The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 209: A Gathering of Heroes

While the women's meeting was held downstairs, Eleven and Makarov were also holding a meeting on this year's S-level assessment on the second floor of the guild.

"Kana? Old man, are you serious? I don't think Kana now has the hope of defeating Mira and Elisa." Eleven was a little surprised at Makarov's suggestion.

It's not that Eleven thinks Kana is not good, but it is reasonable to say that Kana has also reached the standard for participating in the S-level assessment.But the main reason is that the two girls, Mila and Elisa, are too bad, and they are not within the standard at all. Eleven said that because of the fear of Kana's injury.

"Well, don't underestimate Kana, her mission success rate is even higher than Elisa and others. Judging the pros and cons of a wizard must not only be based on combat effectiveness. Means, wisdom, luck, for the wizard It’s a very important thing for the scholars."

The old god Makarov was explaining to Eleven the reason why he recommended Kana. Although Eleven expressed his understanding, he was still a little worried.Even though the old man said that the sky is falling into the sky, but when the assessment is still going to fight, Kana will still suffer this loss.

But in fact, this time Makarov has made great improvements to the content of the assessment, greatly reducing the importance of combat effectiveness, and paying more attention to testing the full capabilities of the wizard.

In order to prevent the reappearance of players who let themselves go like Laxus last year, Makarov directly integrated the assessment into a game of breakthroughs, divided into several stages.Candidates must follow the procedure step by step, and can no longer destroy other people's gaming experience casually.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the stairwell, and I saw Little Wendy hopped up and up with a task list: "Brother Eleven, there is a task named by you, or S grade!"

The cutest little kanban girl in the guild, Wendy was especially given the right to go to the second floor by Makarov to pass messages. After all, cute things should be taken no matter where they think of it!

At the moment when they saw Wendy, Eleven and Makarov, who were still discussing things seriously, turned into fatherly faces in a blink of an eye, and they showed a sweet smile when they looked at Wendy who was running over.

"Here, Brother Eleven, your task list." Little Wendy held up her small hand and handed the task list to Eleven.

"Well, message you, Wendy, you are really capable!" Eleven took the task list with one hand, and couldn't help but rub one hand on Wendy's little head. The little touch made Eli The text lingers forever.

Wendy just smirked, she enjoyed the feeling of being praised by others.

After a long time, until Wendy ran away dazedly, Eleven looked at the task list in his hand.In the past two years, as an S-rank Sorcerer, he has become quite famous, and naming tasks have become more numerous. He has already escaped the shadow of naming phobia, and he doesn't care much.

"Oh? It turned out to be a task sent from the palace, it seems to be quite urgent." Eleven stared at the task list and said.

"What kind of task is it?" Makarov asked.

"I don't know, it is said that he is going to the palace and the king will explain it himself."

"Oh, it seems that it should be a very important task. Then you can set off quickly. It is not good to let the king wait too long." Makarov urged staggeringly.

"But, what about the assessment? I'm afraid I won't be able to come back..." Eleven struggled.

"It's okay, it's okay, Kildas will be back this year, and with the kid from Laxus, there are enough manpower. Go ahead!"

"Um...Alright. Ah~ I actually want to continue to be an examiner." Eleven felt very sorry.


Crocas City.

This is the capital of Fiore and the most prosperous city in the kingdom.Since all kinds of flowers bloom on the streets throughout the year, it is also known as the "City of Flowers".

In fact, Eleven has been to Wangdu many times, but he has never visited it carefully.Every time he came, he was doing missions in a hurry, and then after finishing the mission, he would be arrested by the city guards because of the destruction of the streets.

This time he also came because of a task, and there was no chance to visit.Walking on the central avenue of the royal capital, Eleven secretly vowed to finish the task next time...well...forget it, next time you must pick a time when there is no task to come to Wangdu to get better.

Passing through the garden mystery palace at the foot of the palace, the soldiers who followed the guide, Eleven came to a meeting room, raised his hand and pushed open the door that was bigger than their guild door.

Eleven, who opened the door, was surprised to find that there were still many people sitting in the house, and a strong wave of magical power rushed toward his face. Everyone in the house was constantly attracting magical power like a magnet, which was terrifyingly strong.

The most noticeable among them was a sturdy big bald head. Seeing Eleven pushing the door in, the big bald head turned his head and smiled at Eleven, showing his little white teeth.

"Huh? Mr. Jura? It's been a long time, why are you here? Are you named?" When Eleven saw Jura, there was no embarrassment at all, but rather familiar.

Jura was not a stingy person, and was equally kind to Eleven.He never felt that it was a big deal for Eleven and Mila to leave him behind. Money is something outside of him, so what is it to lose money!

"Well, yes, the wizards here are all S-rank wizards of the major guilds named by the king. I didn't expect Eleven that you were also selected to participate in this mission. You are really young and promising. Take your seat, Lord King is coming." As Jura said, he patted the seat next to him and motioned to Eleven to sit there.

Eleven scratched his head and just wanted to walk over and sit down, when a loud cry came from across the conference table.

"Ah~so sad~so sad! I didn't expect a fairy tail wizard to participate in this mission. I seem to have seen a scene where this mission failed because of him. Oh~ so sad~"

??_??: "Ghost guy?" Eleven stared at the crying man, frowning.

This person is tall, a green windbreaker, and a few bandages on his eyes, but tears and tears are streaming out like spring water.

Aliya in the sky is an S-rank wizard of the guild-the ghost master.

Eleven, the ghost's person, still knows him. Since the father beat the ghost president two years ago, the two guilds have not dealt with each other very much, and some frictions often occur.

The ghost guys are all annoying guys!

However, before Eleven could return, one of the people in the seat next to Alia yelled.

"Hey! You bastard, don't give me such a shock! I almost spilled my wine! Fool!"

Following the reputation, I saw a man wearing armour armor and tattoos under his eyes.Even if he was in the palace, he didn't have any etiquette at all. He put his legs on the table and held a wine gourd in his hand, and he was already drunk.

Drunk Eagle-Pacas!

The four-headed hound's strongest wizard, a superb "drunk and split palm", even in the S-level, it belongs to the top category of combat power.

This person, Eleven, didn’t know him, but because of his cool character, and the handsome hero who was angry with the ghost, Eleven had already begun to like this person.

"Sniff! Sniff!"

Eleven shivered suddenly, and at some point, an unknown object suddenly appeared behind him, smelling him vigorously.

"Oh~ this little brother, you have this fascinating and handsome fragrance. Are you interested in joining our Cyan Pegasus? You will definitely be popular. MAN!"

An extremely sweet baritone was introduced into the ear, which made people feel extremely comfortable.However, when he turned his head and looked, what he saw was an obscene-looking pudgy uncle, with brown hair combed into the appearance of an adult, posing in a handsome pose of unknown meaning, shining.

One night, Wandley, birthday!

The strongest man in Cyan Pegasus, although he looks like a strange thing, is actually an unfathomable man...probably...


Eleven awkwardly declined the invitation of a strange flower behind him, and consciously avoided a certain distance to avoid letting this pervert continue to smell himself.

Why does this mission feel so gloomy in the future? Can these guys in the room really work together now?


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