"Oye! Saved!"

"My lord, please be sure to kill this despicable villain. He secretly poisoned us. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be able to kill so many brothers!"

"My lord, please take revenge for us!"

A group of black wizards of the Rakshasa evil spirits knelt on the ground crying, looking at Eleven as if they were watching their father, one by one aggrieved like a group of two hundred jin children.


Eleven looked at the group of big babies who were crying and crying at her feet, a little embarrassed. Wouldn't it be too unkind to tell them that he was also here to kill them?

Fortunately, Eleven didn't struggle for long, and the poisoned teenager who was shot into the floor by him pulled himself out.


After the young man pulled out his head, he took two heavy breaths, and then immediately became alert, swished out a long way, and looked at Eleven with a solemn expression.

Elevating was immediately covered by countless eyes. Behind him was the pleading gaze of a group of big babies, and in front of him there was the glaring stare of a problem teenager.

It feels embarrassing to be stared at by so many people at the same time.


The poisonous teenager stared at Eleven, with a drop of cold sweat on his forehead unconsciously.He also didn't expect that a master from the Rakshasa Demon Headquarters would suddenly come to disrupt the game. What the hell was that guy Brian doing, saying he would be optimistic about the headquarter's people?

That’s right, the poisoned boy was Kebra who discussed with Brian about destroying the evil spirits of the Rakshasa before, and now happened to be hit by Eleven.

Kebra was surprised to find that the master of the Rakshasa evil spirit in front of him looked unexpectedly young, as if he was the same age as him.

He has such strength at such an age. He really hasn't seen a few. Geral is one, and the boy who defeated Geral more than a year ago, the boy with gray hair and blue eyes...

"Fuck! Are you Elizabeth?"

Kebra couldn't help exclaiming, with gray hair and blue eyes. Such a match was not common, but the boy in front of him just happened to match.Although this guy has wrapped himself up tightly, but the most obvious features just happened to be revealed!

Elizabeth, this name left a very deep impression on Kebra.He used to think that Geral was the ceiling of his peers, and he himself was the second only to Geral in talent.Until the appearance of this Elizabeth, his confidence was completely shattered.The unimaginable sense of oppression during the battle almost became a nightmare for the spectators of them every night.

"Elizabeth, I didn't expect you to be the wizard of the Rakshasa evil spirit!"

Eleven: Σ(??д??lll)

I haven't declared myself yet?How did you know my pseudonym?

This is embarrassing for me, okay?

Does the evil spirit of Raksha really have a wizard named Elizabeth?

Who would call such a stupid name?

"That...I am not..."

"Elizabeth! Do you think I will still be afraid of you? I am not the same as before. Take it to death!"

Eleven just wanted to explain that he was not the wizard of the Rakshasa evil spirits. Who knew Kebra didn’t give him a chance to speak, he suddenly became nervous, screamed and rushed to Eleven, holding him The look of mortal determination.

"The roar of the poisonous dragon!"

I saw Kebra's big mouth, and a purple-red poisonous mist condensed in its mouth.With the violent contraction of the lungs, a large swath of poisonous mist was blown out by it, and the smell was soaked in the air. It seemed that it was also mixed with various viruses, which made Eleven subconsciously feel bad.

"This is the Dragon Slayer Magic? You are also the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer?" Eleven couldn't help exclaiming as he evaded urgently.

Isn’t it said that the Dragon Slayer Magic is almost extinct ancient magic?But this is already the third he has seen!It doesn't feel so rare, it seems to be seen everywhere.

Naturally, the power of the dragon-killing magic does not need to be repeated. Eleven relied on the power of thought to dodge quickly, but behind him the group of Rakshasa evil spirits who are still kneeling on the ground and carrying babies are not so. Fortunately, most of the people were too late to dodge, swallowed by the poisonous mist, and immediately foamed at the mouth.

"Hahaha Elizabeth, I heard it, I heard your fearful voice!"

Kebra didn't care how many Raksha evil wizards he killed, his eyes were always focused on Eleven, and he said inexplicable things nervously.

"Elizabeth, you can't hide, I can hear your every move, the spiral jaws of the poisonous dragon!"

Kebra pushed hard on the ground and rose into the air. A thick poisonous mist wrapped around his feet, his body rotated, two whirling whip legs, and the smelly poisonous gas drew down towards Eleven's face door.

Eleven was surprised to find that Kebra had actually blocked all his escape routes at this time, making him unavoidable but hard to connect.

Who is this guy?Something!It seems that she is not too old, but it feels a bit better than the normal Elsa.

The abilities of the Poison Slayer Dragon Slayer are also quite difficult. Poison mist is not like lightning and flames. The real power cannot be seen from the appearance. You can only find out if you try it with your body. However, Eleven is so Those who cherish their lives may take personal risks.

"The Grip of Mind Power!"

A pair of transparent thought-powered hands formed in front of Eleven in an instant, waiting to catch the kicked Kebra, grabbing it in the palm of his hand, and squeezing it hard!


It was like squeezing a poisonous fog balloon, and the poisonous fog of the canopy burst out.The magic power that Kebra could finally gather in his palm was directly dissipated by this pinch, and he lost resistance.

But this was not over yet, Nianli grabbed the almost deformed Kebra with his big hands and slammed it directly towards the ground.Eleven doesn't like to leave the enemy a chance to breathe. The villain always dies because of talking too much...cough cough, decent should also learn from it!Hmm!


The dust was flying, and the marble-paved ground of the Raksha evil ghost was directly smashed through, leaving a dark autumn pit.

After doing all this, Eleven fell back to the ground and glanced at the surviving Raksha demons' wizards. With a movement of thought, they directly knocked them out.Eleven didn't bother to play with them now, but found something more important.

The scene of just smashing Kebra into the ground made Eleven suddenly think of the battle with Geral a year ago, thinking of Geral, thinking of Brian, thinking of the few behind him. Young girls.

Eleven finally remembered who this boy who played drugs was!

No wonder he knew the name Elizabeth.

No wonder he looks like an enemy with me.

It turned out that he was the guy who stood behind Brian and slapped the snake. He didn't expect that he had grown so much in a year.

The name is... the name... I don't remember it!Forget it, just call him "snake" for the time being!

Eleven came to the edge of the pit and squatted down and looked at Kebra, who was still twitching at the bottom of the pit. He frowned slightly and asked, "Hey, run the snake, do you know where Geral is? I want to talk to him. "


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