After packing up, Eleven set out to find the location of the Rakshasa Demon Guild. It turned out to be surprising that this dark guild was located at the end of the street in Heroes and Fairy Tail in Magnolia. The geographical location is similar, extremely conspicuous, without the slightest meaning of hiding.

It looked like the entire Heroes store was run by this dark guild.

After Eleven's visits and investigations along the way, it seemed that the facts seemed to be the same.

The citizens also knew that the guild at the end of their street was a dark guild, but they were very numb.The existence of the Rakshasa evil spirits is neither good nor bad for them. Although they are violently charged for protection every month, the Rakshasa evil spirits have indeed contributed to the economic development of the city, allowing everyone to earn more or less. Here comes the money.

Once they wanted to go to the Senate for help, but after so many years, the Senate ignored them, and over time they accepted the fate of being ruled by the Dark Guild.

In fact, for ordinary people, as long as they can live their lives well, it doesn't really matter.Even if the Senate comes, it may not be much better than this dark guild, but it has a better reputation.

The streets of Hirots Gate are not very long, and it didn't take much time for Eleven to walk all the way, but what he saw and heard during this period gave him a lot of knowledge.

He had never been in contact with politics before, and rarely dealt with cities that were out of the control of the Senate.

All day long, I listened to the House of Representatives boasting about how well they governed Ishgarh and how people live and work in peace and contentment. But now, if you look at the cities under the control of the Dark Guild, they are not at all worse than the House of Representatives, and even worse than those without The city backed by the Grand Guild is more prosperous.

"Sure enough, the guys in the House of Appraisal will not do anything except ask for compensation from our Fairy Tail. Really rubbish! It is estimated that one day if the guild goes bankrupt, the House of Appraisal will probably go bankrupt along with it! "Eleven walked down the road, muttering indignantly.

Although Eleven would not think that the Dark Guild was a good man just because he saw this little status quo, this did not prevent him from secretly speaking bad things about the House of Justice!

After all, most of his income in the past was collected by the Senate. If there is a real feud, perhaps he and the Senate may have even greater feuds.

However, if you talk about it, you still have to do it!

Their fairy tail is still a regular Sorcerer's Guild, and they still have to hug the thigh of the Senate.Before the old man made up his mind to betray the organization, they still had to honestly work for the Senate.

So the dark guild should be destroyed!

No matter how useless the Senate is, no matter how much money it pits Fairy Tail, it is still much more reliable than the Dark Guild.Residents of Hirossemen may not live better under the jurisdiction of the Senate, but at least they will not live worse, and they are much safer.As long as you don't always think about breaking the law and discipline, there is no harm.


Standing in front of the gate of the Rakshasa Demon Branch Guild, Eleven took a deep breath, knocked his toes, and the corners of his mouth under the mask raised a smile unconsciously.

What he didn't have was a gimmicky tactic, which was to directly face up.This is his first S-level mission. Not only does he have to finish beautifully, but he also has to show his strength so that the old man can see that he is really qualified to enter the S-level.

"Excuse me!" Eleven yelled, turning around and putting his foot on the door of the other's guild, just like returning to his own guild.


The entire iron gate was directly kicked out by Eleven's thoughtful kick, and hit the ground heavily.

"Hahaha, you guys all go to death for me!"


This sentence was not yelled out by Eleven, but from the inside of the Raksha evil ghost, and it also frightened Eleven.

Inside the guild, there was a boy wearing a python who was making trouble in the palace!

The boy was covered with a layer of purple-red arrogant energy, which looked very sticky and disgusting.Wherever its energy passes, all are riddled with corroded holes, and everyone it touches foams on the ground and twitches. At first glance, it is a kind of poison that people never want to touch.

"Uh... it's really worthy of being the top dark guild, the level of this squabbling is incomparable to our guild!!"


Eleven stood at the door, leaning on the door frame and watching the excitement.Of course he knew that this couldn't be any guild fight, and at first glance, someone was coming to kill the door like him.It's just that the crazy look of the young man in the middle of the battle and that pair of fiercely dangling eyes made Eleven inexplicably think of Naz, who was in the guild last time, so he unconsciously complained.

Eleven doesn’t care much about someone stealing his own business. Anyway, Fairy Tail has officially accepted the mission. No matter how to achieve the goal, he can earn the commission. Since some people take the initiative to free himself Work, Eleven would naturally have no opinion.

It’s just that the poisoned teenager didn’t seem to know what it meant to be merciful. The souls of several tragic deaths were already floating in the air, making Eleven frowned. This development was not what he wanted. saw.


Suddenly, the poison-spraying boy fell from the sky carrying a corpse by the collar, and fell directly in front of Yilivin. Wen hurriedly took a step back in disgust, and shielded his whole body with his mind to prevent poisoning.

"Why did you come here?" The poisonous teenager looked at Eleven, who was standing in the doorway, dressed in weird clothes.

"Um... I was here to find them..." Eleven pointed towards the inside of the Rakshasa Ghost Guild, and answered honestly.

"Then you are really unlucky! Go to hell!" When the young man heard that Eleven had come to look for the Raksha evil spirit, he suddenly violent, and he did not give Eleven a chance to finish his words, and directly condense the magic power. The poisonous claw grabbed at Eleven.

"Um, I think we are probably not enemies..."

Seeing that this young man was so irritable, Eleven gave a helpless excuse.Slightly to one side of the body, he directly avoided the young man's claws.Then he condensed his thought power in his palm, and patted the young man's head with a snap at the wrong time.

"You calm me down!"


This seemingly light shot directly slapped the boy's entire head into the ground, with his feet facing up, and the onions were inserted on the ground.

The world suddenly became quiet...

The surviving magicians of the Rakshasa evil spirits saw the demon who had just killed the Quartet among them, and they were knocked down by this strangely dressed guy. They were all surprised and couldn't even speak. .

"That guy seemed to say that he came to us?" Someone suddenly reacted and began to whisper.

"Could it be that the boss of this department came to save us?"

"Oye! Saved!"

The gloomy atmosphere in the Rakshasa evil spirit's guild was suddenly wiped out, and everyone cheered loudly, enjoying the joy of the rest of their lives.

Eleven: (-)???


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