The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 152: The Devil's Destruction

Eleven thought for a long time without trying to understand what this operation was. Maybe the big guys have some unpredictable ideas.

"I reject!"

Laxus didn't think so much like Eleven, his eyes were wide, and he refused without mercy!He had seen the golden shimmering guy up there a long time ago, pretending to be pretentious all the time.

Laxus most looked down upon others pretending to be coercive in front of him, in front of him, only he could pretend to be coerced!

However, Jin Shining was not angry when she heard Laxus's merciless refusal. Instead, she changed her posture, raised her legs exaggeratedly, and supported her chin with one hand, pretending to look deeply at Laxus. .

This condescending attitude made the veins of Laxus' forehead pick up.

"I see, you must not be aware of the strength of our guild if you don’t want to join, so let’s give you a chance to challenge me. As long as you can let me leave the throne, I will let you leave, otherwise you will join. How about my guild?"

Eleven: (O_O)???

This man is definitely a fool!

Why are we challenging you?

Oh my God!I really don't know how to complain...


Be calm, absolutely be calm!Don't let the fool take the rhythm, you should show him that we don't have...

"Huh? Are you looking down on us? Bastard!"


A flash of lightning passed by Eleven, and went straight to the golden throne in the sky, frightening Eleven.

Damn it!Forget there is a big fool around!


Seeing that the incarnation of Laxus lightning slammed into the throne, it was too late for Eleven to save the situation, so he had to curse at his mother, and flew into the sky without a word.

"Thunder and lightning suit!"


Laxas did not show any mercy from his subordinates, surrounded by lightning, his fist went straight to the door of the president of the Rakshasa evil spirit.Originally, Laxus didn't like this guy, but now he took the initiative to send him to the door to be beaten, of course he had to go all out.

Eleven followed, but his mental power was paying attention to the black wizards of the Rakshasa evil spirits around him, and found that they didn't care about Laxus's attack at all, and they didn't even mean to be nervous for their president.

Sure enough, the fist of Laxus in the sky did not touch the body of the President of the Rakshasa Demon, but was blocked by a golden shield outside the throne.The golden lightning collided and rubbed against the golden shield, making a harsh sound.

Obviously, this golden throne full of local tyrants is not only the personal hobby of the president of the Rakshasa evil spirit, but also a super magical device with good defense.

"It's useless, it's impossible to break my golden throne based on your attacks. Give up and let me go! Hahahaha~" Inside the golden shield, the Rakshasa Devil President looked at the outside and tried hard to pull Pull the child and laugh out loud.

Laxus punched the golden shield again, and the corners of his mouth twitched.As soon as he mentioned the shield, Laxus subconsciously thought of the guy behind him who would always hide behind his mind shield.For the protective shield, Laxus can be said to be an expert level, already trained by Eleven.

"Electric light!"

Laxus, who was already covered in thunder and lightning, suddenly shined, and the dazzling golden light of lightning instantly flooded the light of the Golden Throne, making it impossible to look directly at it like a small sun.

When Eleven saw that Laxus was blocked by the shield, he subconsciously looked away. This skill of flashing and blinding the enemy's dog's eyes was first tested by Laxus on him!

However, the others present did not have the experience of Eleven. All of them were watching the battle with their eyes wide open. They were blinded by the sudden sparkle, even in the throne guard. The president of the Rakshasa evil spirit in the hood did not escape, he got closer and was shaken even more blind!

"Asshole! What did you do?!"

Deprived of his vision, the president of the Rakshasa evil spirit suddenly became panicked, and he randomly controlled the throne to fly back.His confidence comes entirely from the throne of his divine weapon. Actually, he doesn't have any strength at all, and naturally he won't have much experience in combat.

Laxus stopped in place and did not pursue it. The opponent's panicked appearance immediately made him lose his interest in continuing to fight.Of course, even if he catches up, he can't break the defense of the throne is also a big reason.

At this moment, Eleven flew slowly to Laxus's side.Some speechlessly swept a circle of the senior members of the Raksha evil spirits who were covering their eyes and howling.

These guys always feel like they are playing around. It is obvious that the lower members are so fierce on the battlefield, but these upper-level members basically have no combat experience.Obviously each of them has a lot of magic power, but they are easily brought down by Laxus with a flash technique.

What is this called?

Is the top level corrupt?

Eleven and Laxus looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Eleven blinked and passed a "Let's slip!" eyes.

Laxus frowned and said, "What do you want to say? Didn't understand!"

Eleven: (??_??)

Laxus: (▼Dish▼)

"Cough!" With a light cough, Eleven didn't intend to pay any attention to Laxus, the big fool who would only be incompetent and furious all day long, decided to start his own performance, and instantly entered the role of Elizabeth.

"Hahahaha~Is this the legendary Rakshasa evil spirit? Hahahaha! It is really vulnerable. It is so easy to be killed by Lalazi alone. It really makes people laugh!"

Eleven posed an artificial posture in the air. Although the people on the ground were blinded by the dog's eyes, it did not affect his performance.He suddenly discovered that he was a little in love with the role of Elizabeth. This feeling of completely releasing himself and bursting into the soul of the second soul is really refreshing!

"Huh! This incompetent dark guild does not need to exist in this world! From now on will be the age of Elizabeth, the lord of my shadows! Take it, Rakshasa evil spirit, accept death!"

After speaking, Eleven threw a wave of rioting spiritual magic in the air, creating an illusion that he was gathering violent magic, then turned his head to transmit sound to Laxus: [Go, don’t look!I really want to wait for their reinforcements to surround us!

Laxus was once again shocked by Eleven’s exaggerated acting skills. He clenched his fists and worked hard to keep himself from admiring the sand sculpture Eleven. It’s just an acting skill. He can do it if he wants to. !probably!

On the ground, the invisible president of the Rakshasa devil felt the magic power of Eleven in the sky, and suddenly looked a little flustered, and shouted boldly: "It's useless! It's useless! Your attack is impossible." Break my golden throne! What will be waiting for you at that time is the endless revenge of the evil spirits of Raksha! You will wait for me..."

The President of the Rakshasa evil spirit screamed for a long time, but he didn't expect that the two people in the sky had already gone.After a while, the violent magic power in the sky seemed to dissipate on its own, and the people of the Rakshasa ghost realized that something was wrong, and tried to open their still fuzzy eyes and look into the sky, but they saw the last firework in their life!

"Magic Cluster Gun-Jupiter, launch!"

In the sky, a dark airship with a demon pattern revealed its figure from the clouds, and an old voice gave orders in the airship with a flat tone.


The purple-black magic cluster artillery pierced the ground with a bang, and that terrifying power could no longer be achieved by humans, and it could even destroy a city in an instant.

The high-levels of the Rakshasa evil spirits have not even seen what killed them, they have turned into fly ash, and the last thought in their minds before dying is: Elizabeth can really kill them with one blow. they!


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