Going back to the battlefield of Kildas and Macao, what is surprising is that the battle that should have been judged on top of each other was actually played in a vivid and colorful manner.

Although the two old salted fish, Macao and Wakaba, are not always right, they are not weak in strength, and the magic of the two is a headache.

Wakaba's smoke magic can also be said to be smoke-shaped magic, which can make the invisible and intangible smoke possess the power of physical attack, which is quite difficult to change at will.

And Macao's purple inflammation is not an ordinary flame. It is not only extremely hot, but also extremely viscous. Once it touches the target, it is difficult to extinguish.And unlike Naz’s rampant fire-breathing idiot, Macao’s control over the flames is extremely high, and he can even replace his hands with flames, which is unpredictable.

Looking at Kildas...

"Kildas, are you blind? The flame almost burned to me just now, won't you hide?"

"Kildas, I think it's better for you to hide here!"

"Kildas, are you tired? Give up when you are tired!"

"Kildas, you should cut your nose."



I saw countless little Elevens pulling and pulling on Kildas, talking and fighting together.It's just that Kildas is the enemy, and Eleven is Kildas.

The battle that should have ended easily became extremely difficult under Eleven's "assistance".

You can imagine that when you are faced with fierce magical attacks, suddenly a little thing crawls into your ears, and then whispers softly "It's time to dig earwax~" What kind of experience is it?

Kildas can tell you that death is better than life!

He had never thought that this kid Eleven could be so cheap!He used to be a naive and loving child. Who caused the damage?

Macao and Wakaba on the opposite side were also very surprised. They didn't know how much power Eleven had exerted, and took all the credit to the two of them, and their proud noses were almost up to the sky.

Look, our two brothers are the strongest in the guild, playing Kildas in a hurry, jumping up and down, this record can be blown for a lifetime!

No, if Kildas is defeated here, am I the strongest in the guild?No need to brag!

The strongest guild-Macao (Wakaba)!

Hmm... it sounds handsome!


Makaou and Wakaba had a little bit of lust for a bright future in their hearts, and they suddenly swelled up, and even Kildas in front of them did not look so tall and majestic, as if the strongest throne of the guild had already been in the bag. Up general.

"Hahaha, Kildas, be careful, I have to do my best! Look at my greatest power-Ziyan Rainstorm!"

"Macao, don't try to steal my limelight, look at my greatest power-smoke assault!"

Macao and Wakaba uttered wild words one after another, and their magic was full.

Kildas didn't react much when he heard the loud yelling from the other side, but the group of little Elevens on his body fry the pot first.

"Wow, Kildas, did you hear that, the greatest power!"

"Hurry up, get away, you'll be killed!"

"Hide to the right!"

"No, no, the left side is better!"

"Why don't you just use your head to file the damage! I think your forehead is fine!"

"Well, believe in yourself!"

"Protect me, cover, cover!"


The point is that this kid Eleven not only rants and rants in a physical sense, but even more excessively, he also connects Kildas' spiritual world with all his words. The light and sound pollution is not enough, but the spirit Pollution.

Numerous messy screams suddenly exploded in Kildas's mind, causing his consciousness to be in a trance, and he could no longer maintain his sanity, and the long-term suppressed irritability finally broke out.

"It's so noisy! You kid fuck me!"


Kildas, who had been stunned, let out a violent roar and waved his big hand. In an instant, countless little Elevens gathered, and with a bang, they returned to the normal size of Eleven, and the crushing magic was finally lifted!


The suddenly recovered Eleven was very close to Kildas's position, and appeared in front of him almost face-to-face.He smiled at Kildas, a tricky expression, and the blue light burst in his eyes!

"Ah, bad!"

Kildas also reflected it at this time, but everything seemed to be too late. A blood-colored tornado was instantly formed against the tip of his nose, and there seemed to be countless blades of thought power hidden in the tornado, the arrogant wind. The pressure blows the ground flying sand and rocks, and the powerful fluctuations spread to the surrounding like a tide.

"Divine Mind Profound Truth-Purgatory Tornado!" Eleven twisted his body in the air, shouting loudly.

This super close distance gave Kildas no time to think, and he conditioned a punch.No matter how powerful, I wouldn't want to be smashed in the face by such a oozing thing.

However, Kildas's first blow hit the air. It didn't feel like hitting any entity at all. After a closer look, he realized that the tornado in front of him did not seem so real. The punch was distorted.

"This...is illusion?"

call out!

"Extinguishing Dragon Profound Meaning-Ming Yu Lei!"

As soon as Kildas realized that he seemed to have been in the game, Laxus flashed directly above his head, his body was covered with thunder slurry, his complexion was hideous, his hands were like dragon claws, the violent dragon-killing magic power was condensed in his palm, and golden lightning. It burst out loudly, pouring down on Kildas with the mighty power of shaking the world!

This is Laxus' strongest killer move, his own original dragon-killing secret-Ming Yu Lei.

The attacked Kildas just wanted to turn around to fight, but suddenly found that his body was actually imprisoned by an invisible force, which was restrained by Eleven's mind power!

It was because of this momentary delay that Laxus' attack was close to his eyes, causing Kildas to lose the best opportunity to resist the attack, and he had no choice but to slam his head up to test the firmness of his forehead.

All this happened between the lightning and flint. Until this time, the attacks of Macao and Wakaba had just crashed down, and these two attacks further increased the pressure on Kildas' forehead.

Seeing that the direction of the situation was the same as his own plan, a smile hung on the corner of Eleven's mouth, and he had to say that his cooperation with Laxus was perfect.

Laxus' attack was planned long ago by Eleven, and the time point was the moment when he recovered.I have to admit that the dragon-killing magic is indeed very powerful. In terms of instantaneous explosive power and destructive power, Eleven's thought power is far incomparable.

The first attack was handed over to Laxus, and what Eleven had to do was to create an attackable vulnerability for Laxus.He is just a mental player, knowing the meaning of a fart, that purgatory storm is just to attract Kildas's attention, how could he have such a second-degree move.

However, although the core tornado is only an illusion, the wind pressure is real, and the power contained in the attack is also real, because Eleven is also brewing a real attack, he will not let Kildas idle.

"Giant's Fist!"


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