The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 160: The Punishment (four thousand)

the next morning.

Eric, who walked out of the infirmary, has changed a lot from yesterday, and his eyes are less gloomy than before, and become much gentler.

However, Eric still behaved very indifferently towards the people of Fairy Tail, and he didn't take the initiative to contact them.He stayed here only for Ginana, the others really didn't matter.

Finding a remote and uninhabited corner, Eric coldly observes the noisy people in the guild, observes the environment in the guild, and observes how the wizards receive work.

Since he intends to stay here to work and live as a regular magister, Eric can't keep hiding from people. He has to learn slowly and integrate slowly. After all, a maverick like Mistgang is still Rarely.

However, after observing secretly for a long time, Eric was surprised that he didn't see a serious working wizard. Basically everyone looked lazy, not drinking and bragging, he had already drunk too much. Sleeping.

It's morning now!Was it so decadent early in the morning?

"Huh, that's why the bright guys are soft guys!"

Eric snorted coldly, then turned his gaze to the center of the guild hall, where a large circle of people gathered on the third floor and the third floor.And in the middle of the crowd lies a little blue cat.

The little blue cat is exactly Hobbit, and now Hobbit is accepting the service of the three villains with a comfortable face, making a gurgling sound.

The three villains are about ten centimeters tall, two women and one man.The two girls were sweating and rubbing the belly of Hobby, while the boy was holding a fish unlovably, waiting to feed Hobby a bite at any time.

These three villains are Eleven, Mira, and Elisa who were punished by Makarov.

Originally, this punishment was only aimed at Eleven alone, but who made Mira and Elisa ruin the streets of Magnolia again yesterday, just by the way.

Makarov called this punishment "Fairy Tail One Day Public Servant Punishment"!The person who receives the punishment will be reduced to one tenth by Makarov's special magic, turning into a villain with a height of only ten centimeters.And then with this body to fulfill the requirements of other people in the guild, to serve the people.

I have to say that this perverted old man can really play~

"Hobby, are the fish delicious?" Eleven looked at the huge hobby in front of him, and graciously fed the master a bite of the fish.

"Love!" Hobbi happily agreed.

"Hobby, is it almost full? Can I put the fish down?" Eleven hugged the fish that was bigger than him, a little struggling.

"No! Let's continue to eat fish!"

"Hobby, you have eaten several fish just now, have you forgotten it, you will have a stomachache if you eat it again."

"We're just a cat, don't remember such a long time ago!"

"It's not long ago! Just now! Just now! Do you think you are a goldfish with only seven seconds of memory?"

"It's too much, Eleven, we are obviously a cat, not a goldfish!" Hobbi suddenly felt wronged.


Eleven discovered today that this little blue cat is so cheap!She was so cute when she was a kid, just a few months ago?Who did you learn from?

"Wow, Hobby, you have lost too much time, it's my turn!" At this moment, Naz suddenly rushed out and started fighting for the right of the three with Hobby.

"Naz, you're too much, it's obviously time for us to enjoy it now." Hobby raised his small paw in protest.

However, Naz ignored Hobby’s opinion and shouted with bright eyes: "I don't care, I can't bear such a fun thing! Wow haha, Elisa, come and fight me!"

As soon as the surrounding people heard Naz's words, they immediately became energetic and watched enthusiastically. They were just waiting for someone to make such a request.

At this time, Elisa, who was lying on Hubby’s belly, buried her face in the cat's hair and took a deep breath, then raised her head, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and glanced at the piece of her messed up with satisfaction Belly.Today, Elisa was very happy to lick the cat, and it was not a punishment to feel that she was getting smaller, but rather cool!

Turning her head and glanced at Naz, Elisa turned over and shoved from Hobbit.Because I sucked the cat too coolly just now, my footsteps are a little vain, but this doesn't prevent Elisa from accepting the challenge.

With a choke, she drew out the long sword like a toothpick, and even if she became smaller, Elisa still looked heroic and full of aura.The sharp gaze swept over Naz, which made Naz feel afraid of a little man who was more than ten centimeters away.

