"I said, isn't your kid going too far? I'm your examiner, do you think I will agree to let you find someone for me? Are you thinking about eating?"

Kildas raised his hand and wiped his face, and swept all the little Eleven who wanted to pluck his eyelashes to the ground.These little Elevens just got stuck at the cracks. Throwing on the nose and face was a routine operation, and Kildas was numb.

But even so, Kildas did not convince Eleven to return to his original state, and seemed to be in a better position with Eleven, to see who died of disgust first.

Eleven didn't seem to care what Kildas said, and completely let him go. He should swing and play climbing, and he said what he wanted to say.

"It's nice to let me find someone for you. You can also finish the assessment quickly and don't have to suffer here anymore. To be honest, Kildas, you have a bad sweat on your body, and it's a bit disgusting to hang on you Please go back and take a good bath, okay?"

Kildas: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

Then you fucking get out of here!

I am really @#@……%#

Just when Kildas couldn't help his mouth becoming dirty, he suddenly raised his brow and looked at a bush in the distance.With a few noises, two big heads came out of the bushes.

It was Makao and Wakaba who came here, and they were shocked when they saw Kildas standing in the middle of the clearing and the little Eleven covered in him!



Is this the situation?Why did it hit Kildas directly?

"Eleven, how did you lead, you give me..."

Macao just wanted to turn his head to question, when he saw the little Eleven on his shoulders, he jumped to the ground, and then ran back to Kildas's side with his little feet, even with Kildas. The little Elevens at Darth's feet clapped and cheered, like heroes returning in triumph.


Same as a group of minor neuroses.


Macao: (;д)

Wakaba: ??(;??Д??)

I didn't expect Eleven you to be a young man!It was tamed by Kildas!

Is it so happy to hang on Kildas?A happy expression that hugs the thigh is really jealous!

Now Macao and the others have put a shameless label on Eleven in their hearts. They didn't expect this kid to cheat others because he had no hope of winning. It was really shameless!

Kildas was actually very confused when he saw the two people who suddenly appeared. He didn't expect that the story of standing by the sidelines actually happened.

Glancing at the little Eleven sitting on the tip of his nose, Kildas frowned and asked, "Eleven, where are you going to act? Do you really want everyone to be disqualified? "

Little Eleven raised his head and looked back, just in time to see Kildas's two big eyeballs that met him in order to look at him, and couldn't help but grin: "Haha, there is nothing wrong with it. I said I will find someone for you. It's better to end this assessment soon!"

Kildas shook his head noncommittal, and flew Eleven out of his nose.Although he hasn't figured out what Eleven is going to do, he still wants to eat the fat sheep delivered to the door.

Macao and Wakaba were deceived by Eleven, and they couldn't blame others. According to the rules of the assessment, Kildas will now start to recover their magic crystals, and there is no need to continue to release water.

Macao and Wakaba also knew that they would never run away, so they didn't run away at all, and began to gather magic power, and the magic ripples swayed around.Although knowing that he will definitely not be able to beat Kildas, Kildas shouldn't be too serious, and a full-fledged fight may be a ray of life.

"Purple rainstorm!"

"Smoke Assault!"

Seeing the two magic attacks coming towards him, Kildas's expression was calm, but when he was about to make a counterattack, a black shadow flashed in front of him, blocking his vision.

When I took a closer look, I realized that it was a little Eleven who was grasping one of his eyelashes and dangling in front of him: "Hey, hey, Kildas, you have to be careful when you start. The magic crystal is destroyed!"

Kildas was staggered by the harassment of Eleven, and was almost smashed in the face by magic, and his mentality was unstable.

"You kid, don't get me in the way!"



Behind the huge rock somewhere near the battlefield, a golden figure sneakily observed, and on his shoulder stood a man the size of a fingernail, who was constantly encouraging him.

The visitor was Laxus. Because he couldn't bear to watch Eleven being taken away by the eagle, he was finally fooled by Eleven, and he was secretly watching between Kildas and Macao. battle.

Little Eleven stood on the shoulders of Laxus, and kept yelling, "Don't persuade you, go up and do it, take your head, fight with your life, etc., in general, let Laxas hurry up." Go up and send it off, now it's a great opportunity to fight Kildas in a group!

In the end, Laxus couldn't stand the noise of Eleven, so he raised his hand and shot Eleven out.

"Shut up to Lao Tzu! It is not your turn to direct what I am going to do."

After talking about Laxus, he stopped paying attention to Eleven who was confused on the ground and turned his eyes to the battlefield again.

Laxus had no idea of ​​attacking Kildas in his heart, it was completely unnecessary.Since Macao and Wakaba are already here, and have seen the shining magic crystals on their bodies, he only needs to take away the magic crystals in their hands, and there is no need to go head-to-head with Kildas.

As for what Eleven's plan is, let him be Laxus!

However, just when Laxus was like a hound, ready to pounce on the food, the shrill voice of Little Eleven came from behind him again.

"You idiot wouldn't really think that I would be snatched from the magic crystal by Macao and Wakaba?"

This sentence made Laxus stunned, and looked back at the little Eleven who was slapping his body with dust.Regarding what Eleven said, Laxus instantly believed it, because only in this way could it make sense. Why did Eli Wenming jump so much after she had nothing.

At this time, although this guy is still a small one, but there is still the silly look before, and the eyes looking at Laxus are full of confidence and a hint of joking.

Obviously Kildas' magic can't cut IQ, and Eleven won't really become a idiot just because he gets smaller, he still has his own set of plans.

Laxus looked at the expression of little Eleven, a blue vein appeared on his forehead uncontrollably, resisting the urge to trample him to death, gritted his teeth and said: "Then you hide the real magic crystal. Where did you go?"

"Hey, I can't tell you! I need to wait for an opportunity now, a chance that we can work together to solve Kildas. After that, let's discuss where the magic crystal is."


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