"Huh? Kebra~ Senior!"

The spectacle man pushed his spectacles and walked out of the shadows, sneering gloomily.

Eric didn't react much to what the spectacle man said, nor did he reply. Instead, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and the smile was extremely ferocious.

From this guy, Eric felt a long-lost sense of familiarity, that was the feeling of a person in the dark, despicable and comfortable!

"Ah~ you deserve to be Senior Kebra, it's horrible to laugh!" The man in glasses pushed his glasses again and teased.

"By the way, Senior Kebra, are you performing some secret mission? If you are, you must hint to me as a junior! Otherwise, our own fights will be bad."

The man with glasses seems to like to talk very much, and he talks endlessly.With oily head and powdery face, he also combed a big back. At first glance, he belonged to that kind of particularly hypocritical guy.

In the next year, Ji was much older than Eric, but he shouted one by one, without feeling ashamed at all.

Eric silently listened to the man with glasses exulting, did not speak, but suddenly took a step back, and then turned sideways.


A large jelly-like viscous object suddenly fell from the position of Eric just now, and the contact with the ground instantly corroded the ground into a large pit.

This was obviously a long-standing sneak attack by the glasses man, but Eric easily avoided it.

"Heh, that's it?"

Eric raised his head and sneered, his eyes full of disdain when he looked at the man with glasses.

Although after Eleven's training, Eric's arrogant personality improved a lot and became a lot more calm.But the nature of this guy is still a guy with a bad personality, a type that is quite hateful.

Eleven has always felt that with Eric's disgusting temper, it is very possible that he will not find a girlfriend for a lifetime!

Sure enough, the corner of his mouth twitched when Eric saw him in such a tense, and it took him a long time to stabilize the hypocritical smirk again.

"Haha, you deserve to be Senior Kebra, really..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense!" However, Kebra interrupted the man with glasses before he finished speaking. "I have heard all the thoughts in your heart!"

"You are really disgusting. What you think in your heart and what you say are completely different."

"I thought about a lot of good sneak attacks, seven, no, eight."

As he said, Eric suddenly lifted his foot to the ground, and a dark purple venom shot up into the sky, dissolving a large group of slimes hidden in the ground.

"Unfortunately, I heard it all! Your ideas will no longer be of any use."

Speaking, Kebra's arms were suddenly covered with a layer of dark purple scales, and he looked at the man in glasses with a grinning smile, it was no longer clear who the two guys were the bad guy.

"Hahaha, Senior Kebra, you are really annoying!" At this time, the man with glasses also lost his smile and became completely gloomy.

Kebra moved his ears and suddenly looked at the large group of slimes that had been attacked by his venom before.Although the group of slimes was corroded by the venom, almost nothing remained, but the core part remained. At this time, it should have turned into a rich purple, exactly the same as Eric's venom.

"Hahaha, Senior Kebra, do you know? Slime, it is a species that can evolve itself by devouring other energy!"

"If conditions permit, even if it is a dragon, it is not necessarily a slime's opponent!"

With that said, the man with glasses suddenly grabbed his hand, and the purple slime next to Eric flew into his palm, and then merged into his body.

"Ah~ Is this the poison of Senior Kebra? It is really incredible!"

After receiving the venom slime, the spectacle man's body was trembling visibly, his forehead was sweating, but his face was ecstatic, and he licked the corners of his mouth with emotion.

Eric had a chill.

"Senior Kebra, do you know? My slime magic has only one chance to give slime attributes once in my life! And I use this opportunity on Senior Kebra."

"In this way, I will have the same magic power and poison as Senior Kebra! I will become the same as Senior Kebra!"

"Senior Kebra~Predecessor~, I remember, you can't eat your own poison!"


While speaking, the spectacle man suddenly flicked his hand, and he created a large group of slimes, and rushed towards Eric.This group of slimes is full of purplish red toxin, which is Eric's venom.

Although Eric sounds a bit disgusting when the man with glasses is speaking, he is already prepared, and he will avoid the attack with a light jump.

At the same time, both feet slammed on the ground, and the two pairs of dragon claws ooze venom, and they killed the man with glasses like lightning. He no longer wanted to hear nonsense.

However, Eric's attack hadn't been achieved yet, and a group of slimes who didn't know when they appeared halfway suddenly jumped up and swallowed him in one bite.

Eric, who was wrapped in the slime, was a little surprised. There was no sound when these slimes moved, and he didn't hear the voice of the man with glasses controlling the slime.

"Hahaha, Senior Kebra, are you surprised?" At this time, the glasses man's flat voice came again, a little proud, and pushed his glasses to show off to Kebra.

"The slimes I made actually have their own predatory instincts! But they don't have wisdom and don't know how to think, so I am surprised at what they can do with some things."

"Hahaha, just like this situation now!"

With that said, the man with glasses relentlessly began to manipulate more slimes into the group of slimes that had caught Eric, and his expression became more and more ferocious.

"Senior Kebra, if you are dead, then go to death obediently, don't do anything to resurrect from death, okay!"

"Only when you die, I will have the opportunity to go to Lord Brian's side!"

The more the man with glasses speaks, the more terrifying his expression becomes. Gradually, all the disguise is removed and he becomes completely frenzied and free himself.

"Hahaha! It's just a kid! What predecessor, shit! You are also worthy of being by Lord Brian's side, and worthy of being called the "Six Demons"?"

Eric didn't bother to pay attention to the self-confidence of the man with glasses, and felt the environment inside the slime.Don’t look at the slime that seems soft like jelly, but its body strength is surprisingly high, trapped in the body, let alone an attack, even the unusual difficulty of moving the fingers, the whole body is bounced and bounced. It's wrapped in soft matter, so it can't get any strength.

