The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 154: Uh, now it's 5 demons...

Bryan's words were like a boulder smashed into the calm water, causing an uproar.

All the members of the Dark Guild were shocked by what Brian said. Although they hadn’t heard of the Six Demon Generals, they had heard of the heart of the devil and the gate of the underworld. They were all legendary. The existence of ah.I want to come to the Six Demon Generals to sign a contract with such a big boss, no matter how bad they are, go there!

Even if these black wizards love freedom all their lives, they will never reject being protected by such a powerful boss.In the future, there will be such a legendary boss as the boss, then can they be more jealous of playing hooligans?Cool!

Not only did they calm down the other members of the Senate who had retreated. Unlike the excitement of the Black Mages, the Senate was in horror.

It turned out that the heart of the devil and the gate of the underworld appeared at the same time!Who on earth is this Brian, who has such a huge energy?

This group of hateful black wizards actually want to form an alliance?

How dare to form their alliance in front of our Senate in such a fair manner!

It is too arrogant!Too unforgivable!

Humph!Be sure to go back quickly, and then hold an emergency meeting to criticize them!

The generals of the Senate army snorted and accelerated the pace of retreat.

Just kidding, what if this group of dark guilds who are planning to form an alliance gets hot and they plan to kill them in the Senate to celebrate?It is too dangerous here, and it is more pleasant to go back and have a meeting with the congressmen.

Bryan didn't instigate the Dark Wizards to take action against those in the Senate, and it was not the time to rip off the Senate.

One reason why he brought the Senate to this battlefield was to make the Senate attract the firepower of the Rakshasa evil spirits so that they would not lose quickly, and the other reason was to let the soldiers of the Senate fight The news of their Balam alliance spread to all over the world.

Brian had no plans to low-key the development of the alliance at all, with the strong combination of the devil's heart and the gate of the underworld, they did not need to be low-key at all.

The news of the formation of the Baram Alliance by the Dark Guild will surely cause a huge wave across the continent of Ishogar, and his Brian and the Six Demon Generals will also ride this huge wave to the peak of life.

Eleven and Laxus did not receive much impact among these fanatical black wizards. What a devil’s heart, what a gate to the underworld, these two guys who don’t read or read newspapers have not even heard of it. Over.

After listening for a long time, I felt that if the Dark Guild was united, it seemed not very good, nothing more.


I don’t know how long it took. The group of black wizards on the battlefield let go of the gap between each other, hooked up and followed the horn of Brian Bulala, jumping towards the distance, leaving only There was a mess and ruin.

Eleven finally found Makarov who had not left yet.The old man was standing on the soil slope with his hands back at this time, looking at the bleak battlefield wreckage, and sighed with pity, as if he wanted to chant a poem at any time.

"Wow! Father, I want to kill you!"

Regardless of what feelings Makarov was brewing, Eleven rushed over from behind and hugged Makarov's small body with a wow, and kept wiping his nose.The experience of today's day was really exciting, and Eleven was a little excited.

"Are you not hurt?" Makarov looked at Eleven who was holding him, and gently touched his head.

"Woo, I'm fine, don't worry!" Eleven was so touched by the old man's caring behavior that he cried suddenly.


Makarov slapped Eleven on the head of Eleven who was about to blow his nose, and slapped him on the ground.

"Your kid knows all day to cause trouble for me!" As soon as I heard that Eleven was not injured, Makarov instantly changed his face, blowing his beard and staring at Eleven.

When Eleven saw the old man, he was really a little angry, so he gave up his plan to pass the test. He knelt in front of Makarov honestly, lowered his head, and accepted the old man's reprimand.

Makarov was really angry this time, and Eleven was too foolish.In the past, it was nothing more than sabotage, but this time it was mixed into the dark guild camp!He almost lost his life.

What is going on like this?

It seems that it is still too gentle to the kid!

This time he must be punished, but he knows that his guild leader does not only wipe their buttocks, but also has a bad temper!

"By the way, what about that little bastard Laxus?" Makarov, who was tired of scolding for a long time, remembered his grandson and asked.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh? He just followed behind me... Damn, Laxus ran away by himself!"

