The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 213: Recapture the Dragon Cry

No soldier dared to stop him wherever he went in one night, for fear of being touched by something that I don't know what it was, he would fester and die.


Shouting all night, unparalleled, no one dared to be, all the way with sparks and lightning, ran from the road to the roof, from the roof to the higher roof, invincible, and then the speed and aroma of the medicinal effect was too strong... ...


Suddenly slowed down from the flying speed, he staggered under his feet during the night of running, stepped on a piece of rubble, suddenly lost his balance, and rolled down from the roof.

The big face that had been watching all night was about to come into close contact with the earth, but his falling body suddenly stopped in mid-air, a gentle force gently placed him on the ground, and took away his hand. Dragon Cry Staff.

"Thanks, Mr. Yiye, leave it to me next!"

In the sky, Eleven's colorful clothes fluttered, stepping on the wind, and elegantly took over the possession of Long Cry, but he was stunned for the next moment.

At the moment when he touched the Dragon Cry Staff, endless negative emotions crazily flooded into Eleven’s consciousness, sadness, anger, unwillingness, despair... He seemed to hear the screams of countless dragons in his ears. Echoes, the dark emotions seemed to drown Eleven, making him instantly lose his ability to move.

Throbbing!The violent throbbing from the depths of the soul, and... longing!

Eleven stared blankly at the staff in his hand, a rare look of greed in his eyes.

But these emotions came and went quickly, coming like a huge wave, but quickly receding like a tide.After a while, Eleven's eyes returned to clearness, as if a world away, the memory of just that moment became a little fuzzy.

The soldiers below who had been chasing all night raised their heads and looked up at Eleven. What caught the eye was a fairy with light clothes and fluttering silver filaments standing still in the void, her eyebrows frowned, arousing affection.With that beautiful face, the soldiers who had been staring at him all night suddenly felt that their eyes had been purified, which was extremely comfortable.

"Wow! Look! Yeah!"


A huge pit appeared in the area where the exclamation was just issued.

"Gan!! Don't see it!!"

Eleven pressed her skirt embarrassingly, only to realize that he had forgotten to change his clothes. The momentary loss of consciousness made the next group of stinky hooligans take advantage of it. What annoying!

Looking down at the Dragon Weeping in his hand, he felt a little vigilant in his heart.Turning around to avoid the magical ray that was shot at him, shook off the complicated thoughts in his mind, and rushed towards the outside of the city in a rush.

The magical rays behind him covered the sky and the earth, and there was a glimmer of light in Eleven's eyes, and suddenly three identical figures appeared around him. The four Eleven separated some distance and flew in the air in four corners.

Without waiting for your magic ray to approach, Eleven flicked his wrist and threw the dragon cry to the clone next door. The magic rays also turned in an instant, changing their target.

The settings of those magic rays are very simple, just follow the position of Dragon Cry.Maybe the Stella Kingdom felt that Dragon Cry was a wand, and its magic resistance was extremely high. It must be more resistant to fights than the thief who stole the Dragon Cry.

But this setting also has a loophole, that is, the positioning of the magic ray is too sensitive, and its own speed is not fast enough, in this way, the positioning system seems a bit stupid.

The avatar threw it to the next avatar the moment it caught Long Cry, and the magical ray behind it naturally turned again.In this way, Long Cry began to be passed through between the four Elevens, and those magical rays could only sway from behind the buttocks, drawing circles between the four Elevens.

The target keeps changing directions, and it can't be hit, it can't be caught, it's very angry!

So the magic rays were blown up!

The magical ray, which hadn't caught up with the target for a long time, finally lost its power, and exploded directly with a rumbling, bursting fireworks in the air.

Eleven smiled slightly, put away his clone, and rushed out with the flames on his feet.The walls of Altaïr City are already in front of you, as long as you rush out of the walls, these magical rays can no longer chase them out.

However, at this moment, Eleven's heart suddenly moved, and he subconsciously paused in his figure. A huge silver bullet glided his nose and flashed away. If he was just a little bit forward, his head might be To be blown up.


Eleven stared at the city wall, where a very strong bearded man stood with a cigar in his mouth and a special large pistol in his hand.

"Hey, it's Zaxiu!"

Seeing this man, Eleven, who is exactly the same as the one drawn on the wanted order, was immediately delighted. Isn't this the Zaxiu who has been emphasized by the old man of King Fiore?Why did you bring it to the door by yourself?

Although their mission goal is Dragon Cry, they don't need to pay attention to Zha Xiu, but since they have already alerted the Stella Kingdom, then Eleven doesn't mind doing more good things to tie Zha Xiu back.

After all, this guy's reward amount is really not low!

Zaxiu on the city wall didn't seem to know that Eleven hit his attention again. Seeing Eleven avoiding the bullet, his expression looked a bit hideous and asked.

"How did you open the door of the treasure house? That door should only be opened with the ring in my hand?"

Eleven smiled wretchedly, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Zhaxiu, turning his mind with a big hammer and smashed down towards Zhaxiu, with a bang, a gap was smashed on the wall.

However, before the smoke dissipated, Zha Xiu's figure had already jumped out.Eleven was surprised to find that this guy was unscathed except for a little dust.

After dusting his clothes, Zhaxiu looked up at Eleven jokingly: "Do you know why they gave me the defense of this country?"

"Because I am the strongest man in this country!"

A scarlet light burst out of Zha Xiu's eyes suddenly, and Elevating, who had been watching Zha Xiu, suddenly felt that his sight became blood red and his body became uncontrollable.

From the outside, Eleven's originally light blue eyes were now blood red.

"Hahaha, it's really unlucky for you to be my enemy. What a pity!" Seeing his success in casting his magic, Zha Xiu started to laugh wildly.

Eleven was also surprised at his state, and a large amount of mental power was released, trying to break through the blood energy that controlled his actions.

Then, Eleven succeeded...

The blood-colored energies enveloping Eleven didn't seem to be as strong as they seemed, but they were easily broken by mental power.

Zha Xiu was still laughing wildly, but the expression in Eleven's eyes had returned to clarity.

With big eyes and small eyes, the air was quiet for a was very embarrassing~

" is it possible? How can you not be under my control?" Zha Xiu was a little dazed.

"Uh...I don't know either." Eleven was also very dumbfounded, thinking it was some powerful magic, and it frightened him!


Nian Li once again hit the place where Zha Xiu was without warning, and directly exploded the whole city wall.

"Za Xiu, just grab it! Go back with me and accept the sanctions of the Fiore Kingdom." Eleven didn't have time to entangle with Zha Xiu any more, and shouted politely.

Zha Xiu's skill is really good, once again avoiding the powerful attack from Yilivin.However, after knowing that his magic had no effect, Zha Xiu lost the mind to continue fighting.No matter what Eleven said, he jumped off the wall and ran towards the city.

Seeing Zaxiu Eleven who flees decisively, he was a little dazed. He didn't expect that the man who was still praising himself as the strongest man just now ran away without hesitation.


Turning his head and glanced at the magical ray that once again overwhelmed the sky, and the hordes of soldiers that surrounded him, Eleven forcibly resisted the idea of ​​slipping back Zaxiu. After all, Zaxiu was the Minister of State of the Kingdom of Stella. It's actually a bit troublesome to catch him back.

Anyway, this product doesn't seem to be very strong. At this time, it is more important to take away the Dragon Weeping from your hand.

Turning around and accelerating, Eleven jumped over the city wall and disappeared into the dense forest outside the city.

The Long Cry Staff was actually snatched out by them in such a surprising way.


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