The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 185: New round of S-level assessment

With the passing of the sun and the moon, the years flew, X779 went very peacefully, and soon it was close to the New Year.

In X779, apart from Wendy joining Fairy Tail, nothing new happened to him, and he had a very peaceful life.

It was expected that the revenge of the Six Demon Generals did not come, which made Eleven wonder if Brian was really scared by him.

Wendy has also been well integrated into the life of Fairy Tail during this year. Although she is too young to be allowed to take up tasks by the president, she can still do some simple tasks and become the youngest Fairy Tail. The cutest little kanban girl.

During the period, Eleven took Wendy to see Mistgang, who had been missing for a long time. Wendy was moved, but Mistergang was a little embarrassed. I didn't expect that little Lolita, who had been forgotten by herself, would find it by herself. It gave him the illusion that his scumbag father was found by his daughter.

Surprisingly, Wendy actually mixes with Polusica quite well, and she goes to the cabin every day to learn some pharmacological knowledge with Polusica.Recently, she and Xia Lulu moved directly into the cabin and lived with Poliusika, which shows how much Poliusika likes this little girl.

Even Makarov was dumbfounded by this change. He even thought that Polusika had changed sex and didn't hate humans.The shy old man even bought a small gift and planned to get close to Ms. Polusica, but in the end he was beaten out with a strip.

Hobby still stalked Xia Lulu as he did before, with unabated enthusiasm. It is rare that this little greedy cat can have such a great interest in things other than fish.

Sure enough, the only thing that can attract small animals' attention for a long time is...

Love it!

Another thing I have to mention is that Ginana, the former Kanban girl, quit.

In order to be able to work with Eric, Ginana finally learned magic through unremitting efforts, which is a simple magic that can release venom.

Although there is basically no power, the so-called Eric's supply package is an excellent existence.

Now these two people are tired of being together every day, even when they are doing tasks, they are inseparable. The bunch of bachelors in the guild I see are lemons every day, and their teeth are sour.

As for Eleven, there really isn't much to say.The first two months were still nervously guarding against the possible sneak attack by the Six Demon Generals, but within two days he had completely forgotten about this incident.

Eleven is still very active in his missions. Once connected, he took several large S-level missions, drove through volcanoes, and went into the deep sea. He really understood the style of the S-level field, and his strength was stable in this mission. Ascending.

Oh, yes, if I want to say anything about Eleven in the magic field, I have to mention the remote communication method he developed based on Robin Lu's experience.

In fact, there is no way to say what it is. It is just that Eleven divides his mental power into a small part and puts it in other people’s minds. In this way, they can talk through words no matter how far away they are. Up.

In other words, this is a remote communication technology that can only contact Eleven on a single line.

When he first developed this magic, Eleven was so excited that he sent a bit of mental power to every small partner in the guild.

Then Eleven became the public microphone of the guild.

Even small things like ordering a glass of beer and drying the sheets have to be spread through him.Some people still find him to chat without sleeping in the middle of the night, or chat with others through him.

(╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻What a mess!

In the end, Eleven could only take back his mental power with a dark face, leaving a mental power only for the chairman, Mistgang, who is in need and who does not often disturb him.

The others are so stupid!Can't make do with them!

Fairy Tail everyone is disappointed~~ What a fun magic, why doesn't it continue to open?

Although X779 is about to end, in addition to the harvest festival, the guild has another major event that needs to be organized, and that is the S-rank wizard promotion assessment that will be held once a year from last year.

"Well, Eleven, do you have any recommendations for this year's S-level assessment?"

On the second floor of the guild, Makarov and Eleven sat on the sofa face to face, discussing issues related to this year's S-level assessment.

Because Eleven was already an S-rank Sorcerer, of course he became an examiner from a candidate.This change made Eleven excited, thinking that he could also torture like Kildas...cough cough...teaching the candidates, he couldn't sleep excitedly.

"Laxus will definitely participate, he should be back soon." Eleven said with a little excitement.

"Hmm! Laxus shouldn't be missed. Is there anyone else?" Makarov nodded and continued to ask.

"Um...Mistgang said that he still can't come back and can't come to participate. Oh, yes, Macao and Wakaba should also participate, they both participated last year."

"Hehe, let's talk about those two guys later." Makarov smiled helplessly.

At the thought of mentioning the S-level assessment with the two guys before, Makarov was frustrated at the thought of the two people's appearance like a ghost.Those two bosses are not young, and they lost their confidence by being hit by the juniors. It's really worthless!

"How about Eric? I think his strength is actually good, you can try it." Eleven didn't care what Makarov was thinking, and continued, holding his chin.

Makarov frowned, and then shook his head slightly: "No, Eric's boy hasn't really been integrated into the guild. I still need to observe him more."

Don't look at the little old man Makarov who has plastic surgery all day long, as if he was playing a hooligan except drinking.But in fact, he really fulfilled his responsibilities as the guild leader, seeing everyone in the guild in his eyes, and knowing the children he grew up watching better than anyone in the world.

Eleven did not argue with Makarov. Instead, he slumped into the sofa holding the exam planning book, and sighed: "Then I really don't have any recommendation, sir, you watch it yourself. come on."

"Speaking of the assessment this time is a bit too simple? You can even choose an assistant to assist! And this year Kildas is not there, why did we not have this treatment last year?"

After speaking, Eleven waved the paper in his hand, and looked at the old man with a bit of bitterness.

Makarov squinted his eyes and dangled his wine glass, and he didn't hear the complaint about Eleven.The difficulty of the assessment last year turned Makaou and Wakaba into salted fish, and Makarov didn't want more such salted fish in the guild.

"Hmm~ Kildas is indeed unable to come back because of the mission, but it is enough to have you there." Makarov took a sip of wine and said slowly, "The cooperator is also to deepen the mutual relationship between the guild partners. I think it is a good way to cooperate with the fetters!"

"Oh, that's it~" Eleven agreed without saying anything, but understood in his heart that this old man was deliberately adjusting the difficulty of the assessment. After all, the assessment last year was a bit too complicated.

Humph!Have I passed all the difficult assessments?It's really me Eleven!Even if the people after this have been promoted to the S-level, they will pass the simple difficulty assessment. There is nothing to be proud of!

Ha, I'll just talk to him when Laxus comes back!


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