"Hey, hey, is he okay? Don't we need to save him?"

"Damn congress!"

"Wow! Let's start now! If you don't hurry up, the old man will behead his head!"

"Shut up, idiot, I won't be beheaded!"

The attention of everyone suddenly shifted from the task of naming Eleven to the arrest of Makarov.My own president has been arrested, so how can I still think about what tasks?

"No need! No need!" Ginana apparently got Makarov's entrustment and hurriedly waved to stop the people who were about to run away. Otherwise, these guys in the guild might really be able to do things like running to the council to rob prison. Come.

"As the chairman said, the Senate is just acting, not really wanting to detain him, or he will be back in a few days, so let us not worry."

Ginana nervously explained to Eleven and the others for a long time before pacifying these brave angry youths.

When he calmed down, Eleven looked at the named task in his hand again, and suddenly felt dull. The tense atmosphere just now disappeared, and there was no thought of guessing.

"Eleven, do you want to take over this task?" Elisa looked at Eleven with some worry.

"Well, go check it out, I can't always avoid named tasks. How can I say that I am also an S-rank wizard now, and there is a named task that is normal, there is no need to make a fuss like this." Eleven included the task list. In, said quietly.

"Then I'll go with you too! I'm a little worried." Elisa shook the saber around her waist, and took the initiative to ask.

"I'll go with you too, and I can help if it's dangerous," Gray also said.

"That I too..." Kana opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Eleven waved her hand.

"No, I can do it by myself. I am more mobile by myself, but it is very troublesome to bring you."

Eleven was very rude and didn't save Eliza and the others.After speaking, he turned and left. He didn't continue to pester Elisa and the others. He didn't want to involve them in his trouble again.

After leaving the guild, Eleven had nowhere to go.He just wanted to be alone and think about the situation that he might encounter next.

Leaning on the bank of Magnolia, Eleven pulled out the task list in his arms and held it in the air, silent.

Mom and Dad...

Is it really you?

Are you back again?


In the evening, the setting sun slanted to the west, and the crimson sunset sprinkled on the surface of the river, sparkling with golden light, and Eleven slowly opened his dim sleepy eyes.

"Oh, I fell asleep." With harp, Eleven got up from the ground, scratched Dupi, and put away the task list standing on his belly.

"Well~ go home, tomorrow I will see what kind of monsters, ghosts and snakes this demon cat's residence is."

After a night's sleep, Eleven felt much better, stretched out, and walked towards home with a swing.Xinda has always been the fine tradition of Fairy Tail. It's useless to think more.


As soon as he returned to the door of his house, Eleven was stunned, and the corner of his eyebrows couldn't help beating twice. Through the induction of mental power, he knew that his small building was very lively at this time.

Gently pushing open the door of the room that should have been properly locked, Eleven looked into the room.

He raised his eyes and saw Gray sitting on his own sofa with his legs crossed like an uncle.She only wore a pair of small pants all over her body, and she was still rubbing on the sofa.

Tired of death!

"Gray, clothes, clothes!" Lisana on the side looked at Gray with no face, and couldn't help but complain.

Kana, who was originally responsible for Tucao Gray’s clothes, was holding a bottle of Eleven's famous wine that had been placed at home as an ornament, and drinking it.The little face was full of blush, and he hiccuped with alcohol. Just when he saw Eleven coming in, he smirked at Eleven with embarrassment.

There was a ding-ding sound from the kitchen, and turning to look around, Mira was helping Eleven with an impatient look to clean his mountain of pots and pans.

"Why should I go to his house to help him wash the dishes! This guy, he doesn't wash the dishes, he's too lazy!" Although Mila muttered viciously, she didn't delay her work at all. , Every dish is washed white and bright.

This girl has a fierce look, but she insists on doing things like a good wife and a good mother. It's kind of cute~

Elfman tremblingly helped Mila from the sidelines, dare not say anything, dare not ask anything.

From the upper floor, Naz was screaming in exclamation, and when he explored mentally, he saw that the bedroom on the second floor had been tossed by the bastard Naz like a pig's nest.This guy was now lying on the soft bed of Eleven, arching around like a big fleshy bug, feeling very comfortable.

Hubby, the little broken cat, used Eleven's wardrobe to grind his claws. It seems that he disliked the material of the wardrobe as unsatisfactory, and his face was still dissatisfied.

The quietest is Lebby, sitting in Eleven's study, reading the book quietly, very well-behaved.

However, now that Lebby has appeared, Jeter and Dorael are naturally indispensable.These two goods didn't make any noise. They just kept pointing at the mission memorabilia placed by Eleven in the study, as if they were knowledgeable.

It's so hot!


"Hehe, everyone is here, everyone is here." Eleven walked in with a smile.

It's not like these guys in the guild showed up in their own home once or twice for no reason. Eleven had been used to it a long time ago, so he didn't bother to complain about them one by one.

"Yo! You are back. We ran without telling you. I hope you don't mind."

Elisa just seemed to have been pouting her ass and rummaging in Eleven's refrigerator, so Eleven didn't notice either.At this time, Elisa was holding a portion of Eleven's collection of red bean pudding, eating bite by bite.He didn't wear armor anymore, but changed into a casual white shirt.

This casual gesture is as if this is her home, and Eleven is the guest.

(ω;) "Oh...you are welcome to play. That...is the pudding delicious?" Eleven looked at his red bean pudding with some distress.

"Well, it's delicious, do you want to try it?"

With that said, Elisa actually handed the small spoon in her mouth to Eleven. With such a generous appearance, Eleven almost thought that Elisa had bought the pudding herself.

(_): "Uh, no, you can eat it yourself."

"Oh, then all right." Elisa slipped the spoon back into her mouth nonchalantly.



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