"Ah~ my head hurts..."

The next morning, Eleven announced that he had actually slept under the table, trying to get up with a feeling of uncomfortable feeling, and the vague memory began to return gradually.

He remembered... he seemed to want to pour Kana with wine yesterday...

Then... Seeing that Kana was drinking very happily, in order not to lose face, I also bite the bullet and drank with Kana...

What happened after this...I don't remember at all...

Eleven held his forehead with a headache and looked around, trying to retrieve his lost memories.

"I remember Karna she seemed..."

Thinking of Kana, Eleven subconsciously looked at Kana's voice, but was immediately shocked, so scared that he woke up.

"Ka...Kana! What are you doing?"

I saw the little Kana, who was only 13 years old, sitting on the table holding a large wine barrel bigger than her body, and was pouring it down. There were countless people around her who had been fainted by her. Uncle Liang.Some of the more able to drink, such as Makarov, Kildas and other strong people sang for her to add to the fun, just like a dog.

What the hell?When did Kana become the uncle leader?

Kana, who was drinking over there, heard Eleven’s voice, put down the barrel and looked back, and saw Eleven’s jaw dropped, and smiled immediately.

"Hahaha, Eleven, you look so stupid! Is your brain broken? Hahahaha~" After speaking, he blushed and burped.

"Um..." Eleven opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Eleven couldn't hold back a word for a long time, Kana ignored her, turned her head and started blowing to each other holding the wine barrel with the president.It's really hard to imagine how she can hold so many drinks in her small body.

Eleven looked at Kana who was proficiently punching and drinking with Kildas, her chest pained inexplicably, and she felt that her intimate little padded jacket seemed to be getting farther and farther away from her...

Why should I let Kana drink?

Karna!I am sorry for you!

Eleven knelt on the ground and slammed his fists to the ground, tears of regret flowed from the corner of his eyes.




Drinking does not seem to be a serious problem!

Eleven, who knelt on the ground and directed and acted a tragic role for a long time, finally woke up from the chaos of drunkenness, and found that it seemed to be no big deal!

Who stipulates that girls can't drink alcohol?Who stipulates that drinking and bragging is a man's patent?Trembling and cold...

Anyway, Kana was drinking with Kildas, just as they were communicating father-daughter relationships, which is a good thing!Well, I seem to have done a good thing accidentally, I'm awesome!

Eleven, who stood up again, returned to his self-confidence and calmness again. Not only was he not lost, but he was a little proud of it inexplicably, and his emotions fluctuated so quickly that he couldn't even react to it.

After taking a look at Kana and the others who were still drinking, Eleven turned and walked out of the guild and walked out.Yesterday, Kana was stunned by the inexplicable wine. Even the good news of his successful promotion to the S rank has not been reported to Maria. It should not be.

However, Eleven’s first stop was not to return to the orphanage, but to the girls’ dormitory.

Of course, Eleven didn't go to spy or find someone, he went to find a place to live... Uh, no!In fact, he didn’t know where the boys’ dormitory was, and only knew the way to the girls’ dormitory, so he planned to go to the girls’ dormitory to find out...

Eleven was 15 years old, and he was old enough to leave the orphanage.He and Maria made an agreement. After becoming S-class, it is time to move out of the orphanage.Therefore, Eleven plans to implement all the food, clothing, housing and transportation in the future before returning to the orphanage, and does not want Maria to worry about him in the end.


"What? Does our guild have no boys' dormitory?" At the door of the girls' dormitory, Eleven looked at Elsa in surprise.

Elisa spread her hands and continued to explain: "It was originally there, but I heard that it was burned down because of the fight between Naz and Gray! Later, it seemed that because there were not many people living, the chairman decided not to rebuild."

Eleven: (??_??)

Damn, these two brats!

"But if you don't build a dormitory, where do Naz and Gray live now? I remember they used to live in the dormitory?" Although Eleven was angry, she couldn't help worrying about the two boys. .

Elisa deserves to be the guild’s young manager. She seems to know everything, and is very willing to answer questions for the ignorant Eleven: "Grey went to the city to find someone to rent a room, and Naz was with Ha Bi went to live in the forest together, and the two of them seemed to have found an abandoned hut there and moved in."

Eleven: (??_??)

He doesn't know how to complain anymore. It should be said that this is really like what Naz's kid would do. Just move into the abandoned hut in the forest or something, which is definitely not possible for ordinary people.


After bidding farewell to the enthusiastic Elisa, Eleven walked towards the orphanage with a melancholy expression.The result is still nothing.But it's getting late, go back first, and think of a solution later.How can I say that I am already an S-rank magician, would he still be stumped by a place to live?

"Maria! I'm back!" Walking into the orphanage, Eleven's face was smirked again.

No matter what kind of difficulties and dangers he faced outside, Eleven had a smile on his face when he returned to the orphanage, and would never bring his negative emotions home.

"Oh, Eleven, welcome home." Maria walked out of the back room with a smile on her face, and wiped water stains from her hands on her body as she walked, apparently still washing and cooking.

"Maria, I have successfully promoted to the S-rank wizard!" Eleven couldn't wait to take the first two steps and show off with Maria, where he seemed to be a child who had not grown up.

"Hmm, I knew that our Eleven is the best!" Maria also grabbed Eleven's arm excitedly, happy for him.

In fact, Maria had known the news of his successful promotion long before Eleven returned, almost synchronized with the information of the uncles in the guild.Don't look at the orphanage as nothing, but there are so many little kids who are idle but can't be free at all.All kinds of weird gossips are endless every day, and maybe Maria can become Magnolia's biggest intelligence dealer if she wants to.Things like Eleven becoming an S-rank are not a secret at all, and it was passed back to the orphanage by the little ghosts who were eating and drinking in the guild in minutes.


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