The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 170: Your thoughts are poisonous!

Facing the threats from Elisa and Mira, Eleven appeared calm at the time, and gently moved the palm of Miranaza's head on his head, before Eleven spoke unhurriedly.

"You listen to me, I don't take you, it's not that you are not as strong as him, but you are not as useful as him. Don't get excited, don't get excited! Listen to me!" Eleven hurriedly changed his position and avoided Ai. The sword and claws that Rusha and Mira put on his neck continued.

"Elisa, Mira, you are all attacking wizards, but I am confident that I do not lack the means of attack, nor the power of attack, so it is not very helpful for you to go with me."

"But Eric is different. His ears are very good. He doesn't even lose to my mental power in finding enemies and detecting intelligence. Moreover, his poison is also very difficult to deal with, and it is very suitable for me to assist me. Rick would be a better choice."

After speaking, Eleven leaned back on the sofa and sighed deeply.In order not to put Elisa, Mira and the others in danger, he really took great pains.

As for whether Eric will be in any danger, Eleven is not really worried.That guy is really good, and after all, he was once a dark magister. He was very slippery. He would definitely run faster than anyone in danger. He would never be so stunned like Elisa and Mila that he rushed up stupidly. .

After hearing what Eleven said, Elisa and Mira fell silent. They had to admit that what Eleven said was reasonable.

After that, several people stayed and wrangled for a while, but Eleven was determined not to change his mind anymore, and they had no choice but to leave in angrily.

The more obedient people, such as Kana, Lisana, Elfman, and Reb, also went home directly.However, Nazgray and Elisa Milla secretly got together, and they belonged to the extremely disobedient.

"Damn, I absolutely want to prove my strength to Eleven!" Naz shook his fist unhappily.

"Love!" Hobby didn't know what he was holding, anyway he waved his claws.

"Yes! Don't let him look down on us anymore!" Gray rarely stood on the united front with Naz.

Elisa didn't join Naz's topic, but she squeezed her chin and looked worried: "Tsk, I still feel a little worried."

As a witness to the last incident, Elisa deeply knew how great the danger Eleven might face.Even if the current Eleven is already an S-rank wizard, she can't worry about it.

Mira on the side was also a little worried, biting her lip and saying nothing, not knowing what she was thinking.However, after a while, there was another sign of smirk.

"Hehehe, how about we secretly follow Eleven?"

"How to track it? It's not that you don't know Eleven's ability, you will be discovered." Elisa shook her head.

"Well~ Actually, it's not a stalker. Anyway, isn't the destination the demon cat's lodging? Let's go there too, when we meet Eleven there, can he still drive us away?" Mi La said casually, but the little devil's nature was exposed.

Elisa, Naz, Hobby, and Gray also brightened their eyes when they heard Mira's words. They thought it was a good idea. The five heads came together in the next second, and they secretly discussed their big plan.


Early the next morning, the guild seemed a little colder than usual.

Surprisingly, Eric was sitting in the guild so honestly, not having trouble running away.When Eleven ran to take him to the task, Eric didn't say anything, but followed without a word.

Last night, Eric had been eavesdropping on Eleven and their conversation. What surprised him was that Eleven’s evaluation of him was quite high, and seemed to be even higher than that of the armored woman and the violent woman.

This moved Eric a little.

Perhaps I have been accustomed to being abused by Eleven. I feel sore in my nose after hearing a little praise. I feel that it is worthwhile to be abused before, at least to get some recognition.

Therefore, Eric did not run away today, but decided to help Eleven.

It's not that he wants to help Eleven, but Eleven needs his help now, begging him for help, so he did it.

Thinking about this, Eric felt a little more satisfied.

I have to say that sometimes, human beings can tune themselves into some weird looks.

Eleven could feel that Eric seemed to be in a good mood today, so he walked in shamelessly and wanted to chat with him.

However, Eric didn’t bother to take care of Eleven. Even though his heart was very swollen today, he did not lose the seemingly arrogant personality. He allowed Eleven to keep chattering behind him, playing cool poker all the time. Face, said nothing.

Eric carried the shelf like this, all the way to the train, and then he withered...

The whole person was limp on the seat, sweating on his forehead, eyes closed, and dressed coarsely, giving people a feeling of death at any time.

Eleven looked at the Eric, who had not forgotten to hold his arms and did what he could do. Suddenly there was a sense of Laxus sight. These two guys belonged to the kind of dead duck and hard-mouthed people, and they refused to admit themselves. Halo transportation.

Looking at Naz, he was dizzy and upright, not pretentious at all.

Speaking of which Eric is also the Dragon Slayer, he is poisonous. Would giving him a little poison make him feel better?

In other words, what kind of things can be defined as poison?Is it harmful to the human body?Drinking too much water can kill people. Is that also poison?


Can you give him some fart?Is that a harmful gas?Will he eat?

Eleven stared at Eric, thinking about adding a meal to Eric.Moved his butt a few times, a little eager to move, really want to poke in front of Eric, put some poison on him, and see if he can eat it and regain his strength.

However, after hesitating, Eleven gave up. After all, it was on a train, which was a bit embarrassing.And in case Eric wakes up suddenly and comes to his chrysanthemum, he will not feel good.

Forget it, if you have a chance to find a place where no one is, you can tie up Eric and try again!In that case, you can try all kinds of strange things, maybe Eric can eat it.

When I thought about the time when I used flames to eat Naz, Naz was happy, and Eleven couldn't help showing a gratified smile. I would be very happy to come to Eric!

I am really an excellent wizard who thinks of my partners!



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