Eleven turned his head back looking for a long time with a dazed expression before suddenly reacting, the bastard of Laxus actually ran away quietly to avoid being scolded.

This is too disappointing!I didn't even tell him when I ran away!



Makarov probably also knew the virtue of his grandson, and instantly figured out the reason, anyway, if the monk can't run away from the temple, the stinky boy will come back sooner or later.

Without entanglement with Laxus, Makarov dragged the unloved Eleven, squeezing his chin to figure out how to punish Eleven in order to teach him a lesson.


Makarov's contemplation was suddenly interrupted by the hiss of a snake letter in front of him, and he looked up.

I saw a purple python holding his head, showing his fangs, looking at them with a guarded face.In the center of the giant python occupies a dark-red-haired young man. There are many trampling footprints behind the young man, looking extremely miserable.

Obviously, this giant python was protecting the fainting teenager, but the battlefield just now was too chaotic, and the giant python was also powerless, and it was impossible to get this teenager who was lying on the ground stepped on.

"Hey, isn't this Chuberrios? Why are you here?"

Eleven, who was dragged behind by Makarov, heard the sound of the snake and poked his head out. He unexpectedly discovered that he knew the snake. Isn't this the big python following the snake?

Thinking of running a snake, Eleven subconsciously turned his gaze to Kebra, who was guarded by Chuberios.When he saw Kebra's miserable appearance, several memory fragments flashed past.

Uh...The reason why this guy is in a coma seems to be beaten by me...

Eleven approached slightly apologetically, wanting to see if Kebra was still alive.Chuberrios didn't have any hostility towards Eleven, but rather graciously nudged him, voluntarily stepped aside and asked him to check Kebra's injuries.

Makarov seemed to have a keen interest in the giant python of Chuberrios, and stared at her with his head tilted, and her turbid eyes seemed to be able to see through her whole snake.

"You are a human being?" After watching for a long time, Makarov suddenly stretched out a palm and pressed it to Chuberrios' neck, and said something shocking.

Eleven, who was holding Kebra's head to check his injuries, was also startled and slipped, and he fell to the ground with Kebra's head, making a bang.


Qiuberíos himself seemed very confused, staring at this nonsense little old man with a bad face, vomiting his own snake letter.

"Didn't I realize it? It's so pathetic, who did this magic?" Makarov frowned, his tone a little angry, but his eyes were full of tenderness when he looked at Chuberios, "Go with me. Let me help you get back to the original state. You are not who you really are now."

"Master, are you serious?" Eleven didn't care about Kebra, stood up and looked somewhat shocked to Makarov and Chuberios, with a look of excitement." No wonder you are so smart, Chuberrios. Just listen to what the old man said, go with us, and have a try. I believe we will not harm you."

Chuberrios hesitated to spit out a snake letter. Although he didn't know the little old man, he still trusted Eleven very much.Eleven was the first human being who could truly communicate with her, and even Kebra was only in communication with her, and could not truly communicate.

After thinking for a moment, Chuberrios nodded his huge snake head and agreed to follow Eleven and the others, but in the next second, Chuberrios curled up Kebra lying on the ground with the snake’s tail. , Shook his head and said that he had to take Kebra with him.

Eleven looked at Kebra suddenly disgusted, this guy looked bad.But when he saw the begging eyes of Chuberrios, he had to subdue softly. He stretched out his hand and touched Chuberrios' smooth snake scales: "Oh, I can't do anything with you. Come with him."

At this time, Kebra, who had been in a coma before, was finally awakened by the noise of Eleven and the others. The first scene that opened his eyes and saw the first scene was Chuberrios kissing you and poking his head in Eli. Wen rubbed his arms.



Chuberrios, you finally chose Elizabeth, have you left me?


Obviously my only wish is to listen to the voice of my closest friend, why can I make it happen?

Ah~ Chuberrios, I really want to hear your voice!

The sad and depressed Kebra fainted again because he couldn't accept the impact of his wish shattered, and was curled by Cuberios with his tail, and swayed to a new life.

In the other direction, Brian, who finally had a chance to rest, suddenly covered his cheek.One of the six lines painted on his face suddenly disappeared.

"Kebra's wish has disappeared! Didn't that guy survive this war? It's useless!"


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