The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 208: That little thing about girls~

Fairy Tail...

X780 is a lively year, this year Fairy Tail has added a lot of fresh faces.

Marcus Arroze, a blond wizard who uses sand magic, is a boy with a watermelon head.This guy talked so much that even Eleven couldn't stand his nagging.It seems that you didn't have many friends when you were young, so you cherish the opportunity to communicate with other people.

Bigeita Echo is a strange kid who always wears tights, and his hobby is dancing.Originally, he wanted to study abroad in the dance shrine "Minstrel", but because he didn't have money, he joined Fairy Tail and planned to save some money as a wizard.

Warren Raco, the mole boy who once taught Eleven to speak magic, now he finally came to the big city of his dreams and joined the fairy tail.However, the Eleven that he was thinking of had forgotten him completely, which made Wallean a little sad.

Finally, there is Leqi Aurieta, a girl who uses the look of wood."What a weird guy!" This was a comment given by Eleven.Obviously she is a very cute girl, but her words are a headache.Even now, Eleven couldn't understand why he should say that eating was "filling his stomach". Every time Le Qi said this, the bread in his hand immediately became unsavory!

Newcomers are springing up like bamboo shoots after the rain, making Eleven overjoyed, and there are more newcomers who can be trained!Hissing~ Haha, I'm a bit too excited!


Now the guild hall has become more lively than before, but in this lively atmosphere, there is a slightly gloomy little corner.

"Woo..." Ginana languished on the table listlessly, her expression unhappy.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with Ginana sauce to talk to her sister ~ hiccups~" Karna on the side was holding the wine bottle, obviously drank a bit, and looked at Ginana with a smile, even hitting her A wine hiccup.

In fact, Ginana was one year older than Kana, but because of her baby-faced face and her soft personality, Kana took advantage of her.

"Um... it's because of that guy Eric~" Ginana buried her face on the table and said depressed.

"Oh? Is there a relationship issue? Tell me quickly, tell my sister, I will help you to advise you!" Kana woke up immediately after hearing this, her eyes lit up, no girl could refuse Gossip chat.

Yes, no girl can!

So, I don't know when, Elisa and Mila also leaned forward, pricked their ears, and showed a respectful look.Regardless of how these two people usually fight and kill, they are actually at an age when they are interested in love topics.

"Hmm~ I feel that Eric has been so cold to me lately..." Ginana said since she had been lying on the table and didn't know the audience around her had increased.

"Recently, Eric hasn't been doing missions with me much lately. And sometimes he won't come home at night, and he won't explain where to go the next day... , Sister Kana, do you think he had an affair?"

"Hehe, I don't think that Eric will run out to be bothered..." Kana thought of Eric's ass face, and felt that there would probably be no second person besides Ginana. Look at Eric.

"However, I think maybe this is the legendary burnout period."

Although I didn't think Eric would be bothered, Kana analyzed Ginana very seriously, talking about some advanced vocabulary that she didn't understand, a face like a love master.

"Huh? Really? Sister Kana, then what do you say to me...Huh? What did everyone get together?"

Ginana was shocked when she heard what Kana said. The "burnout period" was terrible at first, and she quickly raised her head to ask Kana for help. However, as soon as she looked up, she saw that she had been caught by a group of people. Surrounded the center.

Not only was Mila Elisa eavesdropping, but at this time, even Lebby and the newly joined Le Qi also blushed and leaned over.

Mila and Elisa, who had been eavesdropping here for the first time, were already flushed with red at this time, and Elsa was even more stunned, and they all shook their words.

"Um... Gigi Ginana, you just said that Eric will not come home at night. Could it be that you two are currently in the same place..."

Elisa has been'together' for a long time, but the word'ju' just can't be squeezed out, blushing as if blood is dripping. The other girls are also flushed by Elisa and they dare not see Ginana. .

"Yeah, Eric lives with me now!" Ginana was quite calm and admitted very generously.


All the girls were completely speechless without Ginana's words, and a group of little rookies cast their eyes on Ginana like a big boss.

"Oh oh oh~~ the same, the same... the same... the man! Ginana is such a man!!"

An extremely ruinous voice broke in, and Elfman didn't know when he joined this small girls' party.

I saw a muscular pimple with a light body and strong body, who was squeezing blushingly at this time, and he kept shouting inexplicable things such as men, which was really disgusting.

It hasn't been long since Eleven and Mira returned from hunting demons a few months ago, and Elfman has become strange.The once gentle and timid Elfman was completely gone, instead he became the now-mouthed "man" brother and muscular man, making everyone really uncomfortable.

However, Mira was quite satisfied with her brother's changes, which she thought was very masculine.

At this time, no one cared about Elfman's nonsense. The girls were more concerned about Ginana's affairs. As a representative, Elisa, the bravest and shyest, raised the question again.

"Then, that...Which step are you going to? Have you ever tweeted tweeted... tweeted~~ too!" Elisa was already shy enough to get angry.


Ah~ Elisa is so bold!Asked such a shameful question!

Ginana looked at the group of shy little girls and became a little embarrassed. She blushed and said, "Hey hey, yes... I have it~~ But Eric doesn't seem to Like me like this~"


The girls seemed to be steamed above their heads.

"Oh oh oh!! Man! Man should twee twee twee...many!!"

"It's so noisy Elfman! You shut up!!"

Several voices sounded at the same time, and the man Elfman was beaten out of the guild for being too shameful and shooting.



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