Early the next morning, Eleven had already packed up and arrived at the door of Mira's house. This was the time they agreed to leave.

Mila is impatient. If it weren't for Eleven who needs to go home to pack his luggage, maybe Mila had already taken Eleven on the road last night.

After a while, the door opened, and Mira and Elfman walked out one after another.

Mila still dressed up as she usually did, dressed lightly, nothing changed.Elfman, who followed behind, carried a large backpack, obviously all the luggage was on him.Lisana, who stretched out her hand, bowed to her brother and sister with a smile and sent them out.

"Well, let's go, Eleven!" Mira was very interested, with a little excitement in her tone.

Eleven didn't say anything, he obeyed Mira's orders.However, after not getting far, Eleven's gaze turned to Elfman who was following, and he hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Alfman, you still don't want to go, this trip is a bit dangerous, I'm afraid I can't take care of you."

"Huh?" Elfman didn't react.

"Huh? What are you talking about, Eleven?" Mila's reaction was quick, and she immediately retorted for her brother, "Alfman is very powerful. He is my brother, so he doesn't need others to take care of him! "

Eleven shook his head and looked at Mira solemnly and said, "Mila, you have to know that we are not going to explore. It is very likely that we will encounter very dangerous situations. I don't even know if I can handle it. ."

"The demon god Halfas... if you don't give me any fabricated materials, then this is probably even more terrifying than the average S-rank monster. Elfman's strength is far from reaching. According to the S-level standard, he will have no benefit other than facing danger."

Mila pursed her lips after hearing this, she understood the truth, and she kept Lisana at home because she knew the danger.But Elfman is different from Lisana. He is the only boy in the family. Milla still hopes that her brother can experience more and become stronger.

"Um...I can protect Elfman, I won't let him..."

"Mira! Didn't you say last night that you will follow my command for today's actions?"

Mila murmured and wanted to explain something, but she was directly interrupted by Eleven.Eleven looked into Mila’s eyes like this. The prestige he had built up from childhood played a role at this time. Soon Mila was defeated. He lowered his head and didn’t dare to look at Eleven again, which was regarded as acquiescence. .

Hmph, the little girl dared to compete with me!

After Persuading Mira, Eleven turned to look at Elfman, apologizing in his eyes.Although Elfman listened very much to his sister's arrangements, it did not mean that he had no ideas.At this time, I heard that Eleven and her sister didn't plan to take them there, and the disappointment on their faces couldn't be concealed.

"Sorry, Elfman, it's really dangerous this time. I can't promise to protect you and Mira at the same time."

"It's okay, Eleven, I am too weak, but I will try to become strong, and I will definitely catch up with you and my sister in the future!" Elfman raised his head and smiled reluctantly. Mira almost cried.

(T ^ T) Ah~ my brother is so sensible!It's so cute!!!

Eleven also thought that Elfman was quite sensible, and it made sense when he said it. If this is replaced by the Naz boy, he might be troubled.But if it was replaced by Naz, Eleven might have taken it with him. After all, Naz's kid was very weak, but he was very prudent, and he would probably not die.

After some tossing, Mira finally put on the backpack that Elfman was carrying on her own, and followed Eleven very well.

Elfman looked at Eleven and Mira as they drifted away, and the feeling of loss in his heart uncontrollably emerged.

Although Elfman has never been interested in violence, he usually raises birds and feels very happy when he touches small animals.But not like fighting does not mean that he does not have a heart to become stronger, at least he wants to have the power to protect his sister and younger sister.

Alfman has always been behind his sister, whether it was when he was wandering before or now to do the sorcerer mission, Elfman has always felt that he can help Mira.

Until today, Elfman suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have provided much help, but was always the one protected by his sister.

Once he encountered a danger that his sister could not solve, he even had no qualifications to stand beside her sister, let alone stand up to protect her sister's safety.

"Damn! I'm still too weak! This appearance is not a man's work at all!" Elfman clenched his fist tightly, walking in the streets of Magnolia with some confusion.

Elfman also wants to be strong, and also wants to be brave, and become an iron-headed baby like Nazgray and the others!But he didn’t know what to do. He had a calm personality. It’s hard to imagine Naz and the others as passionate. He was also afraid of pain and didn’t like fighting. In fact, Elfman was not necessarily weaker than Nazgray, but But always can't beat them.

Perhaps in terms of character, Elfman really has a big flaw.

"Hi! Boy! Do you have time to listen to me?"

Just as Elfman was thinking about the way to become stronger, he was suddenly stopped by a majestic figure, and then there was a rough voice, loud like a thunder, and frightened Elfman. Big jump.

When I looked up, I saw a tall and muscular man smiling at him.Elfman's height is no longer short among his peers, but he looks a little petite in front of the brawny man.

"Excuse me... Is there anything wrong?" Elfman looked up at the tower-like muscular man in front of him, a little frightened.

The brawny man seemed very happy to see Elfman not ignoring him, and happily made a bodybuilding pose, buzzing.

"Oh boy, you have a nice body made for muscles! Boy! Are you interested in joining our man club and feel the pleasure of man exercising body together?"

Speaking of the strong man, he took the initiative to show Elfman his body, and with a little effort, the small vest that clung to him was torn apart by the bulging muscles.

Elfman looked at the strong man in front of him with gleaming eyes. He had no interest in muscles, but was attracted by the strong man's words.

"Men... the manly club? Really? Can you become a real man by joining this club?"

"Oh! Of course, boy! Men think of muscles, and muscles think of men! So as long as we exercise your body together, you will definitely be a good man!"

The brawny man continued to change various bodybuilding poses when he spoke, causing the pedestrians around him to retreat.But Elfman doesn't care about this, he has been deeply attracted by the strong man's words!

It's amazing!

I was still thinking about how to become a man, and now there are people who want to exercise themselves, so lucky!

"Um, please let me join the manly club!" Elfman bowed ninety degrees and begged loudly.

"Nice! Boy, come with me! I can't wait to burn my body with you!"

Afterwards, Elfman followed the brawny man to the moving building that looked very ostentatious, opened the door, and a wave of heat hit his face, sweat boiling in the air like steam.More than a dozen muscular men in the house were lifting iron.On the wall opposite the door, a huge "Chinese" character is waving on the wall.

"Welcome to the macho club! Boy!" The strong man bared his teeth at Alfman, "Kang busy! Let's body party!"

Elfman beamed his eyes, looking at the room in front of him, he seemed to have found his way of being a man!


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