The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 130: The Youngest S-Class


The collapse of the earth stretched for tens of kilometers, and the average depth of the entire Terrifying Grand Canyon suddenly dropped a lot because of today's accident, leaving a new legend.

Macao and Wakaba did not fall directly like Kildas, but were hung on the cliff swayingly, swinging with the wind, very embarrassed.

The two of them stared blankly at the landslide at their feet, cold sweat sliding down their cheeks, speechless for a long time.

Wakaba's big airplane nose is no longer strong, and his skin is loosely scattered into a ball, but he still doesn't forget to light a cigarette for himself, trying to maintain his grace.

"Cough cough cough, we still have hope." Macao coughed vigorously to cheer himself up, then looked at Wakaba and said, "The magic crystal of that kid Eleven is still in our hands, he must Will come to us, then...Uh..."

Speaking of this, Macao hurriedly took out the strict magic crystal he had picked up to cheer him and Wakaba.However, when he saw the magic crystal he took out, he was stunned.

The magic crystal that was still shining at this time has lost its due luster, no, it is better to say that it has changed its appearance, it has become gray, hard and hard, has no characteristics, and has no value...

"Isn't this a fucking ordinary stone!"


Macao directly threw the stone in his hand into the depths of the canyon, gasping for breath.

He understood that the two of their brothers were being fooled from the beginning of the fight. Eleven had never handed over the magic crystal, everything was just a layer of illusion.

Wakaba, who had already seen his life on the side, hung on the cliff and swayed in the wind, while spitting out a thick white smoke. The white smoke rose with his swaying rhythm and curve, and then filled the air, there was such a trace of red dust. Feeling of bleakness.

"Makaou, let's forget about the S-level assessment or something..." Wakaba took another deep cigarette and looked deep into the distance.

Makaou also learned to look like a good friend of his own, and looked in one direction casually, and smiled indifferently: "Yes, the opportunity should be left to the juniors."

Hearing this, Wakaba turned his head and looked around, and the two old friends smiled at each other, everything is silent.

Ok!After I return to the guild, I will follow this set of words to talk to others!


On the other side, Eleven didn't care about the two salted fish uncles at all. At this time, he came to the place where he and Kildas fought before.After a little exploration, he began to dig into a hidden crack in the rock, and soon two more magic crystals with gleaming light fell into Eleven's hands.

That's right, here are the first two magic crystals that Eleven had in his hands. He didn't give them to Macao or hide them on his body. Instead, they replaced the magic crystals with two rocks on the rock wall.Then wrap these two ordinary stones with magic spells and give them to Macao.

This is the biggest cost that Eleven can make strong waves, because even if he is turned into a little man, he is still the only person on the court who has the whereabouts of all the magic crystals, and still has an absolute advantage.It can be said that this assessment has been no more suspense since the second magic crystal was obtained by Eleven.

With four magic crystals in his pocket, Eleven was naturally happy and completed the task perfectly. The other three big fools did not hold a single magic crystal, which proved once again that he is definitely the wisest existence in the guild. !

The more Eleven thought about it, the happier he became, and even his flying posture became a little arrogant, and Qi Yuxuanang flew towards Makarov who was still waiting for the return of the victor at the entrance of the canyon.

At this time Makarov was staring blankly at the Grand Canyon, which was still collapsing, and fell into contemplation.

Makarov didn't understand, he really didn't understand, why the gang of brats could destroy a canyon full of rocks like this, how did they do it?He, a super-powerful wizard who is one of the top ten holy wizards, doesn't think that he can complete such a demolition work in half a day, so why are those brats?

Is it Kildas?Kildas definitely did it!But what is that guy doing?Why spend so much effort to destroy the canyon landform?Is there something dangerous?How are the kids?

"Master, I'm back! Hehehe~ Here are four magic crystals!"

While Makarov was still thinking, Eleven suddenly appeared with a grin, holding four induction magic crystals in his hand, and leaning in front of Makarov's nose like a treasure. The color does not hide the slightest.


Makarov was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Eleven, he was taken aback for a long time before he sorted out his thoughts, and looked at Eleven and the four magic crystals in his hand seriously.

"Eleven, what happened in the canyon? How are the others? Why did Kildas do this?"

Compared to the results of the exam, Makarov at this time was obviously more concerned about the safety of the children, and a series of questions left Eleven all over.

What?What's wrong with Kildas?This uncle is not honest, he has shot him under the ground and made the chairman worry, too much!

"Um... the others should be fine, they are not so weak that they can't handle this kind of collapse."

"As for Kildas, don't be angry, old man. You also know that he is often absent-minded. If he accidentally makes a mistake, he can't help it. Quit your anger."

After listening to Eleven's words, Makarov was a little relieved, and at the same time began to secretly get angry. It really was a good thing that Kildas did!Really, the boss is no small person, how can it be less worrying than the gang of brats!

At this moment, the falling rock suddenly shattered, and Kildas came out of it carrying Laxus who had fainted, followed by the embarrassed Macao and Wakaba behind him.

Finally, everyone in Makarov came back alive, and there was no lack of arms or legs. The big rock in his heart finally fell to the ground, and the next second he blew his beard and stared at Kildas.

"Hahaha, chairman, sorry, I was too careless!"

Feeling Makarov's gaze, Kildas smiled embarrassedly. He thought the president was blaming him for letting Eleven take away all the magic crystals, so he directly admitted his mistake. Thinking of a big black pot directly on his head.

"Humph!" Makarov snorted coldly and turned his head directly, obviously quite unhappy.

Kildas: [??_?????]

Without paying attention to Kildas, Makarov looked in Eleven's direction again, and a chrysanthemum smiled on an old face.

"Eleven, congratulations! You successfully passed the S-rank Sorcerer Trial. Starting today, you will be an S-rank Sorcerer!"


In X778, 15-year-old Eleven Blaine was successfully promoted to the S-rank wizard, becoming the youngest S-rank wizard in Fairy Tail's history!


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