X779 years.

With the end of another harvest festival, Eleven and his friends grew up one year old, but they didn't seem to have grown much. They were still noisy every day, heartless, and carefree in the guild. Of living.

At this time, Eleven brought a glass of milk, leaned against the bar, watched Eric secretly, and smiled in his heart.

Eric was choosing a task in front of the task board, but he looked a little embarrassed, so he pulled down a task list, didn't even look at it, and ran away.

It feels like a scumbag who has been messing around all the time. Suddenly one day he plans to study hard, but he feels that doing his homework seriously is very shy.Even if he knows that what he is trying to do is the right thing, he can't get used to this sudden change in personality.

Eric, who came from the Dark Guild, felt that such an upright selection job was shameful at this time, for fear that others would talk behind his back about his picking tasks.

Eric’s resolute task-picking method looked at Naboo, who had been hovering in front of the task board, for a moment. For his lazy, cancerous and difficult-to-choose players, Eric’s behavior was really good. It's too unacceptable.

However, Eric, who had just taken the task and was about to escape, was caught back by Ginana after a while, and put the task of playing the bunny girl back on the task board.

"Really, Eric, why are you picking this kind of task?" Ginana said with a weird expression.

Eric's face flushed even more. He didn't even see what the task was just now, and grabbed it casually. Who would have thought that there were even such tasks in Guild of Light!Does this kind of task really need to be done by a wizard?

Fortunately, the person in charge of the registration task today is Ginana, otherwise Eric would be even more embarrassed.

By the way, Ginana has now become a glorious kanban girl in Fairy Tail.Because Ginana hadn't learned magic yet, she couldn't go out with Eric to do quests, and she didn't want to eat rice, so she wanted to find something to do as much as she could.

When she and Makarov said that they wanted to help in the guild, they made the bad old man so happy, and immediately drove the fat lady who was in charge of the front desk to the back cook.With a beautiful young beauty like Ginana dangling at the front desk every day, Makarov felt that the wine in his hand became more delicious~


Eleven looked at the bear-like figure that Eric was taught by Ginana from a distance, really did not hold back, and laughed out loud.

Eric's ears were so good, he immediately turned his head and glared in Eleven's direction. Eleven covered his mouth and suffocated, then turned his head quickly, pretending to know nothing.


As a result, for the task recommended by Ginana, Eric gave Eleven a vicious look, then turned his head with a cold snort and left.

This time, I will spare the bastard Eleven first, and get back in revenge when I can beat him in the future!


"Be careful on the road!" Ginana looked at Eric Tsundere's back, and waved with a smile.

It wasn't until Eric's figure disappeared from the crowd that Ginana reluctantly returned to the counter registration office.

"Mr. Eleven, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." Ginana looked apologetically at Eleven who had been watching the bustling for a long time.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Eleven didn't matter, he smiled and handed a task list, which was the task list he had just taken from the second floor.

"Wow! S-level mission? Mr. Eleven is really amazing!" Ginana was a little surprised when she took the task list. This was the first time she had seen an S-level mission in a while.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the guild is second!" Eleven bared his teeth, never knowing what modesty is.

"Hehe, you are really interesting to say." Ginana covered her mouth and chuckled. She didn't stop her work, and quickly registered Eleven.


Eleven took the task list and just wanted to pat his butt to leave, but was stopped by Ginana.

"Mr. Eleven." Ginana bowed slightly to Eleven, begging sincerely, "Eric will trouble you, he is still very clumsy in all aspects, I hope you can take care of it. "

Eleven looked at Ginana in surprise, thinking she and Eric were good, but she didn't expect that she would say Eric was stupid behind her back!I really don't understand their relationship~

Scratching his head, Eleven grinned (▽): "It doesn't matter, except for me, everyone in the guild is basically idiots. Even if Eric is stupid, he doesn't need to be inferior."

Ginana: [??_???]


After thinking about it all the way, Eleven didn't figure out why he was hated by Ginana. Why did he suddenly become unhappy after a good chat?At the end of the analysis, Eleven's artificial problem should not be on his own body, so he no longer cares about it.

Jumped out of the carriage and looked at the chic small western-style building in front of you. This is the address of the client.

Eleven's mission this time was a mission of transporting treasures. This type of mission was not very difficult, but it was not easy, and it was a fairly satisfactory type of mission.Because the previous missions of the Dark Guild were too exciting, now Eleven has become more cautious in choosing missions.

Ring the doorbell, and the one who opened the door was a chubby woman, very enthusiastic, and babbling Eleven into the house.

"Come in, come in, I see the coat of arms on your arm, you must be the wizard of Fairy Tail! I've been waiting for you for a long time. Please sit down, please sit down, you are welcome. You just baked cookies, You taste it. By the way, do you want something to drink? I'm going to make tea..."

Eleven entered the room and was arranged clearly before saying a word. He was fed a lot of delicious food and sat on the sofa a little cramped.

"That..." Seeing this woman turned around to fetch him food, Eleven hurriedly stopped, "Madam, don't be busy, I'm here to accept the commission, you don't have to entertain me ."

After hearing what Eleven said, the woman was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly sat down in front of Eleven, and smiled embarrassedly: "Haha, I am sorry, I am used to serving people and can't be idle. Yes. , Commission, commission is more important, eat after talking."

Eleven opened his mouth, he wanted to say that he didn't eat, but in order to prevent the woman from continuing to think about it, he still chose to shut up.

While muttering in her mouth, the woman took out a small box from the safe behind her and handed it to Eleven very solemnly: "Master Sorcerer, my commission is to trouble you to return this to Hart. The Philia family."

"Can I open it?" Eleven asked, pointing to the box.

The woman nodded, but looked nervous, as if she was afraid that Eleven would damage the contents of the box.

Eleven became a little nervous because of the woman's disturbance, and opened the lid carefully.

The box is padded with this soft silk, and a golden key lies quietly in the middle of the silk.

"The key?" Eleven felt a little inexplicable. Even if the key is made of gold, you don't need to be so careful. It's scary!

"This is not an ordinary key!" Seeing Eleven looking at the key with a weird expression, the woman hurriedly explained, for fear that Eleven would neglect this baby, "This is Cancer, one of the zodiac signs. The key to the door of the Protoss, there are only 12 peerless treasures in the world!"


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