The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 210: The Kingdom of Stella (I won't lie to you! Add it if you say it!)

Even if it is a fierce S-rank wizard, as long as he wants to play in Fiore's realm, he must maintain a minimum of respect for the king.

The moment the old king walked into the meeting room, several people who were still noisy suddenly quieted down, and even Parkas took his feet off the table.

"Ahem, first of all, I want to thank you for accepting my naming mission. Looking at all the powerful wizards, my heart is much more settled." The old king coughed lightly. Although his words were very kind, he did not feel angry. Wei feel.

"I won't talk nonsense, this time the task is to hope that you can help me regain the treasure of our country-the Staff of Dragon Cry!"

All of you here did not say anything about it, waiting for the old king to explain further.

"Somewhere in Fiore, there is a place where dragons are buried. It is the final place where dragons fought in ancient times."

The old king talked endlessly, and everyone was shocked by one sentence.Unexpectedly, there is still a place like this in the kingdom. It turns out that dragons really existed before!

No one had any doubts about what the old king said, because there was no need to make up such nonsense for them.Everyone's eyes looked at the old king changed, and countless questions popped up in their hearts for answers.

The old king also saw the people's thoughts, pressed his hand, and motioned to Shaoan not to worry, before he continued to tell.

"The keel bones in the Burial Ground have not known how many years they have died. They have already become fossils and have no value.

However, in order to find out the truth that the dragon group was buried here, the old man's ancestors also conducted several investigations.About 100 years ago, we found a scepter in that tomb."

"Scepter? The dragon used it?"

"No, it should be a human thing. The scepter absorbed a lot of the sorrow and anger of the dragon in the tomb. These forces distorted the original appearance of the scepter. We call it "Dragon Cry". It is a handle. A staff with the power to destroy the country!"

"A few days ago, this scepter was taken away by the former undersecretary of state of the Kingdom of Fiore, Zaxiu Kane."

"Zha Xiu had been secretly researching taboo black magic in the army before, and he fled overseas after being discovered, the Kingdom of Stella."

"This Rod of Weeping Dragon is to make the Kingdom of Stella accept his request for political asylum, and is dedicated to King Stella's meeting ceremony."

Hearing this, Eleven didn’t react, but Jura frowned: "My lord, that means that the Dragon Weeping Staff has been put into the treasury by the Kingdom of Stella. Do we have to do this mission? Consider the diplomatic factors of the two countries?"

The old king shook his head and stood solemnly: "No need! Don't think about so much, but take the Dragon Weeping back at all costs!"

"In just a few days, Zha Xiu used his strong wrist and intelligence to climb up to the position of Minister of State of Stella. Now Long Qi is also under his care."

"It's too dangerous for that kind of man to hold Dragon Cry, so I hope you can take Long Cry back before he does evil."

After listening to the old king's narration, everyone was silent, silently considering the difficulty of this task.

Eleven turned his head and looked at the thinking wizards, wondering what these guys were thinking about.The mission hasn’t started yet, and I don’t know anything.

No longer caring about the others, Eleven stood up and patted his chest with a smile: "I understand, Your Majesty, the task must be completed!"

"Hmm! I wish you good luck!" The old king looked at Eleven with satisfaction.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't expect the wizard of Fairy Tail to be so unaware, this mission will be completed by our ghost dominator. It is so sad ~ I hope Fairy Tail is not only talking big words." Aaoao burst into tears.

Eleven: (╬)

"Huh? The task will obviously be completed by our four hounds. Don't mess with me, you crying bastard!" Parkas raised his brows and his temper came up again.

Eleven: o(▽)d

"MAN! This task requires us to work together, everyone should not have infighting at this time. MAN!" Handsome overnight.

"Hmm, I think what Mr. Yiye said is very reasonable, please restrain yourself." Jura nodded.

But Pacas just rolled his eyes at them, and didn't mean to listen to the two uncles.

The old king looked a little depressed at this group of wizards who had begun to mess before they even set off. If it hadn't been for a powerful guild that he could completely trust, he would not issue missions to multiple guilds.

Although many powerful wizards can be summoned in this way, the disadvantages are also obvious. It is obviously difficult for these powerful S-rank wizards to cooperate.

Alas~ I hope there will be nothing wrong with this mission...


Jura: "The Kingdom of Stella is a beautiful island nation located in the southern waters of the mainland of Ishurgal, surrounded by sea and cliffs."

"Supporting Stella's economy is "star aluminum", an ore harder than diamonds. This is an expensive mineral that can become more shining by absorbing the rays of stars."

"MAN! I also heard that Stella has the most beautiful starry sky in the whole continent for this handsome guy." One night after another, she put on one handsome look.

Along the way, Eleven and the others have been listening to the knowledgeable Jura telling some basic information about the Kingdom of Stella.And Yiye added on the side, although most of the content he added was just boasting that he was handsome.

Eleven curiously broke down a piece of star aluminum crystal ore on the rock wall by the roadside. It was indeed abnormally hard, even with the help of thought force to assist Eleven, it took a lot of effort to break it down.

Holding it in his hand, Eleven didn't find anything amazing about this thing.Although it contains magic power, it is not very rich. Besides being hard, it may only have the advantage of being good-looking.

You can bring back some forged armor for Elisa.Hmm... Bring some bucks to Mila too, she is mad at me.Then, Karna... and Naz, Gray, they might also want...


Forget it, so troublesome, no one will bring it!

Eleven and the others were in the capital of the Kingdom of Stella, in a small forest on the outskirts of Altaïr, and did not enter the city.

"Should we split up next or do you have any specific plans?" Parkas sat on a boulder coolly, carrying a wine gourd, and looking at the people below.

"MAN! According to the intelligence of our Cyan Pegasus, Zha Xiu will go to the Altaïr bar in the city every day recently, maybe where we can find him. Handsome!" Shuai said overnight.

Jura nodded, and also said, "Well, I also found out that Zhaxiu is very feminine. I often see him invite young and beautiful women. Maybe this can also be a breakthrough."

I have to say that the two seniors, Jura and Yi Ye, are very reliable, although Yi Ye looks strange.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! So sad~ why are there no female wizards among us? If Fairy Tail comes to a female wizard it will not be as useless as this. Ohuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~" Alli Ya is starting to be stubborn again.


Is this person sick?So nervous and provocative every time!Why don't you say that your ghosts didn't come to female wizards?That way we can at least see the girls, instead of watching a big man crying here.

Smearing in his heart, Eleven once again turned his expectant gaze to Pakas, and some wanted to see how he would attack Aliya this time!

On the way, Pacas may have had some feasts with Alia before, anyway, as long as Alia speaks with one mouth, Pacas will definitely take him back immediately.The strange thing is that Aliya didn't even dare to talk back. She was overjoyed when she watched, and she felt as relieved as finding a thug for herself.

However, this time Pakas was not anxious to go to Alia, instead he looked down at Eleven, looked for a while, and suddenly smiled evilly.

"Oh, in fact, there is no way if there is no female magician, hehe, I think this little brother is very delicate, can you make do with him?"

Eleven: ∑(O_O;)???


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