The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 136: Weird People Are Everywhere

"Goblin?" Eleven looked strange.

Is it so lucky?Can you meet a fairy when you roast a fish on the side of the road?I really am the chosen son of Fairy Tail!

I don't know why Eleven suddenly thought of a certain unscrupulous unicorn... I didn't expect the fairy to be such a weird fellow.

Just to be on the safe side, the mental power was quietly released and scanned the girl in front of her through the inside and out.!


The magic... is pretty good.

Physical fitness...just average.


Hmm... she's a fart fairy!

Obviously he is an ordinary person, and his body is not as good as Mira!


"It hurts! Why are you hitting someone?" The girl squatted to the ground with her head in her arms.

Eleven shook his fist and said angrily: "Who let you lie to me and made me happy. Who are you?"

"I am the most beautiful fairy in the world. As long as I mention a fairy, I have to..."


"speak English!"

" hurts! My name is Alba Green!"

"Is Elba Greene?" Eleven knelt down, looked at the brain-disabled girl in front of him, stretched out a finger and nodded her forehead, "Speak, why are you looking for a fairy tail?"

Alba Green looked up at Eleven who became gentle again, as if suddenly thinking of something, her hands were suddenly wrapped tightly around her chest, and her expression became tense.

This guy won't do anything wrong with me, will he?

Yes, I can only blame me for being too beautiful!

I want to come, no matter which man can resist the charm of the fairy!

Ah~ Destiny!Why do you want to be so unfair to me, why do you want to make me so beautiful?

Such beauty is really a sin!


Eleven: (??_??)

Eleven, who has opened the Talking Channel, feels that his spiritual world has been seriously polluted.

Who are these people?

Who is going to treat you badly?Your whole family is unruly!

Looking at the self-satisfied guy in front of him, he became more and more angry, and an unknown fire rushed upward.




"Sorry! I dare not think about it anymore!"

Alba Greene sat down on her knees in front of Eleven, with three big bags stacked on her head, looking pitiful...

"I'll ask you one last time, why are you looking for Fairy Tail?" Eleven sat down opposite her, deliberately stern, and the province started to think again.

"Isn't that a"

"Are you coming? My head doesn't hurt anymore, right?" Elevating heard that Aba Green was still talking nonsense and could only threaten with a fist.

"Ah! Sorry! Because I like fairies very much, and Fairy Tail is a guild with fairies as its name, so I want to check it out!"

Eba Gelin may be afraid of being beaten again, and her mouth is as fast as a machine gun, but Balabala shakes out the truth.

"Huh? Are you going to join the guild?"

"Um... well, maybe I will join."

"Hahaha, you told me if you wanted to join the guild, you see I am the wizard of Fairy Tail!"

When I heard that Eba Gelin had the intention to join the guild, Elevating suddenly changed his face, and his face was filled with smiles. The colleague rolled up his sleeves and displayed his guild crest.

"You are a fairy..." Eba Green looked at the tattoo on Eleven's arm in surprise, and was speechless in shock.

This guy turned out to be the wizard of the guild named after the fairy?

This rustic, violent and arrogant guy?

Neither noble nor elegant, where is the slightest look of a fairy?

Ah~ah, so disappointed~


The smile on Eleven's face twitched visibly, he hadn't closed the speaking channel yet.

I'm so rustic and violent, so sorry!


However, don't be angry, but keep calm.

This is a partner who may join the guild in the future, and cannot scare them away here.

"Hehehe, that, let me tell you how to get to the guild. The other people in the guild are different from me. They are all very'elegant' people!" Eleven squeezed out a smile without a smile. With a smile, he looked at Alba Green.

"Oh, is it only you? Then I can rest assured!"

Eba Gelin patted her soil-stained long skirt, restored her previous noble and arrogant posture, and ordered Eleven: "Since you are the wizard of Fairy Tail, you will lead the way. I'll go see your guild."


Suddenly feel that smell!It smells like a guild!

This defiant attitude, this attitude of not being afraid of causing trouble to others at all.

Well, this girl must be able to join our guild, she didn't run away!


At the same time, the other direction.

"Oh, brother Dei, why don't you speak?" The strange young man who acted ostentatiously across from Laxus didn't even notice Laxus's increasingly gloomy face. He was still sticking out his tongue and talking frivolous words.

(▼ dishes▼)


A flash of golden lightning tore through the atmosphere and attacked the two guys in front of him.

Laxus shot without warning!He considered for three full seconds, and after repeated ideological struggles, he still decided that he could not let the two guys go like this, and the picture of him contacting the sand sculpture must not be leaked!

Even if you don't kill them, you have to beat these two guys to amnesia.

Blame it for the timing of your appearance is so unfortunate!

"Dark text-rejection!"


Who would have thought that the green-haired boy who hadn't made a sound reacted surprisingly fast, and he activated his magic at the moment Laxus raised his hand, obviously he was on guard.

A group of dark black text was instantly carved on his body by him, and he took a step forward and hit the thunder and lightning of Laxus.

The picture that Laxus imagined that he fell paralyzed to the ground did not appear. Instead, the moment the lightning hit the green-haired boy, the dark text on his body suddenly burst into magical light, and then he saw the lightning of Laxus. He turned abruptly, flew back, brushed Laxus's cheek, and burst out behind him!

Laxus's eyes became serious in an instant, this green-haired guy could actually bounce his magic, what is this ability?

"Yo, Felid, are you okay? Thank you!" The ostentatious young man was really taken aback. If it weren't for Felid's protection, he might have lost his memory directly. He quickly expressed his gratitude. , Then turned his head to look at Laxus with a look of shame.

"Brother, you are not kind, and you suddenly carried out a sneak attack! Then I chose to fight back, you should have no opinion? Come on, babies, give me a severe lesson!"

As he said, five teacup-sized wooden totem dolls flew out of the flamboyant boy's back. The dolls kept making chirping sounds, dancing in the sky, faintly as if condensing some magical attack.

However, before he could start, Felid stretched out a hand to stop him.

"Enough, Bigoslow, there is no need to waste magic power to fight. I have already set up the spell here, and he is finished...Huh? The spell is not activated?"


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