"We are back!"

Naz's "Duang" kick opened the door of the guild, and no matter what was going on inside, he shouted excitedly inside.

As Naz and others disappeared for several days, the guild had a rare and easy time.However, the people who were accustomed to the noisy were already bored from the next day. At this time, seeing Naz, Gray and the others came back with great joy.

"Hahaha, Naz, where did your kid go these days? I'm so bored without your guild."

"Hey, yeah, are you back now? It's starting to make noise again."

"Ah blanket? Gray, how you hurt? To fight it?"

"Hahaha, let's fight Naz!"

"Eleven, did you go out with these little ghosts? You have the courage!"

In the guild hall, a group of idle panicked guys soon came up with Wuyang Wuyang, surrounded Eleven and others in the center, chatting endlessly.Wendy was so scared that she hid behind Eleven nervously, not daring to show her head.

"Hmm! It's fine when you come back." At this time Makarov also held up this small staff, squeezed out the crowd in front of Eleven, smiled kindly, and then looked at the player. Hi Naz and others.

"Naz! Gray! Elisa! Mira! Who allowed you to intervene in the S-level mission without authorization!"





Makarov's stern voice immediately stopped all the happy four people, and turned their heads to look at the president in a daze, with a few inexplicable drops of cold sweat on their foreheads.

Habi : "It's too much, President, let's go together too, why didn't we click our name?"

Makarov glared at the dead stupid cat, snorted coldly, and continued.

"Intervene in the S-level mission without permission, interfere with the work of other wizards without permission, and commit such mistakes. As the president, I even have the right to expel you directly from the guild!"

Makarov sounded like a bell, his face was serious, and Naz and the others knelt directly, shaking.

"Um, old man, I agreed with them to come together, and they really helped me a lot..."

Eleven might be really angry when he saw Makarov, and hurriedly wanted to intercede for Naz, but was interrupted by Makarov's raising his hand.Then the old man sighed deeply, staring at his person with a faint smile, and suddenly the conversation changed.

"However, it's not that you can't forgive you because you guys are thinking about your partners."




As soon as the four of them heard Makarov's words, they immediately showed happy expressions. Naz and Gray even went hand in hand to celebrate, and they didn't even want to dislike each other.

"But!" Makarov suddenly coughed again, planning their celebration, "Capital crimes are unavoidable, living crimes are inevitable, and the punishment that should be accepted is inevitable!"

"Haha, sir, leave it to me to punish them! Satisfy you!"

Despite not taking care of the four people who recovered from their grief, Eleven was in a good mood and took the initiative to punish Naz and them. He liked to do such things the most.

(;??Д) : "Don't! Father, don't let that tremble S come!"

The four Naz pleaded bitterly, but no one paid any attention to them. Eleven and Makarov had already entered the next topic.

Eleven: "Oh, yes, let us introduce our new members, Wendy and Xia Lulu." After speaking, Wendy and Xia Lulu who had been hiding behind him were pushed out.

Wendy?? (????>??_??

Feeling the eager gazes of the members of the monster tail, Wendy was nervous and shy, squabbling to introduce herself, and even bit her tongue in the end.

"Humph!" Xia Lulu looked at Wendy's unpromising look, and couldn't help but snorted.The tail behind him is a bit stiff, which shows that his heart is actually very tense.

"Wow, what a lovely newcomer! Welcome!"

"Huh? White Hobby?"

"Ah, I'm dead! These two are so cute, I really want to take home!"

"Shut up, you are so perverted that you won't hand Wendy sauce to you!"

"What did you say? Want to fight?"

"Just hit it, I'm afraid of you!"


Looking at the guild with more and more hot atmosphere, Eleven’s smile became brighter. He knew that Wendy and Xia Lulu would be accepted by everyone soon, after all, they are so cute~

Makarov walked up to Wendy with a smile. The old man raised his hand and touched Wendy's head, which was about the same height as him, and said softly: "I am the president of this place Makarov. Welcome to join the fairies. Tail, Wendy, Xia Lulu!"

Eleven also leaned forward with a smile, and then using a voice that everyone in the guild could hear, secretly said to Makarov: "Master, Wendy is very powerful, but she can use the rare healing magic to destroy the sky. Dragon Sorcerer!"

