The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 135: All kinds of strange encounters


In a mountain forest far away from the guild, a golden lightning fell from the sky, instantly smashing a huge monster into coke.

A blond teenager slowly walked out from behind WoW, it was Laxus who disappeared without a trace once the assessment was over.

Laxus walked to the side of Warcraft, seeming to be exploring the degree of burnt of the Warcraft.Suddenly he slammed a fist on the body of Warcraft, and Warcraft's already charred skin was instantly punched out of a dark blood hole.

"Not enough, this level of electric shock is not enough!" Laxus stuck his fist in the body of the monster, lowered his head, and muttered madly.

"I want to become stronger!"

"Then...killed that kid Eleven!!"

o(▼ dishes▼;)o

"Ah~ I must kill that kid!"

This is the daily routine since Laxus came out to practice. Don't do anything else every day, first curse Eleven a hundred times before speaking!

Because of the appearance of Eleven, Laxus, who had a distorted and rebellious character, became much more normal, and gradually merged into the atmosphere of the guild.Although often not able to join Eleven's topics well because of not enough sand sculptures, Laxus is also trying to get along with his friends in a way that he can accept, at least not as arrogant and lonely as he was when he was young.

However, human nature cannot be changed. The arrogance and stubbornness in Laxus's bones are born with him, even deep into every strand of his hair.Even his hair is full of arrogance, always thorny, never soft and obedient, let alone him.

The failure of the S-level assessment this time was a result that the proud Laxus could not accept anyway.

Not only is it a friend, Laxus also regards Eleven as his only opponent.Since childhood, he was unwilling to lose to Eleven, and rarely lost to Eleven.Except for not enough sand sculptures, Laxas can do better than Eleven in almost all aspects, which is also the capital he has always been proud of.

But he actually lost in the S-level assessment, losing to Eleven who was two years younger than him!Although in the end I lost to the despicable conspiracy of the kid Eleven, but if you lose you lose, you have to look for the problem from yourself...

Oh shit!The roots of his teeth tickled at the thought of Eleven's despicable menstruation!Sure enough, I still have to kill him when I go back!

After venting on the poor monster body again, Laxus calmed down a bit and began to analyze the gains and losses of the S-level assessment.

He felt that the reason why he would lose to Eleven was because he did not have the strange brain circuit of Eleven.His thinking is too rigid. Due to the super destructive nature of his own magic, he likes to use his force to break everything, and never bothers to engage in all kinds of small tricks.

But Eleven proved to him in the assessment that sometimes the brain is better than strength, and violence is not the only way to solve the problem.

Although I understand the truth, I must let Laxus go out and pretend to be stupid and stunned. He really can't do it, kill him, and his idol burden is deep. The bone marrow cannot be put down at all.


With a helpless sigh, Laxus slowly sat down on the rock not far away, and concluded that his biggest shortcoming was not enough for sand sculptures!

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of Eleven and his gang of lunatics, Laxas’s three-dimensional views were finally biased. He now began to feel that the "sand sculpture" might be a kind of strengthening Required attributes.

You look at Eleven, needless to say.Very sand sculpture, successfully promoted to the S grade.

Look at Kildas again. It seems that he is a sullen and horny uncle, and he is a big fool who remodels the entire town for his own convenience. It is also enough for sand sculpture.

Grandpa... that old man is just a sand sculpture, so there is no need to argue!

In addition, Elisa, Mira, Naz, Gray, and others, although they are still rookies, they are also first-class magic geniuses, and these geniuses all have the same attribute, that is, sand sculpture!

Oh my God!Think about it carefully, is it really because I didn't have enough sand sculptures that I lost to Eleven?

How can it be repaired!How can I become a sand sculpture!

There was no one around, Laxus stiffly raised a hand and put it behind his head, making the appearance of scratching his head.The facial expression kept twitching, as if trying to imitate the smirk he often saw on Naz Yilevin's face.


At this moment, Laxus was finally broken by himself!

While Laxus was constantly practicing his Yan Yi, an extremely frivolous and exaggerated voice suddenly came from behind: "Oh, baby, did you kill this monster here alone?"

Laxus' expression instantly stiffened on his face, and slowly turned his head to look around, and saw two strangely dressed guys standing not far behind him.

One of them was a handsome teenager with long flowing green hair and a mole right under his left eye. If he weren't dressed in men's clothes, he could hardly distinguish between men and women.

The other person is much more exotic, not only has the weird hairstyle combed into a mountain shape, but also has an iron eye mask on his face, almost completely covering his own eyes.It was this guy who spoke to Laxus just now. I don't know why, but he didn't retract his tongue after he finished speaking. He still stretched out, making a grimace at Laxus.

But Laxus didn't care too much about what these two guys looked like. All he was thinking about at this time was how to kill people!

I was seen!They definitely saw the stupid thing just now!Never let the two of them go back alive!



"Hey, you rustic fellow, do you know how Fairy Tail goes?"

At the same time, Eleven during the trip was preparing to barbecue his own lunch, but was suddenly inexplicably accosted by a beautiful girl. should be considered a beautiful girl...

The girl in front of her was thirteen or fourteen years old, with big chestnut wavy hair draped over her shoulders, a pair of white rimless glasses, and a long green dress. She was slender and exuding a youthful atmosphere.

However, the goose is a strange guy!

Obviously he was talking to Eleven, but he looked up at the sky arrogantly, holding a gorgeous folding fan in his hand, half-opened covering his lower face, so that he was sitting on the ground grilling fish. Eleven had never seen this girl's face look like from beginning to end.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for a fairy tail?" Eleven looked at the strange girl in front of him curiously. He found that he seemed to meet some strange people every time he went out. It was amazing.


Hearing Eleven asking about her identity, the girl didn’t know which nerve she was making, she suddenly opened her folding fan completely with a slap, she had to hide her face, pointed at Eleven with a finger, smiling like A female nerve.

"Oh ha ha ha, since you have asked sincerely, then I will show you compassionately!"

"I am the beautiful fairy in the legend! Hahaha~"



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