"What the hell did you come to my house for?" Eleven stared silently at the large group of people sitting around him.

"We're here to play!"

"Love! Come to play!"


Naz and Habi immediately raised their small hands and small claws, and shouted cheerfully.But in the next second, Elisa glared back with a stern look, and she sat on the bench honestly, not daring to talk nonsense.

"We are here to discuss with you about the named mission." Elisa finished her dessert and returned to a serious look.

"That's right, Eleven. Since that happened before, we can't stand by and watch!" Milla took a sweep in her hand, sweeping the floor fiercely, and interrupted.

Mira, Naz and the others had already learned from others about what happened a few years ago, so they gathered together at Eleven's home and planned to contribute.

"You guys are really...Oh! Mira, don’t forget to sweep the underside of the sofa for me, the last time I ate melon seeds and dropped a lot of land. What did you say? Forget it, thank you all for this Care about me, really!"

Eleven was a little touched and thanked everyone very sincerely. Except for Mila rolling his eyes, everyone smiled.

"However, I still want to do the task by myself, you don't need to follow!" However, afterwards, Eleven turned his words and rejected Elisa and the others with a serious face.

"But, what if..."

"Nothing! Elisa, have you forgotten the guidance of the president? The wizard of Fairy Tail must learn how to deal with the difficulties encountered in his work! Besides, I am still an S-rank wizard, let alone You have to worry about it. This time is just a naming task for myself, I can handle it myself."

Eleven deliberately spoke harshly in order to dispel Elisa and the others.

Elisa pursed her lips and said nothing.Eleven talked about the rules of the guild, which made the dogmatic Elisa didn't know how to refute it.

The scene fell silent for a while, when Naz suddenly yelled: "Ah! I'm so angry! Eleven, look at the move, the iron fist of the dragon!"


"Damn! What are you doing, Naz?"

Eleven was startled by Naz, who suddenly jumped up and ran away, and hurriedly gathered his mind to block the attack, and fixed Naz in midair.However, the overflowing flames still blackened the roof a lot.

"This is not your business alone!" Naz was fixed by Eleven and didn't struggle, but just shouted at Eleven.

"Eleven, we are partners! Since your mission is so dangerous this time, why don't you let us help you? What is your own business? What does it mean that we don't need to worry about it? Ah! Ah! The more you talk about it! Eleven, put me down, I'm going to punch you!"


Although Naz didn't have any logic to speak, he seemed to piss himself off and began to struggle fiercely, but he was obviously not Eleven's opponent, and was still firmly fixed in the air.

"I think Naz is right! Eleven, you are too much!" Hobby raised his little hand to support Naz.

"The idiot is right, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable too!" Gray stood up and lifted his pants, his expression unhappy.

Kana played with the tarot cards on the table over and over again, then frowned and raised her head: "Illaven, no matter how many times I count, the result is that you will encounter danger when you go out this time, very dangerous. That kind, so let us go with you, at least we can take care of it."

Lisana also approached Eleven, clutching his arm and acting like a baby: "Brother Eleven, please, okay, please take us there. If we do nothing, then in case... .... We will definitely be sad."

Mira stood behind Eleven, holding a sweeper in one hand and a mop in the other, her face gloomy, and she meant to wait on her with a big stick if she didn't agree.

"I, we will help too!" Lebby gathered courage and stood tall!

Jeter and Doler looked at Lebby in admiration, and were impressed by her excellent character of being helpful.

"Oh~" Eleven looked at everyone in the house and sighed helplessly, "I'm also doing good for you..."


"Eleven, don't you want to chirp, okay?" Mira was a little impatient behind her, and the cleaning tools in her hands were banged by her on the ground.

Eleven didn't have to look back to know how terrifying Mira's face was at this time, seeing Lisana and Gray frightened them.Reluctantly, I had to change my mind and chose to compromise.

"Okay, okay, I will take people to do the task, but not everyone. To be honest, this is an S-level designated commission, and many of you are not strong enough to participate in this level of task."

With that said, Eleven set his sights on the lane engine trio, Kana, Lisana Elfman, and Gray and the others. The meaning of them is self-evident. There are some people who have been seen by Eleven. He lowered his head in shame.

And Naz was forgotten by Eleven because he had been tied up in the air.When Naz found that Eleven didn't look at him, the whole person was floating!

After being admitted to the S-level strength by Eleven, Naz directly expanded.His face didn’t turn red, he didn’t pant for breath, he was floating in the sky with an unstoppable smirk, and his eyes swept across the group of rookie chickens underneath, especially when Gray. Write a strong word.

"Oh, yes, and Naz, neither can you." Naz's laughter reminded Eleven of his existence. He raised his head and said something unsatisfactory or indifferent, regardless of Naz's instant stiffness. With a smile, turned to look at Elisa and Mira.

After hesitating for a moment, Eleven finally made a decision and said: "Well, I have decided. I will take Eric and me on this mission."



In the distance, in Ginana's rental house, Eric moved his ears, also showing a dazed expression on his face.


Damn it?Is it related to me?

If you don't take them to such a dangerous task, take me to it!

Elizabeth, you are not a good thing!

I can see you through!

Convex ˋ_ˊ#


"Oh? Do you mean that I am not as strong as Eric?"

Elisa's face turned gloomy for an instant, and she directly summoned a long sword, holding the hilt in her hand, meaning that she would cut Eleven if she didn't agree.


Mira couldn't bear it even more behind her. She had already turned into a demon, and a sharp hand was directly pressed on top of Eleven's brain.


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