Under Eleven’s comfort, little Lori calmed down, the tears in her big eyes gradually receded, and she raised her head to reveal a sweet smile: "Thank you, perverted big brother!"

Eleven: ╰(‵□′)╯

"I'm not a pervert! I've said it many times, I am not!"

Eleven defended her angrily. Little Lori nodded her head very well, with an attitude that she recognized, but her small eyes always revealed her disbelief.

"I'm really not a pervert. I am a wizard of the Sorcerer's Guild. It is the client's request to dress like this, not what I want to wear!" Eleven is still struggling, trying to change herself in Lori image of.

('▽'): "Huh? Big brother, are you the wizard of the guild? That's amazing!"

Sure enough, little Lolita immediately changed her attitude when she heard this, and there were little stars in her eyes when she looked at Eleven. She obviously admired the work of the wizard.

(▽)/: "Hey, it's okay, I'm not that good." Elevating immediately became proud and waved his hand pretentiously.

"It turns out that perverts can also join the Sorcerer's Guild! It feels so amazing!" Little Lori lowered her head and muttered excitedly.

Eleven: (??_??)......

This girl...

It is unexpectedly stubborn!

The mind doesn't seem to work well...

It feels quite suitable to join our guild, and they should get along well with Naz...

If she joins our guild, I will definitely beat her 18 times a day!

Damn girl!!!

"Well, little sister, what's your name?"

Eleven gave up and changed the subject directly. He didn't intend to continue entangled in the issue of perversion. Anyway, he was just a passerby little girl.

"My name is Lucy! Lucy Hartfilia! What about you, big brother?" The little girl smiled sweetly when she heard Eleven ask her name, and introduced herself generously.

"Lucy sauce~ Nice to meet you, I'm Yi..."


"Huh? Hatfield? Are you from the Hatfield family?"

Eleven just wanted to say his name, then suddenly realized that Lucy's surname turned out to be Hatfield!

"Yes...Yes, I'm from the Hatfilia family..." Lucy was a little frightened by the startled Eleven, and secretly moved aside two steps.

"Ah! That's great! Lucy sauce, can you take me to your house? I have something to give to your sir." Eleven was very happy at this time. I didn't expect the Hatfilia family. People actually jumped out on their own, so lucky!

"Is there something for Dad? Okay, of course!" Lucy smiled sweetly and ran forward to lead the way, "Can I ask what it is?"

Eleven hesitated, but took out the small box from his suitcase.This Lucy is probably the little princess of Hatfilia's family. It should be nothing to show her. Besides, there is already a golden key on her neck, and there is nothing to hide.

"It's the same golden Protoss key on your neck." Eleven opened the box and showed the key to Lucy.

"Wow! It's the key to Cancer! Let me see it!" Lucy obviously knew the Protoss key very well, she recognized it at a glance, and excitedly rushed towards the small box in Eleven's hand.

"No!" Eleven swiped the box and closed the box, and quickly raised it over his head, avoiding Lucy's pounce, letting Lucy's little nose hit his chest, "This is to I can't give it to you if it is handed over to your grown-up!"

"Daddy will give it to me anyway, just show me it first!" Lucy rubbed her little nose and said coquettishly.

"No~ OK! My task is to hand this to your father!" Eleven is very principled, so she won't be confused by Loli!

"Really, stingy! Let's go back quickly! Hurry up!" Lucy stuck out her tongue at Eleven, and then ran to the front immediately, pulling Eleven home. Run, she can't wait.

Eleven had no ink marks, and ran after Lucy, sighing as he ran, "Lucy, it's a blessing to meet you! My magic navigation has taken the wrong way. Without you, I would not know what Only then can we find the territory of Hatfilia’s house."

Lucy looked back at Eleven with some doubts, and said in a puzzled way: "There is no wrong way. The whole mountain range here is our home!"


Sorry, Magic Navigation... I wronged you... I shouldn't have broken you~ I'm sorry!


After some investigation, Eleven understood the horror of the Hartfilia family's financial resources.It was almost at the limit of his spiritual power exploration that he found the boundary marker fence of the planned private realm.

The Hartfilia family mansion was in the very center of their territory, quite far away from them. At the current speed of the two of them, it might be afternoon before running back.

I really don't know why Lucy ran so far alone with the little girl.

"Lucy, why did you cry alone by the creek? Did something happen?" Eleven couldn't hold back any words, and said something heartlessly.

Sure enough, Lucy's excitement faded a lot when she heard Eleven's question, and the pace at her feet was no longer cheerful and became very low.

"Today is my birthday..." Lucy whispered.

"Oh! Happy birthday!" Eleven subconsciously blessed.

"Thank you~" Lucy looked up and smiled, but this smile was a bit reluctant.

