Milla on the train didn't know what happened to Elfman. At this time, she was getting together with Eleven to discuss the details of the operation.

Mira also accidentally heard about the information about the demon god Halfas, only knowing the approximate location of its recent appearance, as for other information, I don't know whether it is accurate, most of which are just hearsay.

But one thing is certain, that is, this demon god is very powerful, much stronger than the demon king Satan once absorbed by Mira.

I don't know if the demon god Halfas can reach the level of the Daliola that Eleven met in the past.

Until now, Eleven did not feel that he could face Daliola. The power of destroying the world was too terrifying and almost became the shadow of Eleven's childhood.

So this time I came to fight against the devil with Mira. Eleven was actually very nervous. When facing a demon of unknown strength, Eli would inevitably have fear in his heart. This was also why he decided not to bring Elfman. main reason.

He took a deep breath, calmed down the mess of thoughts in his mind, and looked at Mira who was writing and drawing on the map with his head down. Eleven stretched out a hand on Mira’s head, solemnly Whispered: "Mila, I will definitely protect you!"

Mila raised her head, she blushed with a sudden and solemn look in Eleven's eyes. She didn't know where to put her hands. After a long time, she nodded her head gently and muttered, "Well, I know. ....."


Eleven's destination was a small town called Zu'an, where the last sighting record of the demon god Halfas appeared.The geographical location of the town is very remote, and Yilvin and the others have also changed transportation many times before finally reaching their destination.

Standing at the entrance of the small town, Eleven was a little surprised. There was no such thing as a ruined demonic place as he imagined, but a lively place.

The town is noisy, smoky, and people are scolding and fighting everywhere.Eleven and Mira walked on the avenue of the town and even had a kind of intimacy back to Fairy Tail, which made people feel more comfortable.

Ah~ What a great place!

After slightly appreciating the local customs here, Mila and Eleven also recovered their minds. They weren't here to travel, and there were still very important things to do.

"Information collection is the most important part of the mission of a wizard. The accuracy of intelligence is often the key to the success of the mission. It is very important for us to find a local person as a guide when we first arrived in a strange place like this. Good way."

Regardless of Mila's rolled eyes, Eleven shook his head to educate Mila, and at the same time stopped a pedestrian passing by, trying to conceal Mila how to obtain information correctly.

"Sorry, brother, can I ask you some questions?" Eleven smiled and put his hand gently on the shoulder of the passing uncle.

"Grass! Don't touch Laozi! Little bastard, take your pig's paws off for Laozi! Then I will chop it for you, believe it or not?"

I didn't know that this very kind-looking uncle suddenly became furious, his mouth was dirty, and the spitting stars almost sprayed Eleven's face.Frightened, Eleven withdrew his hand subconsciously, and was a little stunned for a while.

It wasn't until the uncle left swearly that Eleven recovered, and touched his nose with some embarrassment. At that moment, he was actually shocked by the uncle's stubborn attitude.

Who are these people, why do you curse when you come up?

I was scared to death, and thought he was going to hit me!Oh, no, I am an S-rank Sorcerer, he should not be able to beat me...


Just when Eleven was a little skeptical of life, Mira's snicker suddenly heard behind him.Turning to look around, Mira was covering her mouth and looking at Eleven with a snicker.

"What are you worried about?" Eleven felt embarrassed.

"Hahaha, don't you want to tell me how to obtain information?" The smile on the corner of Mila's mouth became more obvious, she didn't know how to be reserved.

"Huh! This is just an accident. That person was not a good person just now. He must have done something wrong to make him so irritable!"

Mira smiled and didn’t listen to Eleven’s excuse, but looked around, and then ran towards a little boy with a lollipop. She wanted Eleven to see who was the one. The one that won't get information.

"Little brother, can I ask you something?" Mila bent down and smiled sweetly at the little boy.

I have to say that Mila is still very beautiful when he is not nervous. The little boy looked at Mila's beautiful smile in a daze, and subconsciously sucked the lollipop in his hand.

"Well, ask, what are you asking, Auntie?"


"It's not my aunt, it's my sister!" Mira's smile became a little stiff.

The little boy was licking the lollipop in his mouth while looking up at Mira. After a long time, he shook his head seriously: "I don't feel like my sister."

(Д??*): "It's my sister!!" Mira started to be unreasonable.

"Puff~hahahahaha" Eleven behind him didn't hold back, and suddenly laughed.

Mira immediately glared over, and the little boy turned his head to look at Eleven, then pointed the lollipop at Eleven, and looked at Mira with some contempt: "Look, your dad laughed at you and pretended to be tender! "


"Wow, Mila, calm down! Calm down! He's just a kid, so he doesn't need to use Satan's soul!"


Eleven finally hugged Mira, and didn't let her kick that bear kid's head.

Seeing the bear child who ran away, Eleven felt a little melancholy in his heart.Why does this suddenly add a girl like Mira?

Oh, that's not right!

What should worry is what is going on with the residents in this small town?I can’t communicate well at all. From old to young, I started swearing in no more than two and a half sentences. The swear words in my mouth are like machine guns and can make you doubt life.

How can I get information like this is impossible to communicate.

Eleven stood on the street, thinking about the dilemma they are currently facing.Mila was completely autistic, buried her face on Eleven's back, her whole body exuding the breath of a defeated dog.

At the beginning, Mila would use violence to punish those low-mouthed citizens, but gradually more and more people scolded her. Those who were beaten by Mila did not even lie on the ground and didn’t want to be idle. Fateful posture.

When did a fifteen-year-old girl experience this kind of posture, she couldn’t be beaten to death, but she couldn’t say it. In the end, the dignified demon Mila cried out like a little girl and hid. He didn't dare to see anyone behind Eleven.

Eleven had nothing to do with these things, and he couldn't really kill everyone in the town. These people would spray them even under the pressure of Eleven's spirit, and Eleven admired a little.

But the strange thing is that when Mila was scolded and cried and stopped fighting against them, the citizens who had just been aggressive just broke away, as if they would be satisfied as long as they won the battle. Same, there is no meaning to continue entanglement at all.


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