The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 145: A team of three with tacit understanding

The perspective returns to the large railway station occupied by Laxus.

Laxus held his forehead with one hand, and was still arguing with Eba Greene, causing him a little headache.

In fact, if you meet Laxus’s usual character, you’ll be hit by someone who is in charge of her.But now Laxus has broken himself, he wants to learn more about the habits of sand sculptures, so as to evolve himself into a sand sculpture.

Besides, Eba Gelin is still a sand sculpture who may join the guild, and Laxus is not good at beating others here.

At this moment, the outside suddenly became riot.The door of the room slammed open, and a gangster-like wizard rushed in in a panic and called out.

"Boss, it's not good! Another dark guild is here to kill. This time there are more of them, we are afraid we can't stand it!"

Laxus frowned, and replied displeased: "I'm not your boss! You can't stand it and have nothing to do with me, don't bother me!"

Laxus has already seen that this battle is completely a battle between dark guilds. It doesn't matter if he joins in casually, but he doesn't want to be led by their boss in the fight.

The most important thing is that this place is full of small characters like a group of stinky fish, rotten shrimps, and Laxus here does not get any improvement except for the abuse of food, which is a waste of time.

Philip and the others also completely agree with Laxus's point of view, if it weren't for arguing with Aba Gelin, the three of them had actually planned to leave this place of right and wrong.

The Black Sorceress was stunned after hearing what Laxus said, and then suddenly cried out with a wow, leaped on and hugged Laxus's thigh.

"Wow~Wow! Boss! You must not abandon us! There are two very powerful characters in the opposing camp, and we are not opponents at all!"

The black mage cried was called a miserable, that was called a heartbreaker, and he was so angry that he was crying, hoping to keep Laxus and the big men and support them.As the Black Sorcerer, his face has long been tempered in daily life and is thicker than the city wall.

"Oh? Are there two strong guys?"

Laxus didn't give people the hobby of holding thighs, and kicked the guy who tried to rub his nose on his trousers a long way, but he still became interested in the two strong men in his words.

The Black Mage Belaxus kicked and rolled on the ground for several laps. He didn't stand up at all. He just lay on the ground and pretended to be seriously injured. He said, "Yes, very strong! We can't stop them at all. It's coming in!"


As soon as the Black Sorceress's voice fell, he heard an explosion outside, and a large hole was directly exploded in the outer wall of the station.Suddenly, shouts of killing rose into the sky, obviously the enemy has already entered.

Laxus licked his lips, stood up, and twisted his neck a few times.He is here to experience, since there are strong ones, then he doesn't mind going all out to fight.Anyway, they were from the Dark Guild, and he didn't show mercy either.

"Philip, take care of that Alba Green, I'll go out and see."

Leaving a word, Laxus turned into lightning and galloped towards the center of the explosion.

Philip didn't say anything, and immediately lowered his head and began to portray the technique in the room.Pigusrow didn't think so much. He was obedient when he saw Philip, and he came to Eba Greene, protected her behind him, and said with his tongue out: "Hey, you will Just hide behind me and my babies, don't run around, you know?"

Eba Gelin glanced at the exaggerated Bigusro, and snorted with disdain: "Huh! I don't need your protection, I am also very strong!"

As he was talking, the walls of the room were bombarded by magic, and a group of fierce guys barked in.

"Pigushro, buy time! My technique hasn't been completed yet!" Felidly shouted.

"Hey ha! Babies! It's time for our performance again!" Pigusello immediately controlled his five little puppets and rushed up with a strange smile.

However, the number of enemies is really so much. Even if the laser of the five puppets has blocked all corners to the greatest extent, there are still many slippery fish that broke through the line of defense and rushed towards the small room where they were.

In fact, these dark guild wizards are not interested in these three people at all, but who makes these three guys have to stay in the control center of the entire station!If they stay in other places, no one will care about them!

When Pigusro saw so many people rushing over, he felt a little hairy in his heart.He prefers wretched long-range output, and is not very good at close combat. It can be said that his anti-strike ability is very poor and he is very afraid of pain.

Just when Biguslo was entangled in whether to use his assassin, Eba Greene suddenly snorted out from behind him.

"Huh! It's useless! Let's show you the magic that belongs to the fairy!"

Speaking of Eba Greene elegantly took off the rimless glasses she had been wearing on her eyes, a pair of Dan Feng's eyes flashed strange light, charmingly looked at the screaming black wizards.


The several black wizards rushing in the front were instantly petrified, and directly froze in place.

"Magic-Petrified Eye!"

This sudden change frightened the other black wizards, subconsciously looking at the little girl in the front, but what caught them was a pair of weird eyes.In an instant, more people were turned into stone statues!

"Everyone, don't look into her eyes, it's petrified magic!" Naturally, there are also smart people among the black wizards, who immediately shouted loudly to remind others not to repeat the same mistakes.

When people heard this, they were about to turn their heads in the other direction, not looking at Alba Green.But in that direction, they saw Pigusello standing there, slowly taking off his helmet mask.Under the mask, there are a pair of pupils that reflect the faint green light.

Anyone who directly looked at these green eyes was as soft as a puppet without a soul.But the next second, these "puppets" stood up again.However, they reversed their direction and attacked their former partners!

"Star Magic-Modeling Eyes!"

This is a kind of eye magic that can manipulate the soul of the target. Although it has many harsh conditions for use, it is very powerful and has always been a killer of Pigusro.

"Hey ha! I didn't expect you to have magic in your eyes too!" While he was manipulating his new "Puppets", Pigusrow chatted with Eba Green.

Alba Green proudly waved the folding fan in her hand, did not say anything, just opened her eyes wider.

A group of black wizards were among them, and they were forced to scurry around like a group of headless flies by their eyes.If you look forward, you will be turned into a stone statue, and when you look behind you will be drawn from the soul.

Seeing that the two men stabilized the battle, Philip once again put down his guard and lowered his head to portray the magical technique with peace of mind.They are truly safe only if they are successfully portrayed.

Eba Green and Felid unexpectedly showed an amazing tacit understanding, as if they had always been three people working together in a team. The cooperation is seamless and there is no strangeness at all.


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