The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 189: Rules? Strategy? In fact, it is not very important at all~

"I'm in place now, everyone announces the content of this exam!" Standing at the entrance of the forest, Makarov turned and looked at the six people who participated in the assessment.

"The theme of this assessment is survival and hunting!"

"There are various monsters in this forest. I divide them into four levels according to their strengths and weaknesses. What you have to do is to fight these monsters in this forest."

As Makarov had just said this, a small monster like a rabbit suddenly sprang out of the bush next to it.Seeing so many people standing here, the rabbit monster turned around and wanted to run, but was knocked out by the quick-eyed Makarov with a staff.

However, what is surprising is that a small magic circle suddenly appeared on the body of the knocked rabbit, and then a small green card fell out of the magic circle.

Makarov lowered his head and picked up the green card, held it up to show them to Laxus, and then said: "You can get corresponding points by defeating monsters of different strengths, and this small sign is the proof of your points. The only Proof."

"This green brand exists on the weakest monster and represents a point. There is a blue brand on it, which represents 10 points. The purple brand, 100 points. And the gold brand, that is one point. It can be classified as an S-rank powerful monster with 1,000 points."

Hearing this, Laxus, Elisa, and Mila's expressions became more serious. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful monster in this assessment. It was so exciting!

Makarov looked at everyone’s expressions and continued: “The total number of brands of each color is limited. Once the number of brands appearing reaches the line, it will not make sense to continue defeating monsters of the same level. Up."

This rule is to prevent someone from deliberately scoring low-level monsters, and Elisa and others naturally have no opinion.Now they are thinking about golden brands all over their heads, 1000 points, and they have never thought about the issue of scoring.

Having said that, Makarov did not go on, but slowly took out three white signs from behind and stuck them on the necks of Laxus, Elsa and Mira, and then Then I continued.

"In addition, in this assessment, you are not only hunters, but also likely to become prey. As an S-rank wizard, Eleven will also hunt you in this assessment. If he finds you unfortunately, then If your white identity card is taken away again during the match, then it will be deemed disqualified."

"The assessment time is 24 hours, and the person with the most points will have the opportunity to be promoted to the S level."

"That's about the rules, do you have any questions?"

There was silence at the scene, no one made a sound, they were still digesting what Makarov had said before.Elisa and Mira looked at each other, and both saw a bit of bitterness in each other's eyes.

Not only need to hunt powerful monsters, but also always guard against Eleven’s sneak attacks. No wonder the theme is hunting and survival, which is worthy of an S-level assessment!

However, this level of difficulty is absolutely impossible to defeat Mila and Elisa. The two girls soon recovered their fighting spirit, and at the same time they turned their heads with a cold snort, and at the same time secretly scolded each other as a softie, secretly vowing to Defeat the opponent and be the first to become an S-rank wizard.

When Makarov saw that no one was speaking, they assumed that there was no problem, so he waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Then, the assessment begins!"

As soon as the words fell, Laxus and Felid rushed into the forest like arrows from the string.Elisa and Mila were also unambiguous, and they found their partners one after another, and followed suit.

At this time, Kana leaned over to Elisa, and while running, she whispered to Elsa.

"Elisa, what do you think is the role of our facilitators in this assessment?"

Elisa looked back at Kana with some doubts. She didn't know how to answer. Of course, the facilitators wanted to fight side by side. What else could she do?

Kana's little head turned quickly, regardless of Elsa’s awkwardness, she continued: “Actually, if you really deal with monsters, Elsa can deal with them alone. I don’t think it will be too difficult for me. Change. So I think the value of facilitators should be reflected in another place."

"That is when Eleven is found, the facilitator should hold Eleven, and you are responsible for protecting your qualification cards..."

"I disagree! I will never leave my companions and run by myself!" Who knows, before Kana's words were finished, Elisa interrupted her suddenly with a serious face, and even stopped. , Turned around, planning to straighten Kana's thoughts.

Karna was also taken aback by Elisa's sudden brake, and then she was speechless.It's just staying to stop Eleven. How could it be that serious? Eleven wouldn't do anything to her.

Really, Elisa is too rigid!

Seeing Elisa's posture that she was about to criticize education again, Karna hurriedly took out a card, shook it in front of Elisa, and changed the subject.

"Don't talk about it, Elisa, look at this card, do you think it is similar to the one that the president showed us before."

Elisa: [??_?????]

Kana gave a smirk, and then said: "The chairman specially emphasized that the card is the only proof of our points, and emphasized it twice. Do you know what this means?"

Elisa thought for a while, and then showed a dazed expression, looking at Kana with a strange expression.

Kana knew that Elisa was not stupid, and he smiled: "Yes, it means that the card does not have to be obtained from the monster, but can also be snatched from others, or this is the hidden rule of this assessment. Then do you think I can fool Mira and Laxus with this card in my hand?"

Kana, who had been contaminated by Eleven's spirit since she was a child, had become less pure without knowing it, and gradually moved further and further in the direction of Xiao Yinqi.

Elsa alone can never think of such a trick. Although she is not stupid, her integrity in her bones makes it difficult for her to consider these little tricks. She really intends to fight against all kinds of monsters.

But integrity does not mean that she is not flexible. Elisa is still very happy to accept new things, especially the various ideas Kana said. Elsa thinks she likes it~


A little bit forward.

While Elisa and Karna were quietly discussing how to exploit various loopholes in the assessment rules, Laxus, who was running at the forefront, also stopped.

At this time, Laxus was covered with lightning, his face was terrifying, and he didn't know what evil fire was emitting again.

"Laxus, are you okay?" Felid asked concerned.

"Philip, you go hunting for monsters, and then collect some cards."

Laxus glanced at Felid, gave an order, then turned and walked back.

"Um...Laxus, then you are going..." Philip was a little confused.

"I'll clean up all those who are in the way!" Laxus showed a grinning smile on his face.

"Ah! As expected of Laxus!" Felid said admiringly.

After running for so long, Laxus finally wanted to understand the role of facilitators.Laxus is not interested in fighting Warcraft or something, so let this kind of work be given to the helpers.

The dead old man said that Eleven would come to hunt them?He dignified Laxus will one day be regarded as prey?

well!Eleven, you are fine!Actually planning to hunt me!You are fine!

I want to see who is hunting whom!

Laxus now feels that it doesn't matter what the assessment is, he is here to compete with Eleven!

Isn't Eleven going to be a hunter?

That's good, Laxus will deal with the other two teams before Eleven, so that Eleven can't be the hunter!

Only he, Laxus, can become a hunter in this forest!Everyone else, go to the end!


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