The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 186: The Return of Laxus and the Thor

Makarov thought that he slightly reduced the difficulty of the assessment would make Eleven unhappy, but he didn't expect this kid to show a somewhat triumphant look, and he didn't even hold back a laugh.

This made Makarov couldn't help showing a bit of a smile. He was indeed a child who grew up in his own guild, and he wouldn't be such a stingy person.As the president, he is still very good in education!

Thinking about it, Makarov also gradually showed a somewhat triumphant smile, but this smile seemed a bit wretched on his wrinkled old face.

In the small space on the second floor, the old and the young just giggled into the air, the atmosphere was indescribable.Fortunately, in the guild now, no one can go to the second floor except these two goods, and this terrible scene has not been seen by others.

After a while, Makarov recovered from his glorious and great obscenity, coughed lightly to stabilize his emotions, and returned to the subject: "Cough! Okay, let's talk about business. I think it can make Elisa and Mi La also participates in this assessment and has a try."


"Huh? Elisa and Mira? They, take the test with Laxus? Is it too early?"

Eleven was a little surprised by Makarov's words, but he didn't expect that the old man would offer Elisa and Mira to participate in the assessment.In Eleven's feelings, these two girls were just like Naz and Gray, they were children who hadn't grown up yet and had little combat effectiveness.

When I thought of these two people competing with Laxus, whom the six relatives did not recognize, Eleven couldn't help fighting a cold war, as if seeing something very tragic.

Makarov said these words carefully, and he was very calm in the face of Eleven's surprise.Holding the wine glass, still swaying, speaking in a hurry, "Hmm, I can see the growth of Mira and Elisa. Maybe it’s still a little bit hotter, but There is no harm in letting them experience the S-rank battle in advance, and it will be very helpful to their future growth.

"Well, since you said that, I naturally have no opinion." Eleven nodded thoughtfully. Although he doesn't understand, the father's words always make sense. No matter what, listen to the old man's words. The guild is right to go!

Afterwards, the two men began to secretly discuss some details of the assessment. Although the difficulty of the assessment was slightly reduced, the two wanted to abuse... No, the innocent heart of training candidates would not changing.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from downstairs, and the door of the guild was violently kicked open again.

I saw a blond young man with a hedgehog head, wearing a mink coat behind him, and a metal earphone on his head. He walked in with a swing. That arrogant posture made people really want to go up and give He punched.

However, everyone in the guild was very excited when seeing the visitors, and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Yo! Isn't this Laxus? You are finally back!"

"Haha, Laxus, your kid has been going out this time for long enough. It will take a year to leave. I thought you were not coming back!"

"Wow! Laxus come to a duel with me!" The voice belonged to Naz.

As soon as he saw Laxus walking into the guild, Naz felt the strong magical fluctuations in Laxus, and it was obvious that he had become a lot stronger this year.

Of course the militant Naz had to use his body to feel the power of Laxus, and he sprang up and rushed towards Laxus.Gray on the side also ignited fighting spirit, got up from his chair, took off his shirt and prepared to join the battle.

Boom! Boom!

However, before the flying out of Naz hit Laxus, a slender lightning fell suddenly in the sky, which exploded directly on Naz, scorching Naz's body and falling to the ground, unconscious.

Gray got dressed and sat back on the chair again, as if nothing happened just now.

"Huh? Is this the guild named after fairies? This dirty tavern doesn't look like a place where fairies exist!"

At this moment, behind Laxus, a girl in a green dress and glasses covered her mouth and nose with a folding fan, and slowly walked in, looking at the noisy Fairy Tail Guild, an undisguised disappointment flashed across her eyebrows. And dislike.

Isn’t this look like Eleven’s encounter with Iba Gelin before?Unexpectedly, she didn't find the fairy tail by herself at the time, but now followed Laxus.

"Hey! What does it mean to be dirty? Who are you woman? Do you want to fight?" Mila's petty temper could not bear this kind of pretentious person, and he groaned.

"Oh, what a rude way of speaking! I'm a fairy, please don't talk to me in that vulgar way." Eba Greene was obviously taken aback by the grumpy Milla, and the folding fan blocked her face. The face took two steps back with disgust, as if Mira's rudeness would be contagious.


"What do you mean by that look!" Mira was about to explode!

The reason for tearing between girls is often very simple. With a little look and a simple action, you may have become a little bitch!Especially for a grumpy girl like Mira, someone who is very flamboyant like Eba Gelin is simply her nemesis.

Seeing that Mira was about to go violently, Elisa came out in time and stopped in front of Mira: "Okay, Mira, stop making trouble, she is here with Laxus, she should be a companion to join the guild, Don't make it unpleasant..."

"Please don't just define us as partners, otherwise we will feel very troubled."

Elisa hadn't finished speaking, when she was interrupted by another voice.From the other side of Laxus, I saw a delicate young man with long green hair walking out, with a Western sword on his waist and wearing a straight gown, looking very gentlemanly.

This person was the Felid that Laxus had encountered before the Civil War in the Dark Guild, and he did not expect to also follow Laxus back.

Philip held the sword with one hand and walked in front of Elisa, a dangerous cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Given the attack you made against Laxus just now, it makes me very difficult. Define you as partners. Our Thunder Gods only follow Laxus. Even if you and Laxus are the wizards of the same guild, it does not mean that we are partners. Please don't get close to us."


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