"Nebra! I'm Robin Lu, the chairman of the fairy cat lodge, everyone of Fairy Tail, please come with me." Then, the old man bowed slightly and made an inviting gesture to Eleven and the others.

The crowd around them also seemed to be happy. They were obviously hospitable people. As soon as I heard that the president invited these guests into the guild, they immediately began to prepare to entertain the guests.

"What? These are some nice guys!" Looking at the people in the Demon Cat's Place who greeted him, Naz grinned with his head in his arms.

Don't think this guy is basically an idiot, but he has an instinct beyond beasts.People who are generally called good people by Naz are basically kind-hearted guys.

But this time, Eleven did not relax his vigilance because of Naz's words, but frowned deeper and deeper.He didn't respond to the invitation of the president of the Demon Cat's Inn, instead, his spirit power came out. The people in the Demon Cat's Inn were rudely sweeping around, seeing them thoroughly.

Robin Lu didn't seem to feel anything, so he looked at Eleven with a smile and said nothing.Eleven was not polite, and quickly stepped forward, and in the eyes of everyone's surprise, he grabbed Robin Lu's forehead.


I saw Eleven's palm firmly pressed against the big bald head of the little old man.

"Entity?" Eleven was surprised.

"Ahem, Lord Eleven, are you interested in me as an old man?" Robin Lu raised his head and looked at the somewhat embarrassed Eleven with a smile.

The surrounding members of the Demon Cat's Nest, as well as Naz behind them, looked at Eleven, their eyes became strange.

What's wrong with this talk? What are you doing when you pat the old man's forehead?Very rude and good cut!

Eleven unwillingly used his mental power to squeeze the surrounding members of the demon cat's house secretly, causing an exclaim.

All of them are entities!

This is a bit scary!

In the perception of Eleven's spiritual power, the members of the Guild of the Demon Cats in front of them, without exception, are all composed of spiritual power, which is what the world calls the "thinking body".

How much mental power is needed to create so many mind bodies with independent personalities?

What's more, these thinking bodies are still physical existences. The clothes they wear and the food they eat are all real.If you don't use mental power to explore in depth like Eleven, these thinking bodies are almost indistinguishable from living people.


This is Eleven's evaluation of the scene in front of him. The people who can perform this level of magic are definitely the people who stand at the top of the world, at least once.

Eleven looked in awe at Robin Lu, who was still smiling, raised his palm on his forehead, took two steps back, and bowed slightly to apologize.

If it wasn't for the old man who didn't really feel the slightest malice, Eleven would definitely take his partner and run away.God knows what methods such a strong man can do, even if he himself has become a thoughtful body now, Eleven will absolutely ignore the slightest.

Seeing that Eleven stopped probing, Robin Lu smiled and sent out an invitation again: "Nebra! How about it? Lord Eleven, can you sit in with me now?"

"You are too polite, just call me Eleven." Although I don't know why this old man calls himself "adult", Eleven still respects the strong, and his attitude is a lot more humble.

After talking, Eleven pushed down the sleeves on his forearm, revealing the guild emblem, and entered the work mode: "I am Eleven Brann of Fairy Tail, commissioned by your name, behind me is my guild Friends, come and help me complete the task."

Behind Naz, Elsa and several others also showed their guild emblems, and their faces were full of pride.

Hmm... Maybe Eric didn't feel so proud, but his emblem is on his face, so it doesn't matter what his expression is!

Robin Lu looked at the appearance of these young people showing their guild emblems together, and a little light burst into his dim old eyes, and his face became softer.

"Hahaha~ Nabla! Come in, everyone, we have prepared our Neilbit’s specialties to entertain you all."

"Wow! Is there something delicious! I'm almost hungry, let's go!" Naz rushed out immediately.

"Naz, you are so cunning, you ran away! Don't grab our fish!" Hobby was also unwilling to show weakness.

"This fire-breathing fool is really embarrassing." Gray despised Naz in his little pants.

The group of people was arranged noisily by Robin Lu into a huge animal skin tent. The various arrangements in the tent were very ethnic, which made Yiliwen and the others feel new and interesting. Look, it's pretty unseen.

"Nebra! Wendy, come and help me entertain the guests." Robin Lu called out to the back door of the tent after sitting down.

"Okay, Grandpa President, I'm here!" A soft and sweet voice came from the back door softly.

This voice was the voice of Little Lolita, which immediately attracted the attention of Eleven and others, and looked curiously behind the curtain.

A little loli with dark blue short hair opened the curtain and ran out in a panic, but before two steps, she mixed her left foot with her right foot without warning, and fell to the ground with a chuckle.

"Wow!" Little Lori couldn't help but exclaimed, and then because she fell to the ground under the gaze of everyone, her face flushed with shame instantly, she didn't even dare to look up at Eleven and the others.

"Wendy! Really, why did you fall down where there is nothing?"

At this time, another voice came out from behind the curtain. The voice was a bit shrill, but it was not unpleasant. It was a girl's voice.

The next second, a little white cat with wings opened the curtain and flew in leisurely, looking at Wendy who was on the street with her arms akimbo, with a helpless expression on her face.

"Ah! White Hobby!"

"What? Hobbit turned white?"

"Wearing a skirt, is it a girl?"

"Mother Hobbit?"

"Wow~ she is so cute!!"


Eleven and their attention instantly shifted from the little Lori to the little white cat.After all, the cute little loli is everywhere, but the flying kitten, I have only seen one Hubby.

"Who is Hobbit? Don't name people randomly, okay!" The little white cat seemed to dislike others talking about her, and they furiously protested at Eleven.

"We are Hubby! Can you tell us what your name is?"

At this time, Hobby walked to the white cat's side, his tail swaying like a fan.In Eleven's perspective, countless pink bubbles emerged behind Hobby at this time.

"Humph!" The little white cat was obviously unwilling to pay attention to Hobby, and turned his head proudly.

"Okay~co~love! She's still shy~" Hobby didn't care at all and entered the cat licking mode.

However, at this time Wendy raised her head and taught the little white cat beside her: "Xia Lulu, don't be like this, it's very rude."

Then Wendy turned her gaze to Hobby again, her big eyes gleaming, and she cheered softly, "Ah~It's the blue Xia Lulu, so cute!"


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