The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 167: Reunion of the named task

Early the next morning, Eleven didn't think about the female neuropathy anymore, and went straight back to the guild.

Today's guild is still very lively. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Eric sitting there and being scolded by Elsa.

Eric is naturally impatient, but Ginana has been holding his arm and pressing him, making him difficult to attack, listening to Elisa's babbling voice, her face is like an eggplant Yes, it echoes the dazzling demon tail imprint on his face, it is really dazzling~


On the other hand, Elisa's face is not very good.

Usually Nazgray and the others kneel on the ground to receive her teachings.It would be nice for Eric, sitting there like an uncle!Is it plausible?


Elisa grew more and more angry, and finally couldn't help Eric punching her head.


Eric was almost blown up!

If it wasn't for Ginana to pull him hard, he would definitely jump up and fight Elisa desperately.

"What's the situation? How did they get up?"

Such a beautiful and lively Eleven naturally ran to observe it, and at the same time secretly poked to the people around him to smell the cause of the matter.

"I heard that Eric beat the client, and people came to complain, so Elisa was so angry." The uncle next to him nibble on sunflower seeds with his eyes glowing. Obviously he is not too big to watch the excitement. the Lord.

"That's it?" Eleven was disappointed.

Why is it so important? Isn't it just beating the client? Who hasn't beaten it before?Elisa is really such a fuss.

"Okay, okay, it's not a big deal, why is this." Eleven ran out to be a peacemaker, put his hands on the shoulders of Elisa and Eric, and his eyebrows were cold. The two are separated.

"What's not a major event?" Elisa immediately became unhappy when she heard Eleven's words, and she retorted loudly, "This is about the reputation of the guild! People have already complained to the guild, you let other delegates What do people think of us?"

??_?? ~ Eleven looked at Elsa speechlessly.

This Nizi started to be polite as soon as she educates others, watching her say so, in fact, she beat her clients no less than Eleven and Naz.

Humph!I still have a fierce face!



Eleven felt a little uncomfortable, but what Elisa said was really reasonable, and it was not easy to refute, so she turned her target to Eric again and tried personal mediation.

"Eric, why are you hitting someone?"

"Humph! It's just that he is upset."

"Has the task been completed?"


"Tsk tusk~" Upon hearing this, Eleven looked disappointed, helplessly educating, "How can you do this? If you want to beat the client, you should complete the task, and you should beat it after receiving the commission! Otherwise, it will count as a task. If failure affects reputation, the key is to go out for a trip and not make a profit. Isn’t it a loss?"

Eric glanced at Eleven who had said this with a bit of surprise, and then nodded with deep satisfaction.


As soon as Eleven wanted to show a childlike smile, he punched him hard in the back of the head, and then he heard Elisa's roar.

"Eleven, don't make trouble here! Get me aside!"



Eleven hugged his head and hid aside in a daze.

It hurts!

After Elisa's punch, his brain was a little shaken, and everyone was blinded...

Why is this girl getting more and more violent now?I remember being quite obedient when I was young!

Is it menopause?


Mirana girl is the same age as her, and now she is getting more and more irritable.By the way, Karna, too, now has a tendency to start drinking!


Women are so troublesome!



Elisa really did not stop training people. In the end, this farce continued until Elisa would scold everybody watching the show before it was over.

Eliza was satisfied, patted her butt and flashed aside.A bunch of big masters were left sitting there depressed and sulking, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Eleven sighed again, menopausal women are really terrible!

Although Ginana was sitting next to Eric, she was let go by Elisa because she was a weak girl. Compared to the silence around her, her condition at this time was still normal.

To enliven the atmosphere, Ginana ran to the front desk and pulled out a task list, held it in her hand and raised it, shouting in a voice that everyone in the guild could hear.

"Mr. Eleven, you have a named mission!"

Named tasks are still rare in the guild, especially the task of naming S-rank wizards, which is even more rare. Ginana felt that everyone's attention would be diverted.

However, beyond Ginana's expectation, the guild did not recover from the noisy task because of this named task, but became quieter. Some old people in the guild even frowned deeply and looked at Yilvin.

Eleven, who had been sitting there in a daze, suddenly became serious, walked quickly to Ginana, took the task list, frowned and scanned.

Ginana was immediately frightened by this battle, and asked timidly: "Um, did I do something wrong?"

"No, it has nothing to do with you." Eleven looked up and forced a smile at Ginana.

At this moment, Karna and Gray, two veteran-level imps, also leaned at Eleven's side and looked at the order.Even Elisa, who had just aroused the anger of the public, returned with a serious expression.

But the little ghosts who joined Naz, Hobbi, Rebbi, and Lisana were dumbfounded and didn't know what happened.Although Mira didn't know the situation, she squeezed in and looked at her. She didn't like the feeling that Eleven had secrets from her.

Four years ago, Eleven received a named mission, and it was a conspiracy against Eleven.Laxus and Elisa almost died.

After that, the guild leader used the power of the entire guild to investigate for half a year, but found nothing. This incident made everyone in the guild still remember it.

Now, after four years, Eleven has actually received a named task. Although it may be a normal named task, it is still a little frightening.

"Demon Cat House? I haven't heard of it. Where is this place?" Eleven frowned and pointed to the task list.

"It seems to be the Sorcerer's Guild that was just registered last year." Ginana quickly read the client's information while answering Eleven's question.

"A regular Sorcerer Guild registered by the Senate?"


"It's suspicious!" Elisa also stared at the task list and analyzed it seriously. "This task does not say exactly what to do. It seems to be just inviting Eleven to be a guest at the demon cat's lodge. normal."

"That's right, and I've been calling Eleven "Master Eleven" throughout the text, which is suspicious." Gray also squeezed his chin, trying to analyze something.

"Master Eleven..."

Eleven suddenly thought of the female nerve she met in Hatfield's cemetery yesterday, when she called herself Lord Eleven.Does this task have anything to do with her?

"How about the old man? I haven't seen it for a few days? Where did I go?" Elevating suddenly looked up and asked about Makarov's trail.

Although this old man is always old and dishonest, he is the pillar in the hearts of the children like Eleven, and looking for the old man in case of trouble is the habit of almost everyone of Eleven.

"Um... that chairman has been imprisoned by the Senate because he had a fight with the ghost leader Joseph at the regular meeting of the Senate..." Ginana was a little embarrassed. Shook Makarov's shameful deeds.

!!!∑(??Д??): "The chairman was arrested by the Senate?"

by!This dead old man!Why is it so old that it is not worrying!



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