It was getting late, inside the dim palace of Stella Kingdom.


A tall figure was knocked out and fell to the ground severely.

"Trash! It's so easy to snatch Long Cry! Do you know who the intruder is?" The fierce curse echoed in the empty hall.

In the shadows, a figure was faintly visible sitting on the throne, condescendingly looking down at Zha Xiu who fell on the ground, even if he couldn't see his face, he could feel a sense of horrible oppression.

The immortal emperor of Stella Kingdom-Animus!

Even Zha Xiu, who has always been arrogant, had to hide his nature deeply when facing the emperor, and appeared extremely respectful.

"Your Majesty, Fiore's wizards did it. But please rest assured, as long as you use the power of Lord Sonia, the enemy's position will be immediately...

Zha Xiu, who was lowering his head to speak, suddenly felt an invisible force pinch his throat and lifted himself up. The pain of suffocation made him unable to utter a word.

"Tsk!" Above the throne, the emperor smacked his tongue impatiently, and a strong killing intent was released in his eyes.

"Sonia is my thing, don't put her in danger just because of the trouble you caused!"

The power that entangled Zhaxiu became more and more fierce, and the bones of Le Zhaxiu's whole body rattled, until Zhaxiu couldn't bear it and almost fell into a coma, then he released his strength and threw him. on the ground.

Looking at Zha Xiu, who was lying on the ground with eyes full of fear, the emperor still had no expression on the surface, but he was very satisfied in his heart, so it was really compelling to punish his subordinates.

Whoever used such unpredictable mysterious methods four hundred years ago, even the invincible dragon would have to surrender to his power and dare not make any mistakes.

Although who was once his enemy, it did not prevent the Animus from worshiping that kind of power.Although he could barely imitate a fur, it was enough to deter Zaxiu.

"Let the three star be dispatched! Get me Long Cry back before dawn!" The emperor stood up and watched aggressively at Zha Xiu.

Zha Xiu, who was finally relieved, got up and knelt on one knee: "Yes! Your Majesty!"

The emperor slightly bowed his head, and slowly walked off the throne.

Moonlight spilled into the hall through the windows, and the emperor's figure was gradually exposed to the moonlight. What was unexpected was that the emperor who made Zhaxiu awe-inspired turned out to be a very weak-looking girl.

The girl walked to Zha Xiu, who was kneeling on the ground and dared not look up, snorted coldly, and then closed her eyes.When he opened it again, the killing intent in his eyes no longer existed, and he even looked around blankly.

"Huh? Why did your majesty disappear suddenly?" The girl sighed melanly, then looked at Zhaxiu on the ground, and quickly reached out to convince him, "Master Zhaxiu, Your Majesty is gone, you get up quickly Right!"

"Yes, Lord Sonia!" Zhaxiu stood up obediently.

Sonia seemed to be born with a somewhat melancholic temperament, her eyebrows always looked very sad, she looked at Zha Xiu without saying anything, and left the hall silently.

After he and she had left, Zha Xiu let out a sigh of relief, feeling the pain that still existed on his body, and gnashing his teeth.

"Bah! Damn monster!"


"Damn! I'll kill him if I let me dress in the future!" Eleven tore off the silver wig from his head, revealing his original dark gray silky short hair.

From then on, Eleven had changed back to men's clothing, and was squatting on the edge of a small pool, washing his face and removing makeup with aggrieved expression.

I didn't feel anything when I was in women's clothing, and there was nothing uncomfortable except for the chill of my lower body.

But when he turned into a man, those embarrassing memories today washed his brain like a flood.Women's clothing, cute, even surrounded by a large group of people under the skirt, the ghost knows what he has experienced today!

This is properly black history!At the beginning, it was really confused by lard, so why did you agree to this sand sculpture plan?

Damn...this was all caused by that girl Elisa!Had it not been for that girl who always showed off the weird clothes she bought to me, I wouldn't be curious!


damn it!What am I curious about?

Forget it, go back and immediately beat Elsa!It was her fault anyway!


"Aqiu~Ah tweeted!"

"Huh? What's wrong with Elisa? Have you caught a cold?"

Elisa took the paper and blew her nose, and shook her head in confusion, "It shouldn't be there, but I just didn't know why I suddenly felt a chill..."

"Isn't that just a cold? It's better for you to take some medicine."

(????д????): "Um...Is my practice still not in place as expected? I will redouble my training next!"



Eleven, who had recovered to be a handsome guy again, rubbed his face vigorously, and sealed the light and fluttering touch of women's clothing in his mind.

When they walked out, they found Jura and the others were studying the Dragon Cry Staff, but they didn't see the reason after watching him for a long time, so they put him away as a normal staff.

Eleven took a deep look at Dragon Cry on the ground, and he still vaguely remembered how he felt when he first touched Dragon Cry.That feeling... terrible.If his spirit were not strong enough, Eleven suspected that he would be directly swallowed by darkness.

Although they didn't know why Jura and the others didn't feel anything when they held it, Eleven did not intend to touch Dragon Cry to death, so he gave it to Jura for safekeeping.

Seeing Eleven approaching, Uncle Jura behaved very kindly as usual, and Pakas also lifted the wine gourd to Eleven and said hello. Even Alia, who is usually the cheapest mouth, was quiet at this time. Down.

After all, Long Qi was taken out of the city by Eleven, and his abilities were recognized by everyone.Originally Aliya would not be so honest, but because of his mistakes, everyone almost fell into a crisis. Just now Pacas has been swearing at him for a long time, and he is shutting himself up at the moment. Naturally, there is nothing to provoke Eleven. .

"MAN~ ​​The one-night handsome guy mode born for you-Restart!"

Not long after Eleven came out, he made his debut again overnight, changing back to his little white suit, changing from a sparkling wretched ladyboy to a sparkling wretched uncle.

"Well, now that everyone is packed, let's go. I recommend that we rush back to Fiore overnight to avoid extra branches." Uncle Jura naturally ignored the strange appearance of the night and stood up and said.

Everyone naturally didn't have any opinions. They were all S-rank wizards, and it didn't matter whether they could sleep or not.Except for a few complaints that seemed to occur overnight, everyone else quickly got into a hurry, rushing towards the port.

But before he ran far away, Eleven was just moving, feeling that someone was approaching them quickly, and at a very fast speed.

"Be careful everyone! We have been found, and the enemy is chasing!"

call out!!

As soon as the voice fell, a black-skinned boy rushed out of the bushes riding a ball, and then slammed into Eleven's body, and then disappeared before everyone's eyes in an instant against Eleven.


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