The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 155: Love is like a tornado

Kebra, formerly named Eric.Like Elisa, she was a slave trapped in the tower of Paradise.

Unlike Elisa's experience, Eric failed to escape from the tower of the paradise after the uprising, but stayed under the coaxing of Geral.

Of the six generals of the Six Demons, four have the same experience as Eric.They are the four most magically gifted children in the tower of that paradise.Each of them has a simple and persistent wish, and the power of magic comes from the deep heart's wish.

But Geral didn't need the strength of his men, so he chose to use Eric's four to conduct an unknown PY deal with Bly.

From that day on, Eric became the Kebra of the Six Demon Generals, whose code name is derived from the ancient language of Cobra, Cobra.

Bryan helped Kebra awaken his own magic and planted a poisonous dragon magic crystal in his body, turning him into a poisonous dragon slayer.

Although Bryan led them to do a lot of bad things and killed a lot of people, Eric still respected Bryan.For these young people who have climbed out of the hell from the tower of the paradise, they can learn magic and eat a full meal, they are already very content, and they have no leisure to be compassionate and blame themselves for those bad things.

However, his relationship with Brian is only limited to this, far from reaching the point of closeness.Eric himself knew in his heart that Brian was just using them, and there was no emotion at all.

So even if Bryan sent them to the battlefield and let them fend for themselves, Eric didn't complain.And confidently believe that he will survive and truly become one of the six demon generals.

Until Eric met the man named Elizabeth again.

This hateful man not only easily defeated the dragon-killing magic he was proud of, but also abducted his closest partner, Chuberrios.

But the man's free and free-wheeling style was deeply attracted to Eric, which made Eric, who had always obeyed his orders like a puppet, developed a feeling of envy.

"Perhaps this is the secret to Elizabeth's strength!" Following Elizabeth, Eric thought to himself like this.

Eric wants to learn more from Elizabeth. Before he completely abducts Chuberrios, it is good to learn a little more about his free style of behavior.

Then... he was knocked out!

After being knocked on the back of the neck, Eric saw Elizabeth's gloomy eyes at the last moment of the coma.

Shameless!Want to kill me in order to abduct Chuberrios?



Eric on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes, just as if he had a long and disgusting nightmare, which made him suffer from a splitting headache.The line of sight gradually focused, and there was a strange ceiling in front of him.

"Are you awake? It's great. You are a girl from today. How do you feel?" Elizabeth's familiar voice came from her side.

Eric: ∑(O_O;)???

Subconsciously tightened his legs, but fortunately, something like that between his legs seemed to be still there, he just felt it!

He took a breath, but in the next second Eric suddenly recovered. Why is Elizabeth here?I became alert for an instant, jumped up from the hospital bed, and overturned many bottles.

Turning around and looking in the direction where Elizabeth had just spoken, Eric realized that the words that Elizabeth had just said were not addressed to him.

Eleven and Makaroff were standing next to another hospital bed, on which was sitting a young girl with short purple hair.The girl has exquisite features and a slender figure. She seems to be only fourteen or five years old.Although it looks very weak and weak at this time, it is certain that she is definitely a beauty who will not lose to Mira Elsa.

The moment Eric saw the girl, all his movements stopped, his heart was pounding, his face flushed.

That's right, this is a throbbing rush!


"Ah, you woke up too. Why can't you be honest, you have to destroy things!"

Eleven turned his head to look at Eric who was taken aback, frowning angrily.You know, although this is the infirmary of Fairy Tail, basically all the medicines are prepared by Ms. Polusica. If you let her know that because he and the old man left it randomly, it was smashed. Go crazy.

This pot has to be fastened to the snake, absolutely can't give him any opportunity to defend!

Eric didn't take care of the black pot that Eleven had forcibly buckled. He was not in the mood to take care of these broken medicine bottles, his eyes kept staring at the purple-haired girl.For some reason, this girl always gave him a sense of familiarity, as if the two had been getting along for a long time.

Is this the fate of fate in the legend?


"Hey, slap the snake, it's almost done, don't keep staring at others!" Eleven stepped forward to block Eric's sight.

Eric had been staring at Chuberrios squintingly, and Chuberrios looked embarrassed.Although the two of them had always been good partners sleeping under the covers, Qiuberios is now a girl. Isn't it a hooligan who always stares at them?

"My name is Eric, not Snake!" Eric defended excitedly.

Obviously I’ve been called by Eleven before, and I’m too lazy to argue, but I don’t know why. In front of this girl, Eric just doesn’t want to be called like this anymore. He declared himself aloud, and said that he was genuine His name is not Kebra.

"Eric? I remember you didn't call this name before? What's your name?" Eleven frowned, talking nonsense next to him, causing Eric to roll his eyes.

"Um... Excuse me, where is this place? Who are you guys?" A soft voice weakly interrupted the eye war between Eleven and Kebra.

"This is Fairy Tail. Child, do you feel okay?" Makarov hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern. After all, it was the curse he lifted, and he was naturally responsible for the child's physical condition.

"Fairy Tail? Why am I here? Hmm... Can't remember anything..." The girl murmured a little bit painfully while holding her forehead.


"What? Have you lost your memory? Chuberrios, do you remember me?" Eleven didn't care about Eric when he heard this, and rushed to the bed.


"What! She is Chuberrios? Fuck! Chuberrios?" Eric was obviously more surprised when he heard Eleven, and he pushed Eleven away and squeezed to the bed. , Looked up carefully.

Eleven naturally couldn't show weakness. He was also very concerned about Chuberrios' good cuts. The two immediately began to push and shove by the bed, and the room became noisy.

Suddenly, the palm of a puff fan was drawn out, and the two guys who were squeezing around were flew out.

"You two guys give me peace!"

Eleven was accustomed to being pumped by Makarov. He was so experienced that he immediately began to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

But Eric was not calm. He didn't respond to the slap of the old man just now, but he couldn't resist at all. This unremarkable blow made him dare not even move.

Is this the monster that ran out there?

He just said this is Fairy Tail?Is it the fairy tail of the Sorcerer Guild?Is this old man Makarov?

But why is Elizabeth here?

Isn't he an evil black wizard?


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