The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 161: Becoming a Legendary Boy

Fiore Magic Journal:

"At the end of 778 in the first year, armed conflict broke out between the Dark Guilds.

Numerous dark guilds were suspected of participating in this incident. The scale was huge and the impact was extremely evil.

In the end, the Senate sent troops to suppress the fight by force.

The dark guild Raksha demons, one of the main messengers of the incident, were destroyed, and many guild leaders put the law on the spot. Its president escaped by chance, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

The six demon generals of the dark guild, the heart of the dark guild, the gate of the dark guild, the gate of the dark guild, in order to compete with the Senate, formed the Baram alliance.

The Senate stated that it would never allow the existence of such a dark guild alliance, and it would definitely strike with the momentum of thunder.At the same time, the general public and the magicians are reminded not to neglect precautions. If any suspicious elements are found, they should promptly report to the Senate.

The following is the wanted order for important persons involved:

Brian-President of the Six Demon Generals.

Male, with a wand in his hand, dark skin, white hair, and wearing a coat.Distorted and cunning personality.It was the chief culprit who led the dark guild war and the alliance with Baram.

Heavily sinful!Extremely dangerous!

If you know his whereabouts, please report it to the House of Councilors in time, and the House will provide corresponding bonuses based on the importance of the information.

Brunot Sturga-suspected member of the Demon Heart.

Male, black hair, sharp nose, wearing a white coat.Has used extremely powerful gravity magic.Extreme personality and very aggressive.

Heavily sinful!Extremely dangerous!

If you know his whereabouts, please report it to the House of Councilors in time, and the House will provide corresponding bonuses based on the importance of the information.

Elizabeth-identity unknown, position unknown.

Male, covered in black, wearing a dark red cloak behind him.The magic used is unpredictable, suspected of air manipulation and dark magic.He is extremely crazy, with chaotic motivations, and very aggressive.Being good at deceiving the crowd, seems to have great malice towards the Senate.

Heavily sinful!Extremely dangerous!

If you know his whereabouts, please promptly..."


Seeing this, Eleven suddenly closed the magic journal in front of him, cold sweat on his back, and his heart was cold.

He was wanted!

Ma!It turned out to be extremely heinous and extremely dangerous!

Will the old man hit me?

Carefully opening the magic journal, Eleven glanced at his wanted warrant again, and when he saw his vague wanted photo, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Spreading the magic journal on the table, Eleven looked carefully at his wanted photo for a long time, but he didn’t see where he was. He was vague, he could only see that it was a figure in battle. That's it.

"The photographer of the panel is awesome!" Eleven gave the photographer a thumbs-up with joy.

Only if someone can think of his handsome face with this photo!It seems that the House of Representatives did not intend to arrest people seriously, just pretending to be.

Eleven flipped through the journal's records of the incident, and almost all of the articles were in recognition of the bravery of the Senate military and praised their vigorous and vigorous methods of solving problems.


Although Eleven was on the battlefield at the time and didn't know much about the whole battle, he still knew that the Senate army did nothing about it.

Not to mention anything else, it is said that after the Brian announced the formation of the Baram Alliance, he did not talk to the Senate at all. Anyway, Eleven does not remember any conflicts after that. Now the Senate says that they passed After a bloody fight, the dark guild that wanted to join the Baram League was dispersed.

Even the dark guild takes advantage of it, so shameless!

Speaking of Brian, Eleven suddenly remembered that Brian had promised to tell him where Geral was in order to deceive him into the battlefield. This matter disappeared in the end, making Eleven a little depressed.

After he and the old man came back, he also investigated this Brian. This man was once the director of the Magic Development Bureau of the Senate.

Eleven is still a little concerned about the Magic Development Bureau. After reading the information, he suddenly thinks of the memories that have been sealed by him for a long time, the dark memories.

However, this place has been destroyed, and the rumor seems to have been destroyed by a magical girl. It is now in ruins, and Eleven has dispelled the idea of ​​going to them.

Thinking of things in his heart, he flipped through the journals page by page until he saw Laxus' wanted warrant again, and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Lalazi-suspected Elizabeth's entourage.

Male (to be determined), tall, can use lightning magic that can completely cover the body.The mood seems to be unstable, and he is taking orders from Elizabeth, but she often runs violently and moves towards her.

Sin does not die!Highly dangerous!


"Puff! Hahaha~" Seeing this, Eleven couldn't hold back anymore and laughed.

Hahaha, it turned out to be Elizabeth's entourage!The Senate is so sensible!

The gender is still to be determined!Hahaha

I must keep this page, and I will definitely show it to Laxus when he comes back!

Thinking of Laxus's wonderful expression when he was appointed by the House of Representatives as his little brother in the future, Eleven couldn't afford to laugh, and patted the tabletop, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Eleven, what are you laughing at?" On the side, Naz saw Eleven smiling like a neurotic, and ran over and asked, picking his nostrils.

"Is Eleven so happy that he had fish?" Little Hobby also flew over to join in the fun.

"No fish, no fish, look at this..." Eleven soothed the drooling Hobby, and while holding back a smile, tremblingly, he handed the wanted order to the lalazi in his hand. Look at Naz and Hobby.

Naz and Hobbi leaned their heads, looked at them for a long time, and looked inexplicable.


"Really, what's so good about this?" Naz held the back of his head dissatisfied.

"Natsu, Eleven's brain is broken!" Hobby looked terrified.

Obviously, Naz and Hobbi, who didn't know the truth, couldn't get Eleven's smile. They only felt that Eleven smirked at a wanted warrant, which was simply crazy.

"I think Elizabeth is more concerned than this Lalazi. All the information is unclear, like a mystery, and it feels more dangerous. I heard some gossip that the high-level of the Rakshasa evil spirit is actually being Elizabeth This man must not be underestimated by one move!" Eliza did not know when she also leaned in, pinching her chin, and commenting seriously.

"Yeah, I think Elsa is right!" Eleven smiled and nodded, and at the same time cast an approving look at Eliza.

"Cut! It's just an evil wizard of the dark guild. If you let me take a shot, he will definitely be solved with a punch!" Naz didn't care about Elisa's words, and extremely arrogantly scorned Elizabeth. Fan.


Eleven slapped Naz on the head!

NazД??|: "Wow, Eleven, why are you hitting me!"

Eleven : "Nothing, just want to teach you how to respect the strong!"


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