Moreover, the slime couldn't breathe in his body, and there was a strong corrosive force continuously digesting Eric's body.This power is not poison, it is simple acid, which Eric cannot absorb.

After trying hard to adjust the body, the magic burst suddenly, and a lot of toxins were released, trying to destroy the slime structure in this way.

However, things backfired.Eric's toxin did not have much effect, but was absorbed by the slime group, making the slime group more active.

Even the slime started to use venom to attack Eric like Eric, making Eric taste the horror of his own poison for the first time.

"Hahaha, it's useless, kid! Being swallowed by a slime has only one end, and that is to be digested!"

"Ahhh, go to hell! Go to hell! Only me who can stay with Lord Brian! Only me!"

With a few roars, the clothes on the man with glasses began to burst, his flesh began to swell, squirm, and twist, transforming into a super huge slime monster in the blink of an eye.

"Hohoho, Kebra, become my nourishment! I will swallow all of your nothing left!"

"I will prove to Lord Brian that I am better than you!!!"


With a deafening roar, the huge slime monster split apart suddenly, swallowing the group of slimes that wrapped Eric in one bite.The bound Eric is like a small boat in the sea, which can only constantly float up and down in the slime solution.

"You are really noisy enough."

While the slime monster kept yelling, Eric's voice came out leisurely.Obviously he was inside the slime monster, but his voice came out.

"I can hear you even if you don't shout so loudly, Slime bastard!"

Eric in the slime's stomach suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth slightly, and sneered.

"Feel how noisy you are! Sound magic—sonic shock!"


A muffled noise suddenly exploded from the slime monster's body, and the violent vibration caused the slime, which was already semi-liquid, to tremble suddenly, and countless fine ripples appeared on the surface.

These ripples are getting denser and more intense, just like splashes of water in a pan, crackling and splashing.

I couldn't bear it until one place, and suddenly a large mass of mucus exploded.It was like a chain reaction, a single point of collapse led to the collapse of the whole.

Under the vibration of this sound wave, the slime monster, like a hill, could no longer maintain its jelly-like solid state, and instantly disintegrated into mucus all over the floor, slumping thousands of miles away.

"No, it's impossible...you are, how did you do it..." the weak voice of the man with glasses came out.

At this time, the man with eyes had his head prepared, Eric grabbed it in his hand and held it in the air.The only thing he changed back into a human form was his upper body, his lower body was still in the state of a slime, and he still wanted to swallow Eric in.

Eric didn't care either, letting the man with glasses wrap his thigh, showing a terrifying smile.

Sound magic, this is actually Eric's real self-awakening magic, the magic that really belongs to him.As for the poisonous dragon slaying magic, it was only the magic obtained by Brian implanting dragon crystals into Eric's body.

Sonic shock is a kind of magic that can collect the opponent's voice, and then double it back.It may not be very tough at ordinary times, but when faced with such a loud opponent, the effect is surprisingly good.

"I said, I have heard all your actions, and you don't have any hope of victory at the beginning of the fight!" Eric smiled grinningly, pulled the man with glasses off himself, and threw it into the sky.

"Hey, don't you like to eat my poison? Then I will let you eat enough!"

"The roar of the poisonous dragon!"

Eric put one hand in front of his mouth, his lungs swelled, and a large cloud of poisonous mist carrying the deadly virus was suddenly blown out.

The poisonous mist was extremely fast, and directly rushed into the part of the man with glasses that was still a slime.


The bubbles on the surface of the slime rolled, and as more and more poisonous mist poured in madly, unable to bear any more, they burst open.

The upper body of the man with glasses uttered a heart-piercing scream. The mouth, nose, eyes, ears, and all the places with holes are constantly emitting poisonous smoke, oozing thick blood, and making a bang. Hit the ground.

Eric glanced at lying there, only half of his body was left, still twitching, the man with glasses who had no glasses curled his mouth in disdain.

This kind of guy even wanted to be one of the Six Demons, which is simply a dream.Those guys, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

"Well, but it has nothing to do with me now." Shaking his head, Eric decisively let go of the thoughts in his heart, and muttered to himself.

It is not easy for him to have a place to live. With Ginana, the right and wrong of the past have nothing to do with him, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

"Ahem, Kebra... Do you think you are free..."

Just when Eric was about to take a step away, the weak voice of the man with glasses came out again.Eric frowned and turned back, looking at the half-dead body.

"Do you think... ahem... Do you think you can get out of it so easily... Lord Brian... Lord?"

"Once you have fallen into darkness, you can never leave again!"

"Cough cough cough..."

"Kebra... the darkness you are in is like... ahem... it's a bottomless swamp!"

"Haha...cough cough cough...haha...Kebra, don't you want to run away!"

"You can't escape! This swamp will hold you tight! Cough cough cough... The more you want to escape, the deeper you will sink..."

"Ahem... do you think you went ashore? No! Ahem... that's just lingering!"

"Sooner or later... sooner or later you will fall back into the darkness again! Hahaha..."

"Not only that...cough cough cough... everyone you have touched on the shore will also be dragged into the swamp by you! All!! Cough cough cough..."

"Everyone around you will die! All will die!"

"Kebra! This is your end! Hahahaha..."

The man in glasses laughed wildly like a flashback, smiled and burst out a mouthful of blood, and then all the seven orifices exploded, sputtering jets of dark blood, completely losing his vitality.

Kebra stood there with his hands in his pockets, his face gloomy and terrible.After half the payment, he couldn't help but spit on the eye-catching face of the man with glasses.

"Bah! Do you think I can't hear you? Who is disgusting?"


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