The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 219: The Power of Dragon Cry

"Hu~Hu~Wait, wait for me, I can't run anymore~MAN~~" He was holding on to the wall all night, panting with kidney deficiency.

I don't know how high the sacrificial tower is, but there are only stairs, so I must run up.For a night with poor physical strength, this is definitely deliberately making things difficult for him. It has only been less than half of the run, and he is already tired.

Eleven and Jura are in good condition. Although they are also panting, they feel that it is not a problem to get to the top of the tower.

After regaining consciousness the night before, the three of them also delayed some time and started chasing Zaxiu down the stairs.Eleven and Jura didn't complain about anything overnight, they knew he was under control, which was understandable.

On the contrary, I felt very self-blame all night, and clamored for Zha Xiu to realize the fragrance of revenge along the way. As a result, his road of revenge wilted just halfway through.

"Well, should we take a break and go down? To save the world, we also need to recharge... MAN~~"

"No! We must count on every second, even if one step is too late, it may cause irreversible consequences! Come on, we will soon reach the top." Jura frowned, and solemnly refused the overnight request.

With a desperate look overnight, he turned to look at Eleven, hoping that Eleven could support him a little bit, but what he got was a back of Eleven's head.

Eleven feels stinky in his nose until now, so he won't be kind enough to help him talk all night!Humph!

At this moment, a tyrannical wave of magical power was suddenly released from the top of the tower, and the magical pressure at that moment almost crushed the three of Eleven on the ground.

"What kind of magic is this? It's terrible! Could it be that Dragon Weeping was activated?" Jura felt the terrifying pressure that he had never experienced before, with a look of horror.

"I don't know, I'll go and see!"

Eleven reacted quickly. After answering, under the surprised gaze of Jura and Yiye, he directly broke the wall of the tower and looked out.

I saw that the sky was covered with golden magic circles, extending in the direction of Fiore.Every golden magic circle exudes the power of destroying the world. If this kind of attack falls, God knows what the Kingdom of Fiore will become.

"It's a big trouble now!" Eleven looked at the magic circles in the sky, anxious, wishing to grow two wings and fly directly up to stop Zhaxiu's atrocities...



by!I don’t know how to fly!!

At this moment, Eleven felt that his IQ was a bit anxious for the first time, and he simply insulted the reputation of "the wisest man in the guild"!

This must have been stinking overnight!I'm so stupid all night!When the mission is over, you must lose money overnight!

The chaotic thoughts in his mind flashed away, and then Eleven jumped out of the big hole he had opened under the gaze of Jura and Yiye in shock, and flew upward with a whistle.

But in the next second, Eleven flew back again, released his mind, caught the bewildered Jura and Yiye, and soared again.

Oh shit!Not only can we fly, but we can also take people to fly!

So why did you bother to climb the tower just now?

If you can't go back, you definitely have to pay double the compensation overnight!

The sacrificial tower is very high, but Eleven's flying speed is also extremely fast, and the three of them withstood the horrible magical fluctuations, and they passed the top of the tower in an instant.

But at the moment when Eleven and the others reached the top, a huge dragon head also stretched out from the opposite side of the tower.

Eleven and the others turned over and fell on the opposite side of the dragon's head. Looking at the dragon's head, they looked confused.

Huh?Is there any decoration on this tower?It's so realistic!


Just when Eleven and the others were about to take a closer look at the dragon head, the dragon head suddenly opened its mouth in the blood basin and let out a terrifying roar again, almost to blow Eleven and the others. Fly out.

The huge wings behind him stirred, and the dragon's body was raised again.This completely exposed his body in front of Eleven and the others, and the three of them had their eyes widened and their mouths couldn't close.

Damn it!There really is a dragon!!


Eleven's first reaction was to think of the man-made dragon that he had killed before, thinking that it was the lunatic woman who escaped from prison and came out to make dragons again.However, when he carefully looked at the giant dragon in front of him, he immediately denied this idea.

The oppressive feeling the dragon brings to people is completely different!This kind of pressure from biological instinct and inheritance from the food chain can never be simulated by machines alone.


Eleven swallowed subconsciously.

This is a real dragon in front of you!A man-eating dragon that should have long been extinct and once ruled the world in ancient times.

"Roar!! Zaxiu! Give me back my dragon cry!"

Eleven and the others were nervous and jealous, but the dragon didn't pay attention to the three humans at all. They didn't even look at it. They looked directly at the altar of the tower, Zaxiu who held the Dragon Weeping Staff in his hand. .

Zha Xiu was a little surprised when he saw the dragon appear, but soon he grinned. He now has the blessing of Dragon Cry, so even if the dragon comes, he is fearless.

"Hey, Your Majesty Animus, haven't you been restored to what you expected?"

"Shut up! This is not real freedom! I need the power of Dragon Cry, give it back to me!" Animus roared, and patted Zhaxiu with a paw.

The terrifying force caused the entire tower to tremble. However, Zha Xiu, who was in the center of the attack, was not harmed because he held the Dragon Cry in his hand.

In fact, Zha Xiu was a little confused by this paw of Animus, but soon, when he realized that he was unscathed, he instantly became mad and laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha! Your Majesty, the power of the dragon is nothing more than that! Hahahaha! Now I will let you see the true power of Dragon Cry!"

"The hour has come, dying dragons, turn your anger into a hammer and descend on the world!"

As Zha Xiu finished reciting the last character of the spell, a terrible magical power burst from him and went straight into the sky.For a while, the magic power in the entire Stella Island began to gather towards Za Xiu, and the pressure became more and more terrifying.

"No, stop him quickly!"

Eleven and Jura ripped off their magic power and rushed towards Za Xiu, trying to stop him before the magic was fully activated, but the terrifying magic pressure made them difficult to move, and they were blown away before they could even get close to Za Xiu. Get out.

The Animus was also extremely angry, and Zaxiu was squandering the energy of the dragon's sobbing in front of him, it was a crime!Opening his mouth was a roar of crystal energy, but after the roar, Zha Xiu, who held the staff in his hand, remained unharmed.

Zha Xiu looked at these enemies who were unable to do anything to him, becoming more and more mad, injecting more magic power into the dragon cry, smiling unscrupulously.

However, the next second anomalous rise.

Long Qi, who had been releasing the golden magic power, trembled suddenly as if waking up, and then a purple-black terrifying magic power spread out on Zha Xiu's arm.

When Zha Xiu felt the existence of this magical power, his body was covered in purple and black.

This magical power madly tore Zha Xiu's body, almost instantly, Zha Xiu's body was swallowed up, turned into more pure magic power and filled into Long Cry.

Long Qi exploded even more brilliant golden magic power, lost the big hand holding it, fell down, and stuck it straight on the ground.

At this moment, there was no sound everywhere, and the world fell into silence.


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