
With the blast of thunder and lightning, Brunot, who was unable to react, was slammed on the nose with a punch by Laxus, and the whole person flew out.

He really didn't expect that these two little ghosts, as weak as little chickens, would even dare to attack him!

However, Brunot did not suffer any harm, even a full blow from Laxus just knocked him into the air, unable to penetrate his huge magic power

Brunot tumbled in the sky and landed steadily on the ground, still glaring at his eyes that did not fluctuate emotionally, looking coldly at Eleven and Laxus.

"Go together!"

Even if he saw Brunot completely unharmed under the attack of Laxus, Eleven barely hesitated to go up!

This is not an S-level examination room, and the person opposite is not Kildas. From the beginning, there is no option to escape, even if it is only possible to run alone.

In the face of this level of strong, any small tricks will no longer work.There are only two ways for them to go with Eleven alone, or they will repel Brunot head-on, or they will be killed on the spot, there is no third way.

"The Spear of Divine Mind!"

After finally using the quarrel between him and Laxus to win a ray of life, Eleven will naturally go all out, with a pale blue light in his eyes, the huge power of thought is instantly compressed and distorted, forming a spiral in the sky The shaped spear directly pierced the atmosphere, aimed at the moment Brunot had just landed, and shot away!

"Not enough, you two can't take off yet!"

However, in the face of Eleven's attack, Brunotte only murmured faintly, and then calmly raised his hands, and the magic power all over his body suddenly exploded.


At this moment, the space seemed to be frozen, all gravity disappeared, and even the movement of objects became slow, as if they were in empty space.



The disappearing gravity suddenly returned, but it was enlarged hundreds of times.The huge gravity made the air thick, and a large area of ​​the ground began to collapse and sink.

Eleven's Spear of Thought Power was instantly twisted and crushed into nothingness as soon as it touched this gravity.

Unable to resist, under such gravity, every cell in the body is firmly suppressed, and living has become a luxury.

It was only then that Eleven and Laxus truly understood the day-to-day gap between themselves and the top wizards, and the sense of superiority that had been cultivated in combat effectiveness disappeared at this moment.This kind of experience on the verge of death is more profound than Kildas's teachings.


"Hurry up and stop me!"

Just as the consciousness of Eleven and Laxus gradually blurred, an old and thick voice pounced from far and near.

Then a huge figure fell on the ground with a boom, causing the earth to roar.Even under this terrible gravity, the movement of that huge body was not affected at all. The big mountain fist engulfed the surging weather wave and slammed it down at Brunot who was standing there.

The visitor was Makarov who turned into a giant, and he finally arrived before Eleven and the others were completely killed!


Makarov's angry blow was very powerful.The earth fault that was originally pressed out by Brunot's gravity was directly smashed by Makarov, a giant punch.And the shock wave produced by this punch spread out in an extremely exaggerated posture, and gradually subsided after spreading several hundred meters, leaving a scar on the ground like a meteorite bombardment.

The gravity in the sky finally disappeared at this moment, and Eleven and Laxus also restored their freedom one after another.

"Old..." Eleven saw Makarov just about to call the old man, but suddenly thought of his identity at this time, and immediately changed his words: "Your Excellency Makarov, thank you for your help!"

Laxus, who was lying next to Eleven, was stunned. He really didn't expect Eleven to start thinking about hiding his identity just after he was out of death. How fast did he turn his mind?

[Eleven, Laxus, you two quickly leave here!At this moment, Makarov suddenly took the initiative to connect to the speaking channel of the two of them. He didn't say much, but asked them to leave quickly.

Eleven took a deep look at Makarov's tall figure, hesitated for a moment, and nodded vigorously.He is not a hot-blooded idiot, he has just experienced it firsthand. This level of battle is not something they can get involved in.

Although I don't know why the old man appeared here, it is definitely correct to listen to the old man.All they can do now is to quickly get out of this battlefield, and don't mess with the old man.

Laxus also stared at Makarov's back, with a tangled expression on his face, frowning for a while, he was unwilling, unwilling to be so weak, unwilling to be protected by the old man like this.

Eleven glanced at Laxus's idiot-like expression, and couldn't help but yelled: "La Lazi, don't be in a daze, let's go quickly, and there are other things to do!"

Laxus struggled for a moment, and finally took a deep look at Makarov, stomped his feet, and ran away with Eleven.

Makarov glanced at the direction where the two little bastards had left. It seemed that there was no danger, so he ignored him, and turned his attention to Brunot again.

Brunotte was in the very center of the attack, with his arms folded in front of his face, half of his body was buried in the soil, and his clothes were torn.Even a wizard of Brunot's degree, facing Makarov's punch like a meteorite crash, could not guarantee that he was unharmed.

With a swish, Makarov's body quickly shrank as if frustrated, and then changed back to the image of a little old man, standing on a high place with his hands on his back, condescendingly looking down at Brunot in the "crater".

"It's over, leaving this battlefield, we have no reason to fight." Makarov looked solemn.

However, Brunot in the pit didn't mean to appreciate at all, staring at Makarov above, his eyes showed excitement.

"The fifth-ranked Makarov Doleah of Saint Ten! Hahaha, you seem to be able to take off!"


The viscous purple-black magic power burst into the sky and collided fiercely with Makarov's golden magic power, forming two distinct Tianhe Rivers.

The collision of Saint Ten level magic power is like a sky thunder shook the ground fire, arousing resonance between heaven and earth.The sky that was clear and clear was suddenly covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning.The ground under his feet was also constantly trembling from fear of this magical power, and rippled like a water surface.

At this moment, the sky is falling apart!

"Little devil, being so young has such magical powers, why not go the right way?" Makarov asked Brunot with a ball of light condensed on his fingertips with a righteous expression.

However, at this time, the old man was trampled back and forth by 10,000 grass mud horses. He didn't want to fight!Especially fighting with such a young man at the Saint Ten level, thinking about it, it feels so troublesome!

The two little bastards of Laxus and Eleven had already run away, and Makarov also had a small nine-nine in his heart, thinking about how to slip away without losing face.



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