On the high tower, the Lordless Dragon Weeping Staff continued to release its magic power, and the golden circle in the sky continued to increase, but none of the three people around and a dragon rushed to grab it at this moment.

The scene where Dragon Weeping swallowed Zaxiu in an instant was too shocking. No one could overcome the shadow in his heart at this moment and touch the scepter.

Even a dragon is not afraid of being swallowed by Dragon Weeping.He wanted the power of Dragon Cry, but it didn't seem to be a part of Dragon Cry.

Everyone is working hard to overcome the psychological shadow. At this time, it is who has stronger psychological quality, or... it is to see who has a plug-in~


While everyone was still in a daze, one person had already moved.To be precise, the person did not move, but a thought force moved first, picked up the dragon cry in the center of the magic power, turned his head and ran!

For Eleven, who does not need physical contact and can control objects remotely, there is no shadow at all in his heart, and it will consume a lot of thought power, and Eleven is not afraid.

The reason why he was in a daze with everyone before was just thinking about why other people were in a daze.


Eleven ran away with the dragon sobbing, and the dragon Animus reacted and let out a roar.

I didn't expect that I would be compared by the damn human again!He is even more afraid of the power of Dragon Cry than a human being!

hateful!Too damn!


The Animus roared incompetently, and Jura and Yili didn't stay idle for a while, and instantly stood behind Eleven, intending to give Eleven a chance to escape.

"Rock Iron Wall·Chain!"

"The aroma is enhanced, painful and fragrant!"

Jura directly decomposed the rock on the upper layer of the tower, creating layer after layer of rock barriers to block the Animus.I also tried my best to input magic power overnight, trying to increase the concentration of my fragrance.

However, it is not that simple to use human abilities to contend with the dragon, at least it is not something that a normal wizard can do simply.


The rock and iron wall that Jura has always been proud of was not even qualified to stop the Animus, so he was smashed by the roar of a crystal dragon, and the fragrance of the night was blown by the strong wind before it spread. Blow away.

Facing the huge horror figure, Jura and Yi Ye felt a while, and they could only pray in their hearts that Eleven could flee here with Dragon Weeping before they fell.

"Roar! Humans, let go of the dragon cry and spare you not to die!"

Animus smashed the rock pillars released by Jura with a paw, and stared at Eleven, although he said to spare him, but the roar in his mouth did not hesitate, and rushed towards Eli. Wen spits away.

At this moment, Eleven hadn't left the top of the tower. He also knew that Jura and Yiye were desperately trying to get him to escape, but he had really tried his best. The magical Dragon Cry was not so easy to take.Even if it was lifted with the power of thought, it felt extremely heavy, and the huge magic power made Eleven almost unable to move.

A swoop dodges the roaring attack behind him, and Eleven slapped a few times, and then grabbed the dragon sob in his palm.

He understands that if this is to escape, he cannot escape.Even if Long Cry didn't slow down his speed, he couldn't escape, because dragons could also fly, and Eleven didn't think he could compete with the sky overlord.

Only by repelling the Animus head-on here, the three of them can get a glimmer of life, and the only way to do this is to use the Dragon Cry Staff!

Just now, Zha Xiu resisted all the attacks of the Animus with the help of Dragon Cry. That huge and terrifying magic power is not a display. Dragon Cry can definitely threaten the dragon.

As for the danger of being swallowed by Dragon Cry... this is the time, who cares about this shit!

Starting with the staff, Eleven did not feel the erosion of magic power, but at the first time, once again ushered in endless negative emotions.

Sadness, anger, unwillingness, pain...Even though these dark emotions are disgusting, Eleven feels an unusual yearning, eager to take the dragon's cry as his own, like a dragon Dragon Weeping swallowed.

But this time, Eleven was prepared for a while, and did not sink into these feelings and lose consciousness.But it is precisely because of clear consciousness that I feel more intense.

He could clearly feel the souls of countless dragons crying and roaring in Dragon Cry, not only dragons, but also powerful human souls.They hate it!Hate my own death, hate my powerlessness, hate the human who killed them, the dragon.

The golden magic circle in the sky is these monstrous and malicious concrete objects, the revenge of the dragon souls against this world.

This staff is evil!

A strong sense of disgust arises spontaneously!

The more you hold Dragon Cry, the stronger the desire in your soul, and the stronger the disgust in your heart.

It is ridiculous that a group of undead who have been dead for years still want to avenge the living people!

"This kind of evil power shouldn't exist in the world, and I don't need this kind of power at all!"

The struggle of thought made Eleven look hideous, but he still raised the Dragon Weeping in his hand high, and then slammed it down to the ground.


The magically terrifying Dragon Weeping Staff, but its body is more fragile than imagined. After being smashed so fiercely by Eleven, it really broke and fell into two knots.


The golden magic circles in the sky disappeared directly, and the terrifying magic that was originally poured into the staff was poured onto the sacrificial tower at this moment, and the strong tower collapsed at this moment.

The dragon cried and shattered, and Eleven was also relieved from the complicated emotions just now, showing a look of relief, feeling very refreshing.

As for how to deal with the dragon without Dragon Cry...It's all this time, who cares about that!

However, at this time the other two people and a dragon on the tower did not feel so comfortable.

Let alone the dragon Animus, who was already on the verge of collapse, even Jura and Yiye were shocked by Eleven's behavior, and even forgot that they were falling from a height of 100 meters.

Are you messing up?


We worked hard to let you take Long Qi away, why did you suddenly smash him?

That's our task item!

I rely on!

Don't you guys don't have that kind of soothing expression, okay?We really want to beat you up like this!


However, compared to Jura and Yiye's depression, the dragon Animus was even more so angry that he vomited blood.The original blue crystal on his body also turned blood red because of anger.

"Asshole!! I'm definitely going to kill you!! Ah ah ah ah!"

At this moment, the crystal dragon Animus really started to run away!


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