After getting off the train, Eric kept a distance from Eleven.

He didn't actually know that he had escaped on the train, nor could he read Eleven's thoughts.But when Eleven looked at him like a breeder's eyes, Eric's scalp was numb, and he always felt that this guy had bad intentions and wanted to murder him.

The two people left and right like this, keeping a safe distance of two or three meters, walked in the direction of the demon cat's place.

As he walked, Eric suddenly moved his ears. After he finished, he showed a playful smile and looked at Eleven.

"Hey, those guys don't seem to listen to you at all!"

Eleven would helplessly raise his hand and touch his face, not knowing what to say.

Just now, his mental power has also been detected.In front of them, on the side of the road, lay four fools, oh, five, and a cat.

These five idiots are lying on the ground like no one is sleeping, I really don't know what they are thinking all day long!


"Hey, Naz, wake up, hello!"

Quicken his pace and came to the side of four people and one cat. Eleven kicked Naz, who was the most presumptuous sleeping position, with his foot.

"Um~ Hubby, don't make any noise, let me sleep a little longer." Naz mumbled and turned over, without any intention of getting up.

"Love ~ Naz..." The little blue cat on the side should have heard Naz calling it, and agreed with a stare, then fell asleep again.

However, the movement from Naz and Hobbi woke up Mila who was sleeping relatively lightly.

The girl raised her body lazily, rubbed her eyes in a daze, and there were two grass leaves on her white cheeks, which was very delicate and lovely.

Eleven was delighted to see Mila like this, knelt down and leaned in front of Mila, and smiled: "Good morning, Mila, how are you sleeping?"

Mira obviously hadn't come to his senses at this time, and hadn't returned to her personal settings. When she heard Eleven greet herself, she showed a sweet smile and responded softly: "Well~good morning, Eleven~ "


But soon Mira reflected, her smile gradually solidified, her cheeks became redder as if they had been burned by fire, and then, a loud scream cut through the clouds.



After a while, the four people and the cat all knelt in front of Eleven honestly, bowed their heads, and accepted Eleven's instructions.

Even Elsa was no exception, she was persuasively taught by Eleven.Don't look at the appearance of Elisa as a member of the Guild's Discipline Committee, but after all, she was abused by Eleven from a young age. If she really wanted to make Eleven angry, Elisa was still a little scared.

Eleven looked at these people helplessly, not knowing whether to be angry or moved.

In order to help Eleven, these guys decided to sneak to the Demon Cat’s Place and wait for Eleven to appear.

This point makes Eleven angry the most. It's so stupid. What about the enemy's base camp that the demon cat's lodge?Did they run to give the head away?

Then, because several people were impatient, they set off in the middle of the night.There was no train in the middle of the night, so they ran...

Ran all night...

It wasn't until dawn, and several people couldn't hold it anymore, they decided to rest on the side of the road, but fell asleep like this.

"Oh, I really don't know what to say about you." Eleven sighed.

"Extremely sorry, because of our self-assertive action, I gave you troubles. This is caused by my immaturity! Eleven, I am willing to accept punishment. Please punch me hard!" Sha seemed to blame herself, ashamed, and knocked her fist hard on her armor, asking for punishment.


Eleven was also not polite, hitting Elisa's head bitterly with a fist, and slamming Elisa's small head, the whole person was a little confused.

"Okay, I'll satisfy you!" Eleven shook his fist, his expression relaxed.

This girl looks for beating herself all day long, her mind is not very good.

Afterwards, Eleven's stern gaze swept across the others one by one, seeing them shivering, very afraid that they would be punched like Elsa.

However, after half the payment, I heard a sigh from Eleven: "Oh, forget it, let's follow it!"

After speaking, Eleven shook his head, and continued to walk in the direction of the demon cat's lodge.These guys couldn't control it, so it's better to bring them. Besides, Eleven suddenly realized that these guys are no longer the little ghosts who need him to protect.

Not to mention Elisa and Mira, even Nazgray, who is usually bullied, is actually quite good. If he gets other small guilds, it may be the mainstay.

Naz and the others did not expect that Eleven’s attitude changed so quickly, and they did not react for a while. It was not until Eleven and Eric had gone far away that they jumped from the ground one by one in surprise, Pidian. Pi Dian followed.

Eric looked at the happy Naz and his heart was a little moved.

Obviously Eleven had made it clear that they did not need their help, and these guys even came to come with hot faces and cold ass, even if they were kneeling there and being scolded by Eleven, it didn't matter.

What kind of deep feelings is it to make them pay with no regrets?Eleven, how attractive is this man?

No, it's not Eleven's problem, it's this guild!Fairy Tail!What kind of guild is this?

Today, Eric has a deeper understanding of the word "partner" for the first time. Perhaps deep in his heart he also yearns for such a group of people to come and help him like this, even if it is just to add confusion. Really.


With the addition of Naz and the others during the journey, it suddenly became lively and extraordinary. There was no longer the silence of Eleven and Eric when they were alone, and the time was no longer difficult.

Soon, Eleven and the others saw an endless sea of ​​trees, and on the periphery of this sea of ​​trees, several very ethnic houses formed a small village in a patchwork, and there was the "demon cat residence". Where is.

Eleven and the others hadn't gotten closer, and the busy people in the village seemed to have discovered them. A large group of people surrounded an old man, standing at the entrance of the village early, looking forward to it.

"Welcome all friends of Fairy Tail to stay at the Inn of Fairy Cats, Nabra!"

An old man headed by him is not tall, but he is quite majestic, and his work is slow.When Eleven they walked in, they slowly saluted and welcomed Eleven and the others.

Afterwards, the old man raised his head, his eyes swept across Eleven and the people behind him one by one, showing a faint smile, his eyes seemed to contain countless stories, full of nostalgia.


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