The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 189: The start of the assessment

(This is Chapter 188, I got it wrong.)

Although the three of the Thunder Gods and Elsa, Mira and the others were on the bar, the process of joining the guild was not hindered in any way.Fairy Tail is a very tolerant family, no matter what kind of exotic flowers can be accepted without any worries.

Even the request of Pigus Luo to imprint the guild emblem on his tongue, the old man agreed without hesitation, and even specially used edible magic paint for him.

Early the next morning, Makarov gathered everyone together and began to announce the candidates for this year's S-level assessment. As discussed yesterday, they were Laxus, Elsa, and Mira.

It was also announced that the location of the assessment was a monster forest south of the Kingdom of Fiore. Members participating in the assessment could choose a non-S-rank facilitator to participate in the assessment with them. The assessment time was set in 7 days.

As an S-rank Sorcerer, Eleven stood behind Makarov with his hands on his back, looking at the small friends downstairs who looked up at them, and his sense of accomplishment almost overflowed.

It turns out that it feels like this when the chairman and Kildas stand on the second floor to give a speech?It feels a bit cool!

As an examiner and as an examinee, the mentality is completely different. There is no fear and tension about the unknown, but a sense of calmness and security in controlling the overall situation.

Eleven thinks that he may be more excited than the three people who are going to be tested. He probably won't sleep at night. He can't wait to play with it... Oh no, it's a test of the three people who participated in the test. Candidates.

The three people downstairs who were named to participate in the trial were also not very calm.Laxus is the most eager to try. Every time he sees Eleven standing on the second floor, he will get annoyed at the roots of his teeth. He can't wait to start the assessment immediately, and then let him instantly become an S-rank, go up to the second floor to beat Eleven.

Elsa and Mila were actually a little confused, and both of them couldn't believe that the president called their own names.They are not as self-aware as Naz. Although they are confident of their own strength, they know that they have not reached the level of S grade.

After all, Eleven is an active S-level, and neither Mira nor Elisa have ever beaten Eleven.

They have always felt that they can only reach the standard line of S grade only if they can reach the level of Eleven, and they have been working hard with this as the goal.

However, they didn't think about it. They were not the only two who worked hard to improve, and Eleven was also constantly getting stronger.If they could travel through time and space, maybe they would have been able to abuse last year's Eleven.

However, no matter how surprised they were, Mila and Elisa were still very happy to be recognized by the president.There is still a week left, enough for them to reinvent themselves and strengthen them.

As for the choice of the facilitator, Laxus has no friends anyway, so he can only choose one from the three thunder gods, and I don't know who he will pick.

Mila didn't hesitate, so she directly called Elfman and ran out for special training.For this kind of long-sighted S-level assessment, Mira must of course give priority to bringing her younger siblings.It's a pity that Mira feels that the helper can only choose one person, otherwise Lisana can also take it. How loving the brothers and sisters are neatly arranged!

On the other side, Elisa was a little tangled. Facing Nazgray who volunteered, Elisa could not make up her mind with her chin.

Seeing the two people who were getting noisier and fierce because of the position of a helper, and finally even scrambled together, Elisa sighed helplessly, and gently stretched out her two hands and stroked Nazgray's head gently.

"Hey~ How can you two worry me like this?"


No longer paying attention to the big bag over his head, and the two Nazgrays who fell on the street, Elisa walked towards Kana.

Karna was watching a play while holding a wine bottle when she saw Eliza walking towards her.

This girl, Kana, is getting worse and worse with alcoholism. Whenever I see her, I can see her holding a wine bottle and blowing it there.Only in front of Eleven and Elsa, Kana did not dare to drink like that.

Elisa simply doesn't want a girl like Kana to drink too much, so every time she sees Kana drinking, she will teach her.

Eleven’s side is more sand-sculpted. Maybe that guy thinks that Kana is drinking next to him every time he wants to drink juice, which makes him faceless, so every time he will do everything possible to prevent Kana from drinking, and even go to the card. It's not uncommon for Na's wine bottle to add tomato juice.Otherwise, he would endlessly talk about some great principles he didn't believe in, in order to make Kana feel guilty about drinking.

So compared to Elisa, perhaps Karna is more reluctant to let Eleven see her drinking, not because of anything else, but just being frightened.A person who talks in your ears all day long, and secretly pours some strange drinks into your wine bottle before nothing happens. Are you afraid?

"Kana, I hope you can become a facilitator of my S-level assessment, can you please?" Elisa didn't notice Kana's small movements, but made a solemn request to Kana.

"Huh? Can I?" Kana's small face was a little red, and she didn't know if it was because of her drinking or because of Elisa's request.

"Well, I believe Kana, you have such strength!" Elisa nodded very seriously.

Kana actually had so much yearning for the S-level assessment. Hearing that Elisa recognized herself so much, a smile broke out at the corner of her mouth, and she agreed without hesitation.

"Hehe, Elsa, please advise."

A week's time is fleeting.

In the early morning of the eighth day, Makarov left the guild with the six people who participated in the assessment and went to the monster forest at the assessment site.Eleven set out last night to make some preparations in advance.

Laxus was still the same, silent all the way on the train, sitting there with his arms folded and closed his eyes.Felid, who came with him, has been watching Laxus with admiration.

"As expected of Laxus, this kind of calmness and unhurried manner is really admirable!"

Elsa and Mila sitting on the other side of the aisle are slightly different from a week ago. After a week of special training with the devil, the temperaments of the two of them have changed somewhat, and they have become less lazy. A little more skillful.

However, Kana and Elfman have changed the most.After being specially trained by the devil for a week...well, how should I put it, two people have been drained anyway.

Few people can follow the special training of the two demon heads Elsa and Mila. Kana and Elfman, who are facilitators, are still in a daze and don’t understand how they lived. The previous week.

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