After Eleven's words fell, the entire guild was quiet for a moment, but the next second there was a more enthusiastic cheer, all of whom were happy for adding another potential stock to the guild.

Some people even wanted to run up to hug the lovely Wendy and Xia Lulu, and then they were sent flying by some flower-protecting messengers who couldn't see them.Among them, Hobby worked the hardest, any stinky rascal who wanted to touch Xia Lulu could not escape his cat's claws.

Looking at this noisy guild, Wendy's originally nervous mood relaxed a lot, and a smile gradually appeared on her small face, and she squatted down next to Xia Lulu and said happily: "Xia Lulu, Xia Lulu, hehe, This is really an interesting place!"

"Huh! It's just that there are more fools!" Xia Lulu snorted and continued to be proud.But the little tail wagging behind her exposed the little happiness in her heart.

"Children! In order to welcome our lovely newcomers, come to have a banquet!!" With Makarov's arms raised, the atmosphere of the guild instantly exploded, and everyone once again entered the unscrupulous carnival mode.

After three rounds of wine, Eleven who drank some juices seemed to think of something, suddenly patted the table and stood up.

"By the way! I forgot that I was going to find Ms. Polusica! Wendy's healing magic is very powerful, and Ms. Polusica will soon be able to retire. I must go and tell her the good news! "

After finishing speaking, Eleven pulled on the little Wendy who was still a little confused and ran out in a hurry, without giving other people time to reflect.

"Hey! Where are you going to take Wendy?" After a long time, only Xia Lulu recovered and chased out angrily.

Makarov opened his mouth, and in the end he didn't say anything, too lazy to care. If this kid is willing to die, let him go, the old man cares about him!


In the depths of the woods, the log cabin of Polusica.

"Get out! Get out of the old lady!" Poliusika's violent roar came out, and even the usual good restraint was gone, almost swearing.

"Well~Well~Ms. Polusica, don't you be so irritable! I'm here to introduce you to the lovely newcomer who joined the guild today." Eleven fixed the broom on the top of his head with his mind, making sure it won Falling on his head, he smiled and looked at Polixika who was about to explode.

"Get out! I have no interest in your newcomers, I hate humans, get out of me!"

"Hahaha, Ms. Polusica, you are joking again. You don't hate me at all, do you? Oh, yes, this is Wendy, you can use a very powerful healing magic! Maybe you will soon Can you retire? Are you happy?" A bright smile appeared on Eleven's face.

Boliusika yanked the broomstick in the sky hard, but couldn't move it!I felt that my hair was about to be erected by the brat Eleven, if it weren't for the fact that there was no magic in his body, Borusica felt that he could definitely awaken the magic of the flame element immediately.

Ah, ah, I knew that I should have put this little bastard to death directly before, and how could I keep him until now.

Wait...maybe it's not too late, this kid will be seriously injured sooner or later if he is so cheap, before the time...


Just as Polusica was fighting with Eleven, Wendy, who had been silent on the side, suddenly exclaimed, then cried out with a wow, and ran to Polusica's side. He hugged her thigh.

"Wow~~Grantigne! I finally found you, I miss you so much!" Wendy cried and held Polixika hard, rubbing her nose and tears all over Polixika’s On the thigh.

"Ahhh! Let go of my stinky kid, humans don't touch me! I...huh? Are you Wendy?"

Polusica just wanted to blow up her hair, but she suddenly thought of the nonsense that Eleven Barabara had said before, and combined with the scene in front of her, Polusica was suddenly stunned.

About two years ago, a consciousness suddenly came to this world, and it resonated with Polusika.

That consciousness specially asked Polusica to take care of the next blue-haired girl named Wendy if possible, and also sent Polusica a lot of knowledge about dragon slaying magic. I hope she has You can continue to teach Wendy if you have the opportunity.

And the master of this consciousness is a dragon named Grantine, the dragon of the sky.

But Borusica, who is withdrawn by nature, didn't like this kind of hard commission. Although the Grantine had inextricably linked with him, Borusica didn't bother to care about it.

After two years, I didn't expect that this little girl named Wendy would appear here by herself.

