However, the gentle Maria would naturally not show off on this kind of issue. Now that Eleven rushed to confess her joy, she naturally had to be surprised, and she also truly felt for Eleven. Happy, excitement is not the performance.

"It's great, little Eleven! To help you celebrate, we all prepared a lot of delicious food, let's have a big meal tonight!" Maria stood on tiptoe and rubbed Eleven's grinningly Head.

"Hehehe, don't have to be so troublesome, it's like my farewell dinner, how bad it is." Eleven is habitually stupid.


"Ah, it hurts!"

Maria slashed Eleven's head with a hand knife, pretending to be angry, and made a pretty face: "If you talk nonsense, I'll be angry! This is just to celebrate your promotion to the S-rank wizard, it's nothing. The farewell banquet."

Maria never hosts a farewell banquet in the orphanage, and whoever moves out just walks out the door as usual.Maria always said that the orphanage is their home, and there is nothing to say goodbye between the family members, otherwise it will seem like they will never see each other.

"Hehehe, I confessed my mistake, I dare not, I dare not." Eleven smiled and recognized Maria, then cheeky leaned forward and took Maria's arm and walked with her towards the cafeteria. go with.

Of course, the party in the orphanage is not as good as the fairy tail carnival. What kind of moths can a group of little kids make, just eat some delicious and drink, and then brag together.

But Eleven still feels pretty cool. After all, being followed by dozens of people behind your ass and slap-up, this kind of experience is really not experienced by ordinary people.

After the dinner, Maria mysteriously called Eleven into her room, and then handed a large box that she had carefully kept to Eleven's arms.

Eleven opened the box curiously and looked at it, and was immediately stunned. The box was actually full of money, roughly three or four million J.

"Mar, Maria, what is this for? No! I definitely can't take the money from the orphanage!" Eleven hurriedly pushed the box back to Maria, with a serious face of rejection.

Maria looked at Eleven's flustered and touched look, and chuckled: "Little fool, this is your money, not from the orphanage! You don’t keep the rewards for every task, and you leave them everywhere, I I put it away for you!"

Speaking of Maria, she pushed the box back to Eleven again, and said lovingly: "After living by myself, no one will help you clean up. Don't be so sloppy anymore, I hear you!"

Eleven listened to Maria's soft voice and glanced into the box again.Unbelievable, he is so rich!He had always thought that all the money he earned was used for compensation, so sometimes suddenly there was no money to spend and he didn't care. He didn't expect that it was all taken away by Maria.

Even if Eleven didn't take money seriously, he felt a little funny at this time.I guess there is no one more stupid than him in the world, and fortunately, I met a good person like Maria, otherwise his money would be completely impossible to get back.

"Haha...that, Maria, thank you!" Eleven scratched his head in embarrassment.

Maria didn't say anything, she looked at the silly Eleven with a kind smile in her eyes.

After a while, Maria couldn't help but cared again: "Eleven, have you found a place to live in the future?"

Eleven didn't want her to worry, so she could only lie: "Uh...well, after you find it, don't worry about it!"

After hearing this, Maria was a little relieved, and continued to ask with a smile: "Oh, where do you live?"

Eleven is really not very deceitful, a little embarrassed, "Uh...that..."

Maria tilted her head and wondered: "Huh?"

"Um, um, of course I live in our guild's dormitory. It's simple and convenient. It's good hahaha..."

"Dormitory? I remember your guild’s male dormitory was burned out? Are you living in a female dormitory?


This time, Eleven was really embarrassed. He didn’t expect Maria’s intelligence to be so good. He didn’t even know that the boys’ dormitory was burned. Maria knew about it. Could it be that there is only Does he know nothing by himself?

Maria looked at Eleven, who was unable to say a word for a long time, and frowned slightly: "Eleven, haven't you found a place to live?"

"Hmm...that..." Although Eleven was a little embarrassed, he continued to act in order to prevent Maria from worrying about it: "It's okay, Maria, I'm already an S-rank Sorcerer, find someone Is it not easy to live in a house? Just leave it alone."

However, Maria did not seem to show any worry. Instead, her eyes lit up and she patted her hands and said, "Then I will take you to see the house tomorrow!"

"No, no, Maria, don't care about me, I can do it alone...

Eleven just wanted to refuse, but she was physically interrupted by Maria.She smiled and pinched out what Eleven had to say. She smiled and said, "Nothing to trouble. It's a great house. It's always good to go and see!"



Early the next morning, Eleven was led by Maria to the house she touted all night.

This is a small townhouse located next to the canal in the center of Magnolia. It is divided into two floors. It is not large but sufficient for living.

On the first floor is the kitchen, dining room and living room. On the second floor, there are two rooms on the left and right. A larger master bedroom has a bathroom and toilet. On the other side is a small small room, which should be used as a study in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the neighbor next door is a fat aunt who wears flamboyant glasses and looks fierce. She looks like a charter-in-law. She looked at Eleven for a long time before slowly leaving.

This is the entire layout of the room. Although the sparrow is small and complete, it has everything needed for life.And it may be because the layout is relatively compact, it looks very warm and safe, no wonder it was caught by Maria at a glance.

This small house is the house of an old friend of the church's old priest, and it is sold at a very cheap price. The savings that Maria helped Eleven collected were enough to pay the full amount.

After seeing it for a while, Eleven made the decision to live with almost no hesitation.He knew that Maria would never harm him. Since Maria helped him choose the place to live, then he had nothing to entangle.

After that, there were all sorts of procedures to go through, the purchase of materials and other trivial matters. Maria accompanied Eleven on a day's run, and from time to time she would babble to teach Eleven some common sense knowledge necessary for life. As if Eleven was really stupid.

When everything was almost finished, the sun was already settling west, and the crimson sunset was spreading on the street, looking a little bleak.

"That's it, Eleven, take care of yourself in the future!" Standing at the door of Eleven’s house, Maria’s eyes were a little red, although Eleven still lives in Magnolia. She didn't go far, but she was still a little sad.

Eleven was more heartless, and smiled and went up to give Maria a hug: "Thank you, Maria. Hehe, if I get hungry in the future, I will go back to the orphanage for dinner. food!"

"Hmm, come back often, other kids will miss you too!"

Eleven nodded and agreed, still smiling.He could feel Maria's care and perseverance, but he didn't want to show any sadness.Just treat today as a normal day, and he can't go back.


Reluctantly bid farewell to Maria, Eleven turned and returned to the room.The moment the door was closed, Eleven discovered that he was the only one left in the room.

Eleven had never lived alone, no matter how patiently he was, looking at the empty room, a subtle sense of loneliness still uncontrollably flooded his heart.

He patted his cheek vigorously, not thinking about it.This is the process he must go through to grow up, no big deal!

Work hard and cheer up, starting tomorrow is a brand new life!


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