The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 215: Drunken Fist VS Beautiful Legs

"Oh no! Mr. Eleven!"

"Damn it, what is that? It's so fast!"

One night and Jura both were very anxious to see that Eleven was taken away. Although they can't even find the enemy's butt, they still plan to catch up with them.

However, at this moment, several sickle-like wind blades fell from the sky, slashing to the ground in front of them, blocking their progress.

"Oh ha ha~ Enjoy my beauty!"

With a loud laugh, a wheat-skinned beauty with rabbit ears fell from the sky.The most eye-catching is the pair of long legs with exaggerated proportions, dancing while falling, kicking out sharp wind blades.

Jura and the others jumped back in succession, avoiding the wind blade, except that Pacas stood there and took a sip of wine, looking up at the long legs that fell with flushed face, and hit the wine bar.

"Hiccup~ Hey, there was a nice woman!" A drunken smile cracked at the corner of Pacas's mouth.

"Drunk, chopping and hanging out!"

Pacas didn't evade, holding a hip flask and slapped up with the other. The long leg that could kick the air was cleverly slapped, deviated from the direction, and fell directly into the empty space.

At the same time, just behind everyone, two large fire pillars sprayed out, and wherever the flame passed, the flowers and trees instantly turned into fly ash.

"It's work time, Frans, Catherine!"

In the middle of the two flames, a muscular man with lumps and flesh, holding two small and cute dolls in his arms, doing bodybuilding poses, the picture is very disgusting.


Aliya, who was standing at the back of the crowd, reacted very quickly this time. A transparent airspace barrier was instantly opened by him. The moment the two violently burning fire pillars hit the barrier, they were directly bounced away without causing any damage.

Jura and Yiye just wanted to turn around and help, but then they heard Pacas’s voice: "Hey, Jura, you just need to protect our quest items. If you two want to help, you can check the situation of that kid. Well, I don’t need you to worry about here."

Jura was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked towards Alia, and found that Alia didn't seem to want to ask him for help, so he made up his mind, turned his head and ran in the direction where Eleven had disappeared.

The top S-rank sorcerers in a guild are proud, and will not want to get help from others if they are not a last resort.Rather than run to thanklessly and cause chaos, Jura might as well take care of the comfort of young people like Eleven.

I stood there all night and looked around. In the end, I still followed Joula, feeling like it was safer and easier here!

"Masters, be more careful! MAN!" He said goodbye to Packas and Alia in a handsome manner.

"Oh, I'll be very careful!" Pacas's palm passed along a silky thigh, and he smiled evilly.

The long-legged beauty on the opposite side seemed not to care about Pacas eating her own tofu, but looked very proud, shaking her two long legs and showing off.

"Look at this beautiful kicking technique! Hey!"

Two plump and slender thighs flicked towards Pakas like a whip, and every blow seemed to have the power of opening mountains and cracking rocks, plus the hard'star aluminum' leggings tied to the calves, if a normal person was caught These two legs were touched, either dead or injured.

However, Pacas did not retreat at all, and he had never been afraid of anyone in close combat.

Although Pacas is an S-rank magician, in fact, he doesn't have any powerful magic at all. The only magic he can use is to inject magic power into his hands, which is a simple magic that strengthens his palm.

However, by virtue of such a seemingly useless magic, Pakas had reached the level of S grade abruptly.His real power is not magic, but a superb martial skill.

A set of drunken hand-playing horror and vigorous style, it seems to be swaying, but the moves are heavy and heavy. Together with the gorgeous kicking skills on the opposite side, no one is at a disadvantage.

The long-legged beauty on the opposite side became more and more frightened. As one of the three stars of the Kingdom of Stella, "Beautiful Legs Swann", she had never encountered a person who could simply take her so many kicks and blows with her body.


The long legs swept through the air like a whirlwind, kicking out an extra-long wind blade, but it was slapped off by Pacas, deceiving him, and then another palm hit Swann’s belly.

Swan lifted his thigh, kicked Pacas's palm, and moved a few backflips away. His pliable body was as agile as a rabbit.

"Hey~ he is a good man~"

Swan raised his long leg in a horse-like shape, licked his sexy lips, and stomped on the ground.

The ground was directly stepped on by Swan's leg, and it shook violently. Packas, who was standing not far away, also swayed, feeling as if he would lose his balance and fall down at any time.

Swann naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity, he bounced up with a sweet drink, and kicked Pacas in the air like a meteor.

The divine light in the swinging Pacas’s eyes flickered, and there was still time to get used to a sip of wine while he was swaying, and then he grabbed it with a probing hand, and his arm was as flexible as a viper, and even went around the big length of the rock. The leg climbed up, grabbing the root of the other's thigh directly.

Afterwards, his waist was forced, and Pacas just carried one of Swan's legs and turned, and that ruining kick was directly unloaded by him so lightly.

The power of martial arts, terrifying!

Taking a step forward, Pakas controlled one of Swann’s legs and carried it on his shoulders, and once again pushed her into a state of a horse, the two of them stuck to the extreme, face to face, eye to eye, this distance Swann’s long legs were completely useless.

Stroking the thigh in his arms, Pacas smiled drunkly and wryly: "Heh, you can't beat me, it's a pity to die, do you want to consider being my woman?"

Swann didn't struggle, but rather thighs.For her beautiful legs, she is extremely confident, even to the point of narcissism, Pacas is just another male who is charmed by her beautiful legs, there is nothing to be angry about.

But it is impossible to be a woman of Pacas. If Pacas wants to be her servant, she can think about it. After all, her legs are so beautiful.


The two long legs lifted up at the moment of Pacas's carelessness, and strangling directly toward Pacas's neck.Pacas's pupils shrank, he immediately let go of the thighs in his arms, and flew back, avoiding the consequences of his head being cut off on the spot.

"Hey! Since you have been fascinated by my beautiful legs, then I can't accept you as my servant!"

Swan leaned on the ground with both hands and kicked Pacas with his two long legs, but at the same time he did not forget to raise an eyebrow to seduce Pacas.

Pacas's arms almost danced out in front of him, and the magically strengthened palm collided with Swann's star aluminum leggings into sparks.

"Tsk tusk tusk, what fascinating is not fascinated, it's not a little virgin who has never seen the world, don't look down on people too much."

"Drunk, split and hang palm-seven combos!"

"Oh eh! Whirlwind whip!"

Both sides exploded with a violent blow and bombarded each other fiercely. At this moment, both of them saw sexual smiles on each other's faces.


In the explosion, two figures leapt out, one with his legs and the other holding the hands, scrambling toward the depths of the grove.


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