The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 134: The first S-level mission

"Good morning everyone!"

Early the next morning, Eleven came to the guild again full of energy, kicked the door open, and greeted loudly and enthusiastically.

However, today's guild was exceptionally calm. In the face of Eleven's provocative greetings, no one jumped out to challenge him, which was really disappointing.

After a little inquiries, I found out that it turned out that Elisa and Naz were all stimulated by Eleven's direct incident of being S-class, and they all ran out to do tasks or practice madly.Especially Mila and Elisa, the two have liked to compete with Eleven since they were young, but now they are unwilling to admit defeat, and are working hard.

Eleven gladly accepted the envy and jealousy from his friends, even a little bit happy.Those little idiots still want to be shoulder to shoulder with me. You must know that the S-level assessment is not only about strength, but also about the brain, and this happens to be the most scarce thing in the guild.

Ninety percent of the IQ of the entire guild is concentrated on my Lord Eleven. How could those little fools still have a chance to surpass me~

"Just work hard, I will watch you on the second floor of the guild!"


Eleven has swelled, and becoming an S-class has made him swell like never before.While walking at the pace that the six relatives did not recognize, he laughed wildly and walked up to the second floor of the guild, not caring about the bunches of foolish eyes cast on him behind him.

"Let this S-Class take a look at the amazing S-Class missions waiting for me to complete!" Eleven stood in front of the S-Class task board, wanting to choose a match for him S-level tasks.

"Crack against the volcano troll...Huh! Terrible! Pass!"

"Break the ancient seal...Tsk! I don't understand! Pass!"

"Fight against the deep sea magic whale... can't swim! Pass!"

"Solving the small town plague...I can do nothing! Pass!"

Then, there is no more...

Eleven stared blankly at the four lone task lists on the board, and his heart was cold.

Is this the task of the S-level?It looks so scary!The gap with the first floor task is too big, right?I feel like I can't pick up one!

Eleven had just swelled from his confidence and was beaten back to his original shape in an instant, his eyes madly spinning around on these four simple task lists, there were only four options, but he was unable to make a choice for a long time.

"East and Northwest, luck for your family..."

"Yo Xi, it's decided that it is you, Plague Town...but I really don't know how to see a doctor! Go there and use it!"


By the way, how could the dignified S-level task panel only have four tasks? This is obviously abnormal. Does the old man secretly hide a few task lists?

Unwilling to face the reality, Eleven chose not to look at the depressing task board anymore. Instead, he searched and searched on the second floor, trying to find some S-level tasks that seemed less terrifying.

What people didn't expect was that Eleven screamed and turned around, and it really made him find a task list with an S-level mark from the corner.

Crusade against the Dark Guild-Raksha evil ghost branch, reward 7 million J!It directly surpassed all of Yi Levin's five-year savings.

"Hey, hey, isn't this? Sure enough, the old man has hidden the tasks that I can do! It is probably to make me suffer a bit from becoming an S-level and not to expand. It is really difficult for his old man to take pains. Unfortunately, I did not hide it. OK, hehehe!"

Holding this task list, Eleven suddenly became arrogant again.

The crusade against the dark guild feels much more normal than crusade against volcanic trolls and deep sea monster whales!It doesn't sound so scary.

And it's still a branch, which makes Eleven feel that this task is done by hand. He doesn't think that a small dark guild can have high-end combat power comparable to Fairy Tail.As the second S-rank sorcerer in the guild after Kildas, Eleven thinks he can fight ten!


"Father, I choose this task!" Eleven ran up to Makarov and shook the task list in his hand, quite a bit of a whimper.

Makarov took the quest list, just looked at his brows and stood up, glaring at Eleven and cursed: "I remember this quest has been taken away by me, why did you scumbag find it specially? come out?"

"Hehehe, my father, I appreciate your kindness. I have been able to fully realize my shortcomings as an S grade, so let me take this task and practice."

"No, this task can't work, you can change it!" Who knows Makarov took the task list again without even thinking about it, and rejected Eleven's request.

Seeing that he had finally chosen the mission and flew again, Eleven was in a hurry. He rushed to grab Makarov's arm and swayed: "Why, sir? I finally picked it, don't do it. , Old man!"


Makarov, who was shaken all over his body, hammered Eleven into the floor with a punch.Even if he became an S-rank, I was still so handy to beat his son, doing whatever he wanted.

"This task is a bit problematic... and it's dangerous! Raksha Devil is not an ordinary dark guild, but one of the largest dark organizations in Ishgar. It is definitely not something that can be dealt with casually. ."

After hearing this, Eleven fell silent, and silently pulled himself out from the ground.

Eleven found that he had underestimated the title of S-level before. There is no simple task in S-level, and it is impossible to survive in S-level by opportunism.The choice of tasks is actually the same danger. If you don't dare to challenge yourself, it is better not to become an S-rank.

After taking a deep breath and converging his mind, Eleven's expression became solemn, and he said in a deep voice, "Master, my first mission to become a wizard is to destroy the Dark Guild with Kildas. I became the first task of the S-level, and I hope I can do a similar task."

"No! I said, this task is very dangerous..."

Makarov just wanted to subconsciously continue to reject Eleven, but as he spoke, he suddenly found that Eleven’s eyes had changed, and he was no longer scornful as before. This was a good look in the face of danger and consciousness.


"Oh~" With a sigh, Makarov took out the task list again and handed it to Eleven, "I still said that, your own magic way is up to you to choose! Eleven, you Already an S-rank Sorcerer, I won't interfere with your path anymore, so do you have to think carefully about it yourself?"

"Well, don't worry, sir, I know it in my heart."

Eleven accepted the task list with a smile, and his mood became completely different from before.He doesn't know anything about advanced things like enlightenment, but he just found the motivation to continue to grow stronger!

Surpass yourself, continue to break through, survive in the S-level field, catch up with Kildas, and slap Laxus!

Saying that I became an S-level one year earlier than that guy in Laxus, doesn't it mean that I will have one year more experience time than him!Hey hey, Laxus, you will follow my ass and eat farts for the rest of your life!


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