
A bombardment that destroyed the world fell from the sky, and the terrifying power spread out in circles around the drop point, and everything it passed was razed to the ground.

Even Eleven and Laxas, who had already ran far away, were taken aback by the sudden attack. They were turned in the sky by the strong wind blowing from behind for several times before they could barely stabilize their figures.

Eleven stared blankly at the barren land behind him, plunged into deep self-doubt.

amount?what's going on?

It really blows up like this?


Could it be caused by me?


Am I so awesome?I'm just talking about it?

Did I awaken the new magic?Whatever you say?


Ignoring Eleven who was secretly pointing to his nose and talking about getting handsome, Laxus looked at the sky seriously.

Under the white clouds, a black magic airship was quietly suspended above two huge dark magic circles.The airship wind is more evil and enchanting, and it is even more engraved with a devil's pattern, which at first glance is the symbol of a dark guild.

"This is... this is the heart of the devil! Damn it, why are they here?" The top general couldn't help exclaiming at the front of the Senate team.

They haven't received any news about the infestation of the devil's heart!If they only deal with Raksha evil spirits and a bunch of miscellaneous army, they will not be in any danger, but if the heart of that overbearing and powerful demon is added, it is possible for them to die here this time. of.

The heart of the devil and those ordinary dark guilds are no longer of the same level. According to legend, their president is the man who is closest to the abyss of the magic way in the world, and can be comparable to the legendary black wizard Jeff.

Always be strong and don't want it!

Thinking of this, the general of the Senate was shocked in a cold sweat.He hurriedly blew the magic horn around his waist, Mingjin retreated!

The devil's heart just appeared, it killed almost all the high level of the Rakshasa evil spirit in one shot, and scared the Senate army did not dare to stay for a while, its terrifying deterrence is evident.


Makarov, who was fighting Brunot, also stopped his movements at this time, staring at the magical airship in the sky.From the airship, he felt a magical power that made his heart palpitations.He faintly felt this magic power a bit familiar, but it was so evil and cold, it made people want to touch it. Makarov didn't remember anyone he knew who possessed such disgusting magic power.

When the opposite Brunot saw Makarov in a daze about to continue his attack, suddenly an old voice came into his ears: "Alright, Brunot, come back, your mission is complete."

"Ah? President, I haven't played enough!" Brunott stared at the air and retorted Makarov's suspicious look.

"Come back, you are not Makarov's opponent yet, do you want to die here?" The old voice resounded in Brunot's mind again, this time his tone became much more serious, with an unquestionable taste.

Brunot squeezed his fist, but this time he did not continue to fight.He knew that his current self was far from the opponent of that powerful guild leader.It may take a few more years before he can truly have the qualifications to negotiate terms with the chairman.

"Super Gravity Ball!"

Brunott didn't say anything cruel and then ran away, but threw his hand to Makarov's big move, and then rushed towards the airship.

Makarov silently looked at the supergravity ball like a small black hole and had to condense magic power again for defense.How come young people are so careless now?If you say you want to run, just run, I won't chase you, what big tricks are you okay?It's not embarrassing to my old man, it's really too much to clean up.


At the moment when Jupiter fell from the sky, the main battlefield was in chaos, some panicked, some excited, and the man behind the dark coalition was most proud of.Brian burst into a triumphant laughter uncontrollably, and slowly flew up into the sky, coming to the very center of the battlefield, welcoming everyone's attention.

"Hahaha, the remaining party of the Raksha demons should stop resisting. Today, the Raksha demons will be destroyed!"

Bryan's declaration of victory immediately caused an uproar. Although the black wizards who were fighting on the battlefield saw the bundle of magic cannons falling from the sky, most of them didn't know what the cannons hit.It wasn't until Brian stood up to announce that they realized that it might be the high-level Raksha demons who had been recruited.

The wizards of the Rakshasa evil spirits panicked all of a sudden, and turned around and ran towards their base camp, wanting to confirm with their own eyes whether their boss is really gone.

Not to mention, when these magicians came to the center of the shelling, they really found a survivor, a golden ball of light. In the ball of light was Zhang Huagui’s golden throne, on which was sitting a The middle-aged fat house who was scared to pee.

It has to be said that the Golden Throne is a very high-quality defensive magic device, and it can hardly hold Jupiter's shelling.

"Ah! It's the guild leader! It's great that the guild leader is still alive!" All the wizards of the Rakshasa evil spirit suddenly cheered.

However, as the focus of the field, the gleaming president of the Raksha evil spirit did not have any joy.He was scared to pee, he was really scared.When he took over the Rakshasa evil spirit stall from his father, no one told him that the battle between the dark guilds would be so crazy!He just wanted to leave here quickly, return to the safe and hidden guild headquarters castle, and never come out again.


Above the throne, the president of the Rakshasa evil spirit snapped his fingers tremblingly. In the next second, he disappeared with the throne and disappeared directly, leaving only a group of stubborn guilds. The members looked at each other in despair.

This is the magic of the president of the Rakshasa evil spirit, space teleportation, it can teleport to any place he has been, or teleport the characters he locked to his side. It can be said to be a very powerful magic, but it is a pity that it has been with the wrong owner. .

Brian coldly looked at the escaping Rakshasa Devil President, with a disdainful smile on his lips.It was useless no matter where they fled, Brunot had already exposed their seat in the headquarters castle.


In the remote Rakshasa evil ghost castle, Jin Shining appeared, and was surrounded by a group of weird guys.

These guys are not only strange, they are also unimaginably powerful. His golden throne that can withstand Jupiter's shelling was torn down by these strange guys.

"Sister, how do you deal with this new toy?" A coquettish woman with first-born double horns said charmingly to another woman who looked like a devil.

"Let him tell us all the locations of their treasure trove, Serra." The demon woman stretched out her claws and provoked Serra's chin, orange said.

"Ah! Why are we doing such a troublesome thing! Why are we allying with humans?" a monster next to him who didn't know what it was yelled impatiently.

"Hehe, there is no way, after all, they can do a lot of trouble for us now. Just bear with me, everything is to open the door of the underworld as soon as possible."


"We have been in chaos for too long!" Ignoring the escaping Rakshasa ghost president, Brian began to continue his impassioned speech.

"It is because of our chaos that we have been suppressed by the weak and incompetent council! It is because there is no order that we will kill each other!"

"We can't go on like this anymore!"

"From today onwards, our'General of the Six Demons' and the'Devil's Heart' and the'Gate of Hades' have made a contract to form the Baram Alliance and provide shelter for the Dark Guild in the world. We will no longer be a mess of sand!"


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