"What's so unhappy about birthday? Is it because I'm one year old again?" Eleven asked inexplicably, not good at chatting.

"No! I'm only twelve years old! How old are there?" Little Lucy murmured excitedly like a conditioned reflex, but soon calmed down, and said sadly: "It's because he doesn't remember Dad. Today is my birthday...Since my mother passed away, he has just focused on work...uuuu~"

While she was talking, Lucy actually wiped her tears, and started to cry, her sadness couldn't stop.

Elevating was a little frantic at once, wondering why he told the little girl to cry again.After thinking about it for a long time, in the end he just slapped her hand gently on Lucy's head and stroked her hair slowly to show comfort.

Eleven has never had a birthday since he was a child, and the children in Fairy Tail have no habit of having a birthday, so he can't understand Lucy's sadness of being forgotten by her family and don't know what to say.

Little Lucy didn't seem to need any verbal comfort at this time, all she needed was an object that could accompany her to vent her grief.

Feeling Eleven’s big hands touching her head, Lucy pounced into Eleven’s arms, crying more fiercely, making Eleven more hurried, and desperately helping this loli to smooth her hair. He kept making all kinds of coaxing sounds of unknown meaning.

"By the way, Lucy, let me give you a birthday present!"

After a while, when Lucy's emotions gradually calmed down, Eleven pushed away Lucy who was still sobbing, grinned, turned his head and began to search in his luggage.

Soon, Eleven took out something and handed it to Lucy with a smile.

This is a key case, a key case with a fairy tail imprint on it.

This was the Eleven lottery draw at Romeo's birthday party.He had been stuffing it in his bag and almost forgot, but at this time he just took it out as a gift to coax little Lolita.

Hey~ Real wit!

"Wow, thank you!" Lucy felt very happy when she received the gift, holding the key case tossing and admiring, then pointing at the fairy tail emblem and looking up at Eleven, "What is this pattern? It feels good. cute!"

"That's a fairy tail!" Eleven smiled slightly, and while speaking, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing the fairy tail emblem on his forearm, "I am the wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild, this It is the emblem of our guild, and it is our glory!"

"Fairy tail? That's great!" Lucy stared at the fairy tail emblem on the key case in her hand, her big eyes gleaming, as if she was dreaming about something beautiful.


It was already dusk when Eleven walked out of the office of the head of the Hatfilia family, Jude Hatfilia.

"Huh~ The big guys are different. Seriously, I don't dare to breathe anymore." Eleven pulled off the black hood on his head and took a deep breath of fresh air.

The task has been completed, and he doesn't care if this night suit is destroyed.He tore off his clothes three times, changed back to his own outfit, and stretched out a lot.

And that night suit was thrown directly into the trash can, go fuck!

This mission was fairly simple. Although there were twists and turns, I didn't make any mistakes. I was very moved by the rare payment of the full amount.

Stepping on the afterglow of the setting sun, walked out of the Hatfilia's mansion along the exquisite stairs.There was a peaceful small cemetery in the backyard of the mansion. Eleven felt that this was a shortcut to the guild, so he walked in in a daze.

At the end of the cemetery, there is a particularly gorgeous tombstone. At this time, a blonde woman is standing in front of the tombstone, bowing her head in mourning for the dead.

Eleven stopped and stood behind without making a sound.It's very impolite to run over and disturb when people mourn the dead. Eleven can still wait at this time, so there is no need to grab this time.

"Layla, sorry for letting you endure such a fate..."

The blonde woman appeared very depressed. She murmured a bit of mourning and ended her mourning hastily. She turned her head and planned to leave. At a glance, she saw Eleven standing behind her silently waiting, and Eleven was politely barking her teeth. Smile.

"Master Eleven!?"

The blonde woman was stunned for a moment, and then her expression turned into astonishment, she couldn't help exclaiming.

"Um...you know me? Well, you don't need to call me an adult, it's too polite..." Yilvin was a little embarrassed to be called, it was the first time that he was called as an adult. .

So shy?? (????????ω????????)??

The blonde woman stared at the shy Eleven in astonishment for a long time, then chuckled out, covering her mouth and secretly laughing: "Sorry, sorry, I might have recognized the wrong person."

[??_???]: "Uh... I didn't admit it, I am Eleven."

"Ha ha ha, is it, isn't it, that's a coincidence!" The woman looked at Eleven with a smile, as if she was looking at something very interesting, while fooling Eleven like a kid, she chuckled. It's even more powerful.

Eleven only felt inexplicable, feeling that he had encountered a female nerve.

However, until the blonde girl left, she didn't say a word to Eleven, but she felt a little more happy, like a housewife who had gotten a lot of gossip, she was ecstatic. With.

Only Eleven stood there with a dazed expression, watching the sunset quietly thinking about life...



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