The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 131: If you have the ability, drink more

Soon news of Eleven's final victory in the assessment was sent back to the Fairy Tail Guild, and the Guild that had been quiet for two days was detonated once again!

It's not because Eleven's victory surprised them how much they were. He and Laxus were the two favorites to win the championship. If the two uncles of Macao and Wakaba won the championship, it would be a real upset.

The main reason is that as soon as this news comes, it is time to collect gambling debts.The group of unscrupulous uncles in the guild even like to take a bet when fighting with little kids, not to mention the big event of the S-level assessment, almost everyone participates, some are happy and some are worried, and there are "coins" everywhere. "The voice is extremely lively.

Perhaps the only person who really cares about whether Eleven becomes an S-class is to grow up with his friends.

Kana (??????): "Illaven is so amazing!"

Elisa (*︶): "S-level? It seems that my practice is far from enough!"

Mila (-, -): "Huh! What's so great about S-Class!"

Gray: "It really is Eleven, but this is the value of being defeated by me!"

Only if Naz is different from everyone else, he is amazing, and he can do it directly!

"Hahaha Yi Levine, die! I will be the S-rank Sorcerer if I defeat you!"

At the moment when Eleven came back triumphantly and just stepped into the gate of the guild, it was not flowers and applause that greeted him, but a melon seed with a flame-headed head falling from the sky.

"Look at the move, the sword horn of the fire dragon!" Naz shouted out his moves, without feeling even the slightest shame for his sneak attack.

The little blue cat Hobby beside him was also excitedly flapping his little wings and flying around, helping Naz to cheer.

Eleven: (??_??)

Raise your hand, release your mind power, go to you!


I saw Naz, who had just rushed towards Eleven, turned a big windmill in front of Eleven, and then directly broke through the roof of the guild at a faster speed and flew out, turning into a horizon. The brightest star.

(??△??;??)??: "Naz~~" Hobby waved his little wings and hurried out to look for Naz who didn't know where he was thrown.

This sudden scene happened so quickly that everyone was stunned, but in the next second there was a cheering sound like a mountain whistling and a tsunami!

Worthy of being an S grade!Teaching that kid Naz is like playing!so amazing!

Sure enough, S-level has a beauty bonus no matter what you do.

Obviously, Eleven abuses Naz with one hand. This kind of thing happens every day, but I don’t know why. Today’s Eleven abuses people and looks more versatile. Is this the S-class abuse posture?So handsome!

Makarov didn't care about Naz who flew out, but pulled Eleven up to the second floor of the sacred guild, raised Eleven's hand, and looked at everyone downstairs.

"Today the guild gave birth to the second S-rank wizard, children, come and have a party!" Makarov jumped directly after saying that, picked up the barrel and blew.

"Oh! Cheers!" Everyone cheered together. The birth of a new S-Class is definitely a legitimate reason for partying, and there is no psychological burden to carnival!

Eleven: ()

At this time, Eleven was a little embarrassed to stand on the second floor... He still used the old man to make him an S-rank wizard to make a few words. At least he should show him a little bit. .

It's so nonsense to start the carnival directly, so there is no sense of ritual!Isn't the protagonist me?

Eleven stood behind the armrest on the second floor and waited awkwardly for a long time, finally convinced that no one really wanted to talk to him, he might just be a reason to have a party.


But it doesn't matter, Eleven's demon tail bloodline is also very pure, and he has long been accustomed to this kind of operation, and will not take it seriously. Turning around, he turned his attention to the second floor of the mysterious guild that he had never seen before.

The layout of the second floor was much simpler than he had imagined. A file room, a sofa and coffee table, a set of tables and chairs, a task board, and a few awesome task lists on it.

That's it, this is all the things on the second floor of the guild.

() Hmm...

This may be the so-called simple atmosphere.

Eleven sat down on the top hair cautiously.Hmm~ As expected, the sofa on the second floor is really soft!

Downstairs, Naz didn't know when he got it back. With the addition of this carnival, the party became more lively, almost to the point of overturning the roof.

On the second floor, there is still only Eleven...sit on the soft sofa...


Oh shit!The second floor is so boring!No one!

What's going on with this disappointing feeling, how can it be repaired!

Is it a bit late for me to go down now?

What kind of posture can I use to walk down?How can I say that I now have the burden of an S-rank idol, and I can no longer be as stupid as before.

Damn it, why did Laxas bastard go to practice at such a critical time!If he was there, maybe he could ask him how to pretend.

"Hey, Eleven, what does the second floor look like? Is it fun?" When Eleven was thinking about a countermeasure, she suddenly heard Kana's voice.

Immediately afterwards, Gray and Naz also leaned over, yelling at the upstairs constantly, asking Eleven to tell them what the upstairs looked like, they were very curious.

Eleven stared at the few people downstairs for a moment, then burst into a shameless smile.

You guys are really angels!Karna, you are worthy of my intimate little padded jacket, it was so timely!


Eleven coughed and narrowed his smile, then walked down the stairs and looked at Kana with a mysterious expression.

"The second floor is okay, if you want to know, try to go up and see for yourself!"


"Cut, petty fellow! Tell us it will be nothing." Nazgray and Kana both raised their middle fingers to Eleven with contempt.

But Eleven just pretended not to see him, and was finally able to come to the party on the first floor. Who cares about you little kids!

The carnival on the first floor is getting better. Among them, Macao and Wakaba drink the most. The most evaluated participants naturally become the core characters of the topic.Although they can't disclose the content of the assessment, it's okay to blow about how they faced Kildas or something. Anyway, no one can find out how shameless we are.

Eleven did not join in the fun, but came to the bar and ordered a rare beer.He is 15 years old this year, he is an adult, he can drink, and he no longer needs to drink juice like he used to!

Gudong~ Gudong~ Two guts of beer!


It feels better to drink juice...

What's so delicious about this kind of bitter, astringent and spicy stuff?

Bah, baah!

"Eleven, what are you doing, don't be like this, it's so dirty!"

Still unwilling to give up, Kana, who wanted to get information on the second floor with Eleven, just happened to see Eleven secretly vomiting beer back into the quilt, and she suddenly felt sick.

"Uh, no, Kana, let me explain..."

Eleven wanted to explain, but Kana didn't want to listen at all. She was only curious about what the second floor was like, and she was not interested in these strange quirks of Eleven.

This immediately made Eleven feel very upset, what is a weird hobby?This thing is inherently ugly, isn't it allowed to vomit?

Thinking of this, Eleven had a little beer in hand, put it in front of Kana, and said with a smirk: "Come on, if you drink this beer, I will tell you what it looks like on the second floor."

"Huh? But, but I'm not an adult yet." Kana looked a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not a big problem to have a drink!" Eleven had already made up his mind to let Karna taste the unpleasant taste of this thing personally, and that would be so easy to give in.

No way, Kana who couldn't help Eleven reluctantly picked up the wine glass and took a sip with her eyes closed.

"Huh? The wine is pretty good, no wonder the president and they drink it every day." Kana put down the glass, her tone was a little surprised.

"It's delicious? Don't hold on to it, just say it if it's ugly, I won't force you to drink it." Eleven looked at the'funky' Kana with no anger.

"It's really delicious, I really don't understand why you throw up such a delicious thing, Eleven!" Kana said unconvinced.


Hey, I have a bad temper, you little girl is endless!If you don't subdue you today, how can I be an S-rank wizard!

"Come here, you can drink more if you are good!" Eleven waved his hand and asked for a big barrel of beer, looking at the innocent little Kana playfully, "You are welcome, your brother and I have a treat today. Let you drink enough!"



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