
The explosion sounded again, and the lightning-mode Laxus instantly reached the center of the battlefield, where he saw a figure flying in the sky, outputting frantically, sometimes even if he accidentally injured the friendly army, he was reckless.

This person is dressed in black, with a mask on his face, and a headscarf on his head. He is dressed a bit like the Mistgang who joined the guild before.But this guy's cloak turned out to be dark red, which is really ugly!

However, this person's strength is really good. On the battlefield of so many people, he can come and go freely, and even laugh wildly. It seems that he can really fight!

Laxus licked the corners of his mouth and looked at Eleven who was performing in the middle of the battlefield.

That's right, it was the team led by Eleven and Kebra who came to attack the station.

I don't know how other people felt when they first went to the battlefield, anyway, Eleven was so happy at this time!He really didn't expect that he would be crazy to abuse food in the war of the dark guild!

I don't know why, Eleven has never encountered a high-end combat power along the way, and the strongest is Kebra's level.

This caused Eleven to become a little bloated now.It's much more comfortable to abuse food here than to abuse Naz in the guild. Not only is it easier, but you don't need to be merciful. They are all the little bad guys of the dark guild, without any psychological burden!

Anyway, the role of Elizabeth was also abandoned by him, and it seemed to be developing in the direction of the evil villain, so he simply played a little bit crazier, and the whole person was kind of cheering up.The possibility of revealing his identity in this way is also lower, after all, he is not usually so mentally disabled.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, the rookies die! He ha!"


The place where Eleven went was in a mess, and he couldn't tell which side was the enemy and which side was the friendly. They all looked the same, so he just killed them together.

This made Kebra, who had been following his ass, fearful again-Elizabeth, what a terrible man!

Beep Beep Beep~~Boom!!

Just when Eleven could no longer control his Shaking Soul, a golden lightning crashed down in front of him.If he hadn't sensed the danger in advance, and avoided it first, this one stroke might hurt him.

"Hey, is the ruthless character finally appearing?" Eleven looked at the attacker with some excitement.

He has short stabs of golden hair, a white shirt, black leather pants, and a lightning-shaped scar on his right eye, which looks fierce.

Damn it!Laxus?


Why are you here?

Eleven immediately became calm!He is playing role-playing here, and entertaining himself is one thing. No one knows him anyway, he wants to play and play.

But it's completely different if you meet an acquaintance!

What a shame!

How to do?It feels like a social death!


On the opposite side, Laxus saw this guy with a big cloak, after taking a look at himself, then he started rolling in the sky with his face inexplicably.


"Hey! I heard your name is Elizabeth? Is there a brain problem?"

Laxus yelled angrily. Although he was studying sand sculptures, it didn't mean he had much tolerance for sand sculptures.

Hearing the familiar roar of Laxus, Eleven gradually calmed down, squeezing his brows and constantly cheering himself up, saying, "It's okay Eleven, you can! It hasn't been exposed yet! The fool hasn't found you yet, he will be able to hide it! Come on!"

(▼ Mi▼#): "Hey! Didn't you hear me talking to you?"

Unexpectedly, Eleven hadn't adjusted his state yet, and Laxus over there was already intolerable.A big, terrifying face appeared in front of Eleven in an instant.The big fist of the casserole was mixed with the might of thunder and lightning, and he swung towards him without any explanation.

"Oh, let me go!"


Eleven, who was self-hypnotizing, was taken aback. He subconsciously condensed a shield of thought power in front of his eyes, and thunder fist hit the shield with a familiar crisp sound.

Laxus looked at the ripples in the air under his fist in amazement, feeling the familiar touch that had been beaten thousands of times, and couldn't help exclaiming: "This is the shield of mind power! You are Yi ...Oooo~~"


Before Laxus finished speaking, he felt his mouth filled with an invisible force, and then there was a muffled noise next to him.A boy with dark red hair and a giant python was knocked out with a dazed expression.

[Laxus, don't resist, come with me!] Eleven's words sounded from the bottom of Laxus's heart.

At the moment when Laxus was forced to pull out the shield of mind power, Eleven knew that he was finished, and he was definitely exposed!

However, the thinking at the critical moment has also become a lot clearer. Laxus found that there is no problem except a little shame, but his identity as the fairy tail wizard has decided not to be exposed!So the first thing to solve is Kebra, who is a young eavesdropper, not only has good ears, but also reads his mind. It's too dangerous!

Poor Kebra didn't understand what was going on and was somehow killed by "his own", foaming at the mouth and fell to the center of the battlefield.

Eleven took Laxus and ran into the empty train station lobby, finally avoiding everyone's sight.

"Eleven, what's your kid doing, why did you become a member of the dark guild?" Laxus struggled to escape from the shackles of Eleven as soon as he entered the room, and questioned him with his head and face.

He didn't suspect that Eleven would betray the guild, but he just thought that this kid must be doing something stupid again, and it would be too late if he didn't hurry up.

"Oh, a word is hard to say!" Eleven sighed, the fake model fought Laxus twice, making some noise.At the same time, he looked confused: "Laxus, why are you here? This is the war of the dark guild. You haven't revealed your identity, right?"

"Don't worry, I haven't told these dark guild people who I am. UU reading" Having said that, Laxus glanced at the strange clothes on Eleven again, and finally understood why this kid was. I have to dress myself up like this.

"Oh, that's good, Laxus, please leave here quickly. It's too dangerous here. I was involved in it because of an S-level mission, and you have no need to join in!" Eleven and Laksa Sijia said earnestly to persuade him to leave.

Laxus: (╬)

S-level task?

Is this kid showing off the S-level mission to me?

Laxas's hot temper has recently been particularly sensitive to the two words S-level, and it has exploded at just one point.

(╬◣д◢): "Your boy, is you better than me when you become an S grade?"


(#`Д??)?? ┌┛: "Extinguish the Dragon Profound Righteousness·Ming Royal Thunder!"

o(??Д??)!: "Damn! Laxus, are you serious! Yachts!"


Sigma Railway Station-the largest transit railway station in Northern Province.

On this day, because of the dark guild's war, it was razed to the ground!


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