"Oh, Grantine... no one has called me this name for a long time." Polusica murmured, and even Eleven couldn't hear what she was talking about.

Polusica looked down at Wendy, then gently pushed her away from her thigh, not very rough, but decisive.

"Sorry, Wendy, I'm not Grantigne, my name is Polusica, and I'm a pharmacist." Polusica said coldly.

"But...but...I...Grantigne..." Wendy raised her face, whimpering with tears, and watched Polixika keep choking.

Poliusika also felt soft when looking at Wendy's pitiful appearance, her tone eased a lot, and she sighed.

"Oh, I'm not the Grantine you're looking for, I'm a human, a real human, not a dragon."

Wendy looked up at Boliusica like this, and it took a while before she lowered her head dejectedly, and the tears in her big eyes couldn't help streaming down.

Wendy knew that Polusica did not lie to her.Although this man had the same smell and voice as Grantigne, the atmosphere was completely different. Grantigne was a very gentle dragon and would never yell like that.

Eleven, who was watching the play, was stunned throughout the whole process. Although he brought Wendy here, he did not understand why it developed like this.

Did Wendy mistake Ms. Polusica for Jackie Chan?This stupid girl is too stupid!Even if Ms. Polusica has more wrinkles on her face and a bit weird temper, she still barely belongs to the human category. It is too much to recognize her as a dragon!

She has no wings!

"Well, Wendy, don't be sad."

Holding Wendy's little hand out of the cabin, Eleven felt Wendy's sad emotions and comforted a little at a loss.

"Wendy! Why are you crying? Could it be that he bullied you?" Xia Lulu finally rushed over at this time, glaring at Eleven, blowing her hair straight.

This gray-haired guy could fly so fast that Xia Lulu couldn't catch up with her wing magic.Is this guy flying so fast to run here to bully Wendy?

At this moment, the image of Eleven fell to the bottom in Xia Lulu's eyes.

"No, no, I didn't bully her." Eleven hurriedly waved his hand to explain, "It was Wendy who said that Ms. Polusica looked like a dragon. Ms. Polusica disagreed, and Wendy cried. "

Xia Lulu: (=`??=)???

"Wendy, you can't do this again in the future." Eleven bent down again and touched Wendy's little head, like a good brother.

"Hmm...huh!" Wendy's little face was full of stunned, but she was sad but did not refute anything, letting Eleven rub her little head.

"Xia Lulu! Let's come too! Don't leave us!" A sticky little blue cat also flew over at this time, flew and yelled.

"It's so noisy! Go to no one's place!" Poliusika suddenly poked out her head and yelled.

"Love!" Hobby was taken aback, and hurriedly stood at attention, indicating that he would obey the arrangement.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Gran...Ms. Poleusika, we will leave now." Wendy bowed and apologized quickly, her big eyes flushed with tears, and she was pitying.


Poliusika snorted coldly, and without replying Wendy, she ran into the door.

But Polischka behind the door couldn't help peeking out through the gap in the window. When she saw little Wendy wiping her tears secretly, her heart finally softened.

"Wendy!" Polusica pushed open the door and called out.

"Come back, I have the dragon-killing magic that Grantigne hasn't had time to teach you. And come to me every morning and I will teach you about potions. Humph! It doesn't matter if you don't want to learn it."

"Eleven, you kid fuck me, don't come back!"

After talking about Polusica, she turned around and went back to the house very smartly, regardless of Wendy's reaction.

"Ah! Grantigne, wait for me!"

It took a long time for Wendy to react and burst into laughter, cheering and ran into the cabin.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm not Grantigne! Don't touch me, damn kid! Humans still smell so bad~!"

Wendy{>~<}: "Huh? Am I really that smelly?"

Xia Lulu??╬????д????╬??: "Hey! What are you saying to Wendy! Wendy, you don't smell bad, just ignore her!"

Habi=ω=: "Xia Lulu, don’t worry! We are cats, there is no human smell!"

(`Д??)??: "Ah! Ah! It's so noisy! The cat also get out of me!!"


Eleven, who was standing outside the door, smiled knowingly as he looked at the little wooden house.

Sure enough, Ms. Polusica is a very gentle person!



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