own strength!" Laksas coldly Looking down at Eleven, he said with disdain.

However, Eleven didn't seem to care what Laxus said, so shamelessly he went up and patted the rubber on his soles, and said in a nice tone, "Well~ Well, don't be so stingy, I I haven’t played enough! And it’s shameful to be the first to quit, at least I will abstain after I help you eliminate Macao."

"Laxus, time is running out, let's hurry up! Oh, yes, remember to protect me, I am super weak now, but if I accidentally die, my body may really die. , Please, Laxus!"

After speaking, Eleven didn't care about Laxus' reaction, and hopped towards the woods, seeming to be ready to start his revenge plan.

Laxus glanced at the little Eleven who had disappeared after a lapse of smoke, curled his lips, turned and returned to the rock on which he had sat cross-legged before, continued to adjust his magical powers, and didn't bother to care about Eleven.

"It's my shit, you can die if you want to."

However, not long after Laxus sat down, there was a loud eagle in the woods, followed by Eleven's wailing voice: "Wow, Laxus, save me! !"

Laxus: (Д??*)

Can't this bastard be honest?


At the same time, in the other direction, in the palm of Macao's hand, there was also a little Eleven standing, speaking endlessly.

"Macao, Wakaba, we can now be said to be grasshoppers on a rope. Although I have lost my combat effectiveness, I don't want to give up so easily, so in order to protect my magic crystal, I Decided to assist you and attack Laxus without being discovered by Kildas!"

In fact, Macao still feels a little guilty about Eleven. Although they are competitors, what Eleven says is because of them that they have become the miserable appearance.

When Little Eleven appeared in front of them, they almost cried. A quasi-S-rank wizard was chased by a big mouse and screamed, dare you believe it?This is too miserable!

And after thinking about it carefully, they found that Eleven's plan was not harmful.Regardless of what Eleven plans later, he is safe for now.And Eleven's magic crystal is indeed in their hands, there is no reason to cut off the possibility of promotion in order to trap them.

Makaou and Wakaba confirmed their eyes with each other, then nodded and agreed, and decided to temporarily obey the command of Little Eleven.


Go back to Kildas.

Kildas, who missed the best chance of escape due to fear of Eleven being attacked by the beasts, was eventually entangled by the group of little Eleven.

At this moment, he was already covered with Eleven all over his body, and he was standing in the canyon with a look of lovelessness, looking at the sky in a daze.

Most of the day has passed, but Kildas hasn't walked far, and a large number of oil bottles trapped his progress.

A little Eleven was swinging on Kildas' earlobe, turning a blind eye to Kildas' dead father's expression, he wanted to see how long Kildas could endure.

"Hey, Kildas, let me find someone for you, okay? Although I can't explore that far now, it's better than you can see with your eyes. Hey, okay, okay? Okay!"



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