The battle between Makarov and Brunot is about to start.

No matter how troubled Makarov was, he still had to cheer up and deal with it seriously in the face of the full attack of a frenzied great magician.

Brunott's dark purple magic is thick and depressed, in sharp contrast with Makarov's warm golden magic.Since the two different magical powers evoked resonance between the world and the earth, the magic displayed by the two sides destroyed the world.Become the most dazzling presence in the feature film battlefield.

But what is surprising is that, although the battle between Makarov and Brunot was huge, it did not affect the trend of the entire battlefield.

Although it did look thrilling at first, almost everyone stopped their hands and stared blankly at the gods fighting at a loss.But watching everyone gradually realized that this fairy fight seemed to be meaningless.

Although Brunot is a great magister with Saint Ten level magic power, he is still very young after all, maybe less than forty years old. He still looks too tender in front of the old and cunning Makarov, whether it is strength or calculation. .

The rhythm of the battle was completely guided by Makarov, and Brunot could not hurt Makarov at all.And the old man didn't plan to do his best, he seemed to work hard, but he was actually paddling.

Although this Brunot wanted to kill Eleven and Laxus before, Makarov was so angry that he lost his mind for a while, but he calmed down and thought that this was completely caused by the death of the two little bastards.Brunot doesn't even know who they are, and those two little bastards are fine, and they don't seem to be offended.

In the end, the battle between the two people has basically become a powerful turn-based game. You can hit me or fight back. The fights can not hurt anyone and become more and more boring.

Even under Makarov's deliberate guidance, the two men fought more and more remotely, gradually leaving the center of the battlefield and hitting the corners.

At this time, the black wizards who stopped to watch the excitement suddenly realized that they were still fighting, turned to look at their previous opponent, and nodded in embarrassment. Before watching the lively harmony side by side.

Although Makarov attracted away the highest combat power of the Rakshasa evil spirits, the Rakshasa evil spirits are after all the old top dark guild, and they still have the upper hand in the overall battlefield.

Although there are no top powerhouses in the Rakshasa evil spirits, the average quality of their official members is very good, which is not comparable to the miscellaneous army created by Brian.

However, Brian, who was commanding the battle in the rear, did not show any panic, sitting in the rear and commanding the battle unhurriedly, seemed not at all worried about his disadvantage.


Eleven and Laxus carefully shuttled through the battlefield to avoid being accidentally injured by magic flying everywhere.Both of them appeared silent and did not quarrel with each other as usual.

After seeing the battle between the old man and Brunot the most, Eleven and Laxus really realized how shallow they were once.

But if he bullied and bullied Naz and them every day, he really thought he was invincible in the world, and once he met a real strong man, he could only wait helplessly.This time I was lucky enough to be saved by the old man. What about the next time?

Not to mention Laxus, who has a strong self-esteem, even Eleven, who is usually super-skinned, feels ashamed at this time.Fairy Tail doesn’t have a wizard who needs to be wiped by others!What's more, a Sorcerer who can't protect his life well, and what qualifications to call himself an S-rank Sorcerer?


It seems that we need to train Nazgray and Mira Elsa well in the future. Only when they become stronger can they be bullied to help them increase their strength.

This is the same reason that pigs have to be fattened and then slaughtered. Killing piglets every day does not make any money!


While Eleven was conducting a deep self-examination, a bad feeling suddenly struck his heart, making him stop in an instant, and Laxus beside him seemed to feel something, and his magic power instantly condensed.

However, the reaction of the two of them was still half a beat, and before they could make any movements, the space around them suddenly twisted.

In the next second, the two people suddenly realized that the surrounding scenery had been directly changed.


There was a sound of clapping palms above my head.

"Welcome to my position, Elizabeth, the Lord of Shadows, and Lalazi... is your name really? It's disgusting enough~"


Eleven hurriedly stopped Laxus who was about to go crazy, and looked up at the dead voice.

The first thing that catches the eye is a golden throne, which makes people dizzy.On the throne, a middle-aged man with a full body sits languidly.

The man didn't care at all that he had offended the Laxus boss just now, so he continued his topic.

"Well~ but it doesn’t matter what your name is. You two can survive from the hands of that master Brunot, and it’s a bit capable. I like capable people, so I decided to give you a chance to join my guild. Raksha evil spirit!"

Eleven: [??_???] Join Raksha Demon???

Just patronizing the golden throne, and stopping Laxus from going crazy, only after hearing this man's words did Eleven suddenly regained his energy and looked around blankly.

Sure enough, a large number of dark magisters who hadn't seen them were looking at them with enthusiasm. The uniform dress, at first glance, knew that they belonged to the same camp.

The mental power was quietly released, and after a round of exploration, Elevating shivered suddenly.

This is actually the base camp behind the Rakshasa evil ghost camp!

This golden man in front of him turned out to be the guild president of the Rakshasa evil spirit!

Eleven and Laxus were obviously teleported by this golden man with some kind of spatial magic, and the purpose was to draw them into the guild!

Get sick!╰(‵□′)╯

This is the battlefield!During the war, you were still in the mood to recruit people for the guild. How free are you?

Eleven really didn't expect that he and Laxus, these two little figures, would be dug into the corner with such fanfare.Although they made a lot of noise, they did not reach the point where they could affect the situation of the battle.You said that you are a dignified boss, the battlefield commander, shouldn't you pay attention to some more important things?

Is it really so idle that I don’t know what to do?


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