The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 173: Another Dragon Slayer Slayer

"Love! But, we think Xia Lulu is more cute."

Hobby was very clever. After learning Xia Lulu's name from Wendy, he immediately sent a flattery.

"Don't compare me with that male cat! Humph!"

Xia Lulu seemed to get angry easily, turned her head hummingly and stopped paying attention to Wendy and Hobby.

Wendy hurriedly apologized to Xia Lulu in a panic, while Hobby climbed onto Eleven's knees, grabbed Eleven’s clothes shyly, and wanted Eleven to send his fish to Xia Lulu.

Eleven is not stupid. He thinks that Hubby might have been attracted to Xia Lulu. He held back his smile, lowered his head and rolled his tongue and laughed: "Have a leg~~~ Oh!"

Hubby twisted and twisted shyly.


After teasing Hobby, Eleven turned his eyes to Wendy and Xia Lulu, Luo Yi cat.

Under Eleven's mental induction, these two cuties turned out to be real and physical.There are actually two children in such a guild composed entirely of minds, which is worth thinking about.

Eleven took a peek at Robin Lu, who was sitting in the first place, and found that the old man was also looking at Wendy and the others. His eyes were full of love and resentment, which made Eleven more confirm that this mission must be a cat. related.


No longer paying attention to Hobby, who was chasing Xia Lulu around the world, the banquet went on as usual, and Wendy took on the job of a waiter.

Wendy is a small one, who seems to be only six or seven years old, and even younger than the Karna I saw when she joined the union.It seems to be very afraid of life. When facing Eleven and the others, he is always shy and afraid to speak.

Although I often knocked over food because of falling on the ground, looking at that cute appearance, it was difficult to raise any blame.

Seeing the smaller figure running around in that game, Eleven, who was still a bit worried about the task, gradually showed a kind smile like an old father, as if all the troubles in his heart had been forgotten.

Robin Luzhi was also very happy. He got a glass of wine for himself while holding the bottle, and then he blew it up!I don't know what it means for him to fall into the cup.

"Eleven... Grumbling..." Robin Lu wanted to talk as soon as he finished drinking, but all of his mouth came out, completely unaware of what he was talking about.


Eleven looked at Robin Lu with a bit of speechlessness, but since the old man called him, he must have ordered him, so he patiently waited until he finished the wine in his mouth before asking: "Robin Lu President, what are you going to say?"

"Nebra! Wendy is cute!" Who knows that Robin Rugen was not talking about business, but like his grandfather and Eleven boasted Wendy.

Eleven froze for a moment, then turned his gaze to Wendy, looking at the busy little figure, his expression gradually melted again.

(????ω`??): "Yeah, it's really cute!"

"Then can you ask Master Eleven for one thing?"

"You say."

"Can you take Wendy to the Fairy Tail life, please?"

"Of course I didn't ask... Uh? What did you say?" Eleven agreed as if to reflex, but suddenly realized that something was wrong. This little old man seemed to have raised something while he was paying attention to Lori What an incredible task!


The tray in Wendy's hand fell to the ground again, but this time she did not fall, but was shocked by Robin Lu's words, and looked at her grandfather in disbelief.Even Naz and the others stopped the party and turned their attention to Robin Lu.

"Grandpa President, why? I don't want to leave here!" Wendy was crying when she spoke, and tears visible to the naked eye began to accumulate in her big eyes, and they could cry at any time.

Xia Lulu also shook off Hobby and flew to Wendy's side, usually comforting her with her small paws, while looking at Robin Lu a little angrily: "President, why did you say this suddenly? What did Wendy do wrong? Yet?"

Robin Lu was used to taking another sip of wine with the wine bottle in his arms, opened his mouth, sprinkled the wine in his mouth again, and said calmly: "Wendy, sorry, I didn't notify you in advance. But this is a decision I have made. , Will not change. Everyone in Fairy Tail is a trustworthy person. I believe you can live better wherever you are."

"I don't want it! I don't want a better life! I like everyone here, I don't want to leave here!"

Wendy, who has always given the impression of being soft and glutinous, burst out unexpectedly stubborn. Although her voice is still very soft, her tone is firm.After speaking, she stopped looking at Robin Lu, turned and ran out of the tent while crying, while Xia Lulu followed out anxiously.

"Hey, old man, what do you mean?"

When others were still concerned about Wendy who ran out, Naz was the first to question, his tone was rather unhappy, he needed Robin Lu to give an explanation, otherwise he would definitely abandon his partner. Got a punch.

"Nebra~!" Robin Lu also sighed and explained: "Wendy can no longer stay here. He was targeted by people from the Dark Guild. It is not safe for her anymore."

"Dark Guild!!!" Elisa and the others exclaimed.

"Why would a little girl like Wendy be targeted by the Dark Guild? What do they want to do?" Mira asked in confusion.

Upon hearing Mira's words, a dangerous light burst into Eleven's eyes.

Is it another group of damn lolicons?Damn, I will never let Wendy fall into their hands.

"Nebra! What they are after is Wendy's magic." Robin Lu sighed and continued, "Wendy holds the rare magic in this world that has healing power. The ancient super magic, The Dragon Slayer Magic in the sky!"

"Dragon Slayer Magic?!" The crowd exclaimed again.

However, after looking at Naz and Eric, everyone was relieved again.Dragon Slayer magic is still very common, nothing to fuss about.

But I didn't expect that such petite and lovely Wendy turned out to be the same dragon slayer as Naz. It felt like a violation.

These dark guild guys are really the damn Lolicon, the dragon slayer is so hot, why don't they go to catch Naz, not to catch Laxus, they have to catch Wendy?

Humph!Don't want to hide from my eyes, damn lolicons!

While humming and slandering the wizards of the Dark Guild, Eleven turned his gaze to Robin Lu, and asked inexplicably, "But President Robin Lu, even then you don’t need to entrust Wendy. Give it to us. With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with those dark guild guys?"

Robin Lu took a deep look at Eleven, then took a sip of wine, and grunted and said: "No, I don't have much combat power. It is the limit to be able to perform such illusions. There is no protection at all. Good power."

What Robin Lu said makes other people hear in the mist, what illusion?What are they talking about?

Eleven didn’t explain to them either, just nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said: “Okay, I see. President Robin Lu, if this is your commission, then I will accept it. ."

At this moment, Eric, who had been sitting in the corner without speaking, suddenly moved his ears, and then looked outside with a strange expression, turned his head and said, "Hey, that little girl looks like Has been taken away."

Because Eric's tone was so plain that Eleven and the others were still talking about their topics, and they didn't even notice what Eric said.

After a long time, everyone suddenly realized that they turned their heads to look at Eric.


"Fuck! What did you just say?"


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