The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 178: The Devil's Name is Jack!

Time passed back a little...

"Devil? Mira, what do you mean?"

Elisa turned her head to look at Mira, and couldn't help exclaiming.Although Elisa fights with Mira every day, the real demon has never been seen once, and she is surprised to forget the fact that Eleven flew out.


Before Mira had time to answer, the brawny man on the opposite side let out an inhuman roar at them.

"Hoho! You dare to break into the chassis of my strong king Jack, you are simply looking for a dead end!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the already extremely tall strong man swelled again, and even the loose cloak could no longer cover his face and fell off.

Wendy, who was originally carried by Jack on his shoulders, was now held in the palm of his hand with one hand.Although Wendy is very petite, she is more than one meter tall and can be held in the palm of her hand with one hand, which shows how huge Jack is swelling now.


Xia Lulu was almost crying, and the visual impact brought by the scene of the little loli and the beast was too strong, as if Wendy could be pinched at any time.

"Jack? Strong King Jack?"

Elisa's complexion became weird, and she felt like she had heard this name and the opening white of the second, but she was not impressed.

Where did you hear it?

Hmm (`??)...

Elisa hugged her arms and began to struggle.

"Elisa! What are you in a daze?" Mila's tender voice interrupted Elisa's thoughts.

With a flick of her tail at this time, Mira had already bravely launched a charge towards Jack.She hates the devil deeply, and her shot is extremely tyrannical.


The dark black magic power broke away from Mira's palm, forming a terrifying claw, and grabbed it at Jack.

As expected, Jack not only didn't evade Mira's claws, but instead went up to his head and threw a punch.


Diablo's claws shattered and were instantly penetrated by Jack's fist.

With a hit, Jack started charging without hesitation, and the huge body banged into Mira with a bang.

"Superbitter Flash!"

The arrogant energy in Mira's bones also came up, facing Jack's brutal beast collision, not only did not avoid, but at the moment of the collision, the sharp claws popped out, firmly grasping Jack's body.With a grinning face, a terrifying magic burst out.

Mira in the state of being possessed by the demon felt more scary than usual, and violent and terrifying.


There were bursts of explosions centered on Mila and Jack, and the violent flashes dazzled people's eyes.

"Wendy, Wendy is still inside..." Xia Lulu was almost crying, she was really afraid that Wendy would be killed by Mira.Are these fairy tail wizards reliable?

"Don't worry, Xia Lulu, Mila has a sense of measure." Elisa stopped Xia Lulu, comforting.No one knows Mira's fighting ability better than Elisa, and she is still very relieved of Mira.

However, in the next second, an embarrassed figure flew upside down from the explosion, and that person was Mira.

Elisa was shocked and hurriedly displayed her dress-up. The Armor of Sonic Velocity instantly raised her body, her speed increased to the extreme, and a swoop caught Mira.

Mira's face was very ugly, and she pointed to Jack in the smoke and shouted: "Elisa, be careful, his body..."

Before he finished speaking, Jack's huge body had already rumblingly pushed out the smoke.

At this time, Jack's whole body was scorched except for the hand that grabbed Wendy, and it was obviously blown by Mira.

However, the wounds on his body were healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Among the bone-visible wounds, the granulation squirmed, and in the blink of an eye, new flesh and blood was reborn and recovered as before.

"Roar! You dare to break into the chassis of my strong king Jack, you are seeking your own death!"

I don’t know if Jack is particularly fond of saying this sentence, or only saying this sentence, anyway, after a very nonsensical roar, he banged towards Elisa Mira and the others, waving himself more than a human head. With a huge fist, they will launch a fatal attack against Mira and the others.

"Hey! Lolita is abnormal, what are you going to do?" Suddenly there was a cry from the sky, with a cold tone.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Jack who was charging, his head rumbling and he was smashed into the ground by an invisible force. Even the surrounding land was cracked to varying degrees. I saw how powerful it was.

Looking up, I saw Eleven's eyes bursting with a long chill, clutching his chest, his combat power was empty, and angrily staring at the fallen Jack.

Elisa and Mila only realized that there was such a person coming when Eleven saw Eleven, and they were surprised and shouted loudly, but Eleven ignored them.

Humph!No one cares about me, don't let you go!

Eleven didn't have time to talk to Mira and the others. At this time, his mind was frantically attacking the fallen Jack Demon.

Eleven found that every time his thought power attack hit Jack, the magic power contained in the thought power would be defeated by an inexplicable energy.This is the reason why the Mind Power Shield just lost its function.

However, as the number of attacks increased, the strange power on Jack's body seemed to be weakening, and more and more attacks were succeeded, leaving scars on Jack's body.

However, in the face of Jack's abnormal recovery ability, such an injury obviously can't constitute any trouble, as if he still can't feel any pain, he madly confronts Eleven.

Eleven didn't intend to defeat this monster just in this way, and his purpose was not here. Instead, he kept staring at the poor Wendy who was waved by Jack, looking for opportunities.

Suddenly, with a movement of mental power, Eleven finally felt that there was an obvious leak in the energy of Jack's body.The power of thought was like a snake winding around the beam, winding up like lightning, and instantly imprisoned Jack's body, raising his hand that grabbed Wendy.

The power of thought erupted, and the text of Eli wanted to break Jack’s arm directly, but Jack’s body was unexpectedly tough, and during the process of exerting force, he would subconsciously injure Wendy in his palm, making Eli Wen had to change his mind.

"Elusa!" Eleven called out loudly.

Sometimes, perhaps a sharp blade is better than a powerful force.

"Received! Dressup-Black Feather Armor!"

As expected of Elisa, she instantly understood Eleven's thoughts. Almost at the same time as Eleven yelled out, a set of black armor with bat wings had been worn on her body.

The Black Feather Armor is an armor that can increase the power of a blow to the extreme.


With a flash, Elisa had appeared in front of Jack, and the long sword in her hand was cut down by the white mark on his arm that was pulled out by Eleven.


The blood splattered, Jack's entire arm was broken, and Wendy was thrown away with that arm.


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