The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 163: Treasure Hunter Guild

"Zodiac?" Eleven muttered the word he heard for the first time.

He still knew about Protoss Magic. In the previous two years, there was a Protoss Wizard who summoned Protoss in the guild. The key he took was silver, not golden.Can summon a protagonist who can use painting magic.

However, it seemed that the protagonist lost to the artist Lidas in the guild in terms of drawing skills, and then he shut himself down and couldn't be summoned anymore.

In the end, the Astral Sorcerer could only go back to his hometown to farm by himself...

Therefore, in Eleven's cognition, Protoss magic is a kind of magic that is useless and unreliable, and it is always troublesome to protect the fragile little mind of Protoss.

As for the signs of the zodiac, Eleven had never even heard of it.But since there are only twelve keys in the world, I think it should be a very powerful Protoss.

Thinking of this, Eleven couldn't help but pay attention to the key.Gently closed the lid, looked up at the woman, smiled and said, "Okay, ma'am, I know. Is there anything else you need to tell me?"

"Yes, yes! Listen to me, this key is really important. This is the wife's life..."

The fat woman turned on the chattering mode again, and told Eleven a very long story.Eleven also listened quietly without being impatient. As a wizard, he still had this basic quality.

This woman used to be the personal maid of the Hartfilia family, who took care of her from childhood to adulthood.The wife of the Hatfilia family was also a famous astral wizard named Layla Hatfilia.

But then Layla passed away due to illness and entrusted the three golden keys she had in her lifetime to three of her most trusted servants. This Cancer Protoss key was one of them.

Although this fat woman would also use a little protoss magic, she didn't have any idea of ​​becoming a wizard.Mrs. Layla was very generous to their servants. After retiring, she made a lot of money, and her life was moist. She also cherished the key to the zodiac as a collection.

Until recently, she suddenly heard that someone from the Treasure Hunter Guild was eyeing the golden key in her hand.Although the Treasure Hunter Guild generally does not commit any criminal acts of sneaking and petting, the fat women are not at ease!

She had always been nervous, thinking that she might lose the key left by the wife, and she could not sleep well. In the end, she couldn't help it, and went to the Wizards Guild to post a mission.

Even the task level was changed to S-level by a special increase in price, just for peace of mind.

The fat woman took a sip of water, and her story was finally over.Eleven raised his head and glanced at the sky outside, it was completely dark.

"Is the Treasure Hunter Guild? Okay, I know, I'll be careful of them." Eleven nodded, stood up, and patted his numb butt.

"Yeah, you must be careful! This is Madam's treasure, so you must not lose it!" The fat woman continued to ask, worryingly.

Eleven's head was like a chicken pecking at rice, very well-behaved, for fear that the fat woman would pull him again for a long conversation.

"Come on, put this on for you. With this, you will be safer to leave at night." As she said, the fat woman did not know where to take out a pure black night gown and handed it to Eleven , There is no joking in those eyes.

Eleven: (??_??)

After a while, the whole body was completely dark, and only Eleven with a gap in his eyes appeared in the living room again, and was looked up and down with satisfaction by the fat woman.

"That... madam, you don't have to worry about that, in fact I will be invisible myself..."

Eleven glanced helplessly at the fat woman who wanted to continue buying clothes for him, and hurriedly covered herself with mental power, and showed her stealth skills so that the fat woman quickly dispelled the idea of ​​painting him with camouflage paint.

When the fat woman saw that Eleven was still invisible, she suddenly smiled: "Oh, this is good, this is good, this way..."

But this time Eleven would no longer listen to her ink marks, the door was silently opened a gap, and a cool breeze blew, leaving only the fat woman talking about the air.


"Where is this!" Eleven angrily threw the magic navigation map in his hand to the ground.


It was late at night to escape from the fat woman's house, and I was responsible for not having any means of transportation for Eleven.However, Eleven didn't panic, he was involved in this mission.

In order to solve the problem that it was easy to get lost in the previous missions, he specially bought a magic navigation in the magic shop that can recognize the way by himself.

He followed this navigator to the dawn. When the navigator told him that he had reached the territory of the Hatfilia family, he looked up and saw that he was actually in a large mountain.


Damn what a shit!

Looking at the endless mountains, Eleven knew that he was completely lost this time, because he trusted this broken navigation, he didn't even see how he came when he came!

I irritably removed the invisibility magic on my body, and yanked the night clothes on my body, and suddenly realized that the thing was one piece, the zipper was behind it, and I couldn't take it off.

(??Д??*)?? To death!!!

Eleven felt like a fool, and it was already bright now, it was almost noon!Wearing a black tights, wandering around in the mountains, isn't this the same as abnormal?

"You finally figured out! The sorcerer who delivered the golden key!"

"You asked us to find it, super! Hard work!"


Just when Eleven stomped his feet angrily, three strange guys suddenly sprang out of the bushes next to them.

These three people, one is a strong man with a rice ball head, with a weapon like a big fist on his back.A sharp thorn in his hair, a big sword on his back.There is also a handsome guy with a hearty haircut, but a circle of bullets is wrapped around his body, and he has a big gun in his hand.

"Ah? You are from the Treasure Hunters Guild, follow me all the way, don't bother me, I am in a bad mood now!" Eleven turned his head to look at these three guys very unhappy, his tone impatient.

These three people had long been discovered by Eleven, and they followed him shortly after he walked out of the old woman's house.However, because Eleven had disappeared, they didn't seem to know the exact location of Eleven. It seemed that there was only some way to track the Protoss key in Eleven's hand.

Eleven only did a little research and ignored it, because none of these three guys were wizards, and there was no magic in his body.Eleven didn't think they could cause any trouble to himself, so just follow it if you want to.

"That won't work, we are the Treasure Hunters Guild-a maze of wind spirits!"

"The super in your hand! The treasure must belong to us!"



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