"Come on, Naz, I accept your challenge!" Elisa looked at Naz confidently.

"Oh, oh, I'm on it! Look at the move!" Naz was shocked by Little Elisa for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and then rekindled his fighting spirit, waving the eighth fist towards Little Elisa Rushed over.

"Hmph, Naz, there are too many flaws!" Elisa smiled slightly, and also raised her sword to meet Naz's fist.


In the next second, Elisa was hit on the table by Naz in a big font!

At this moment, the audience is silent...

"Wow hahahaha, I defeated Elisa!" Only Naz had the biggest heart. After a while, he recovered, and then he started to lose himself, "Wow hahaha, did you see Hobby, I I hit Elisa!"

"Love! Naz, you are so mean!" Hobby immediately raised his small paw and happily agreed with Naz, but what he said sounded like he was despising Naz.

"Wow hahaha! Milla, Eleven, I want to challenge you too!" Naz didn't care what Hobbi said, and continued to make an inch of it. He turned his target to Eleven and Mila. The kid was crazy. He didn't think about what would happen to him after the punishment was over the next day.

Milla and Eleven looked at each other, and they all saw reluctance in each other's eyes, and no one wanted to be abused by Naz, a little bunny.

But reluctance is also acceptable. It is the rule of the game to meet the requirements of every partner in the guild.

Eleven stepped forward, stopped Mira behind him, looked up at Naz, with an arrogant face, and shouted: "Naz! Another request!"

Naz was taken aback by Eleven's voice, and it took a long time to react. He didn't expect that Eleven would admit it was so unreasonable.

"Hey hey~" A little fox smile appeared on Naz's face. He is here to avenge his revenge. There will be promised by Eleven, and said with a smile: "You and Mira Come on! I want to fight two! Poof~"

Elevating was suddenly full of black lines, and he didn't expect that he would be bullied by Naz one day.

Although very unwilling, the method Naz said is also a good way. He and Mira might be able to kill Naz this little bastard when he goes together.

"Mila, let's go together, give Naz a lesson...Mila?"

After thinking about the tactics, Eleven just wanted to invite Mira to fight Naz with him, but when he turned his head, he found that Mira behind him was long gone.

I only saw it when I looked far away. At this time, Mira had already ran to the other side of the table, raised her arms to the sky, and said coquettishly: "Lizana, hug!"

"Yeah! Sister Mila is so cute!!"

Mira suddenly escaped from the danger amidst the cheers of the girl, and then cast a triumphant small look at Eleven.

Eleven looked at this scene desperately. Why didn't he expect to sell cute and hug?He thinks that if he goes to sell cute, he must be more popular than Mila, after all, Mila is usually fierce, he is different, he is usually gentle!

That guy Mila sneaked away!How can it be repaired!

"Ah! Let Lisana take Mila away! But forget it, only Eleven is the same, wow hahaha, Eleven take it!" Naz won't run out for Eleven again There was a chance to hug, and he rushed up with his fists laughing.

The dim light in Eleven's eyes flickered, and the only thing that happened now was to bite the bullet.Humph!Did Naz really think that he can't do anything with him when he gets smaller?

"The power of thought is pressure-full spiritual release!"


Eleven also appeared beside Elisa in a big font, and his mental pressure was just to knock a big bag out of Naz's head, which didn't hurt at all.

"Wow hahaha!" Naz was so proud after bullying Eleven, his nose was almost up to the sky, and he burst into laughter.

It must be said here that Makarov's magic is very overbearing, not only can it reduce the size of a person by a thousand times, but even the strength is suppressed to an almost no degree.If it weren't for this magic that requires the consent of both parties to perform the spell to take effect, it would not be an exaggeration to say it is a forbidden spell.

"Hey, just kidding, even Eleven was easily defeated!"


Seeing Eleven and Elsa lying neatly on the table in large fonts, everyone onlookers in the guild began to move around.

The reason why it was Habi's turn to be served by three people at the same time was because the others were actually a little afraid of Eleven and Mira Elsa. Can these three great gods be called at will?What should I do if I beat myself up if I am upset?

However, the situation is different now. With Naz's appearance, everyone understands that Eleven can really be manipulated at will, and they suddenly become gearing up.

Eleven, Mila, and Elisa are usually the overlords of one party in the guild, and they are the only ones who bully others.Now that the three of them have fallen together, don’t hurry up to have grievances and revenge. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. No matter what he will do tomorrow, let’s be cool first!

"Eleven, come and pour me wine."

"Mila sauce, can you rub my shoulders for me?"

"Elisa sauce, the vegetables in the kitchen, please help me cut it."

"Eleven, show us a hobbit."

"Elisa sauce, can you put on a maid costume when you cut vegetables?"

"Mila sauce, work hard! Forget it, you should rub my legs~"


Although everyone's wishes were trivial, they were very annoying, and they were endless. They were forced by Yilivin to make friends with them, and they almost didn't know where they were going.

"Wow hahaha, Gray, you come to me as a bench for me to sit on!" Naz was already playing hi, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Ah? Stinky, what are you dreaming about?" Gray almost cocked his nose!

"Isn't it a master-servant game? Come and listen to the master!" Naz was confident.

"Huh? Are you an idiot? It's Eleven who will listen to other people's orders. And even if I play the master and servant game, I will never listen to your orders, you idiot stinks!"

(#`Д??)??: "Who do you pervert general say is the stink?"

(▼▼): "I said you are an idiot!"

"Damn it, do you want to fight again?"

"I'll fight anyone who is afraid of it!"

Naz and Gray fought noisily again, and soon more people were implicated by them and joined in this inexplicable chaos.

The already very noisy guild suddenly seemed to be fried, becoming even more crazy.

Sitting on the bar, Makarov was holding the wine glass in his arms, watching the noisy guild, completely ignored.The old face blushed and he hiccuped with wine. The old man had already drunk him thoroughly. Not only did he not restrain the children from fighting, but he also held up the wine glass and shouted there to help strengthen his momentum.

With the chairman's participation, these militants became more active, fighting more unscrupulously, tables, chairs and benches flying all over the sky, it was not spectacular.

Suddenly, a bench was knocked out, and it happened to hit Makarov's Mediterranean skull with his head up and drinking.

The dizzy Makarov who had already drunk suddenly became even more confused by such a smash, took two steps staggeringly, and fell to the ground with one head and fell asleep directly.


The situation on Makarov's side shocked everyone, and suddenly fell silent. They only breathed a sigh of relief when they found that Makarov was only asleep.


Just as the guild members settled Makarov and planned to start the second round of melee, the three explosions of magic dispelling attracted everyone's attention.

As Makarov fell asleep, the shrinking magic he used naturally could no longer be maintained.The people in the guild seemed to see the three demon gods appearing in front of them stepping on the dark flames, scaring them into cold sweats and daring not to move.

"Wow hahaha, great, Eleven will come to fight me again, even if you recover, I will defeat you!" Only Naz's heart is big enough and he doesn't care about the aura at all. He jumped out heartlessly.


The next second, a big font-shaped hole appeared in the wall, and Naz didn't know where he was shot and flew.

Eleven squeezed Finaz's palm, looked up at the guild members who had just yelled at them, and smiled: "Everyone, hurry up and start the second round of melee, I can't wait!"

"That, Eleven, I was wrong..."

"Wait, I'm going to the toilet..."

"Elegant Butterfly!!!"

With the addition of the three great gods, the melee became a one-sided slaughter, and the guild became more lively and jubilant, but the original noise was a bunch of unbearable screams, and now it has become a scream!

Well, it sounds more civilized!

Eric, still sitting in the corner, calmly drank the wine, and a smile appeared on his mouth.

"Oh, what a noisy